A pro-Trump gubernatorial candidate in my State just called a rival candidate a "cuck" during an AMA on /r/The_Donald.

243  2017-03-25 by TheButtholeOfBravery


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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A link to the AMA where Corey Stewart LITERALLY CALLS A RIVAL A CUCK


Hey Reddit, I'm Corey Stewart. Republican Candidate for Governor of Virginia and former State Chair for Donald Trump for President. The primary election is June 13th. I am opposing the establishment's handpicked candidate, former Bush guy, RNC chairman, and cuckservative, Ed Gillespie. I led the nation's toughest crackdown on illegal immigration in the nation and have been attacked by the left and establishment Republicans. I need your help.

If this is how you run for office then sign me up I'll even be satisfied being part of the city council tbh šŸ˜‚

Ed Gillespie should do an AMA and call Stewart a newfag

Then what does Stewart say?


"Corey Stewart is just jealous because he's an autist manlet." - Ed Gillespie

The day a candidate gets called a manlet on tv would be the happiest of my life.

You'd be invalidated

Ed Gillespie can probably triforce, unlike some people


I'm just waiting for someone to go with the full explanation.

Ed Gillespie rubs one out to his wife getting railed by illegal immigrants, vote for me, I'll kick 'em out!

I led the nation's toughest crackdown on illegal immigration in the nation

This bothers me more than the cuccservative bit. I thought they had interns to proofread this stuff?

Proofreading is for cucks

I am from VA. I saw the post title and suspected it was this idiot.

the nation's toughest crackdown on illegal immigration in the nation

Sounds smaht.

They need to bring back the part where cuckolds wear horns.


If it walks like a cuck and talks like a cuck it's probably a cuck.

hey what does this mean?

All this anti-Nazism stuff is getting ridiculous.

Are there bad apples in the world of white supremacy that kill others for not believing what they believe? Sure. Do they hold the monopoly on such nonsense? Hardly. Nazism is just an ism, and like any ism, there are moderates, and there are extremists. But we don't keep calling for a ban on every single belief just because of that belief's extremist elements. In fact, we don't call for a ban on a lot of things that can be used for evil.

Moderate. Naziism.

Moderately committing genocide

Moderately fucking their cousins and siblings to maintain the bloodline

Via connect four.

Hey, it's not that crazy. All of /r/drama has moderate autism!

(((Moderate Nazis))) are being persecuted everywhere!

/u/LemonScore explain this shit.

As you already know, it's part of our government's (by which I mean the Russian government, which I and all other Trump supporters are secret agents of) method of pushing Nazi ideology and normalizing fascism in the United States with the end goal of creating the Fourth Reich (but this time run by GamerGaters and alt-right Youtube personalities).

Goddamnit, I knew Jontron looked like Heinrich Himmler. Its all coming together now

Jontron looks like Glenn Beck and Emo (the late 90s musical genre) had a kid, but before that kid was born Glenn Beck drank and huffed paint for 9 months.

ideological apathy

As you already know, it was a sarcastic response to another person's post defending Islam. I responded by taking his post and replacing "Islam" with "Nazism" and "white supremacy."

As you're well-aware.


Very clever

You forgot these (((())))

Kys leftist scum, this was ironic to make fun of Muslims,

Wow, it's like righties are comically neutered, lmao

Wow, I've never thought about it like that before.

Maybe it's the anti-Nazis who are the real Nazis.

Not that there's anything wrong with being a real Nazi, they're actually pretty chill and get an undeserved bad rep. Personally, I blame the ethnoreligious media.


Just shoot me please.

To think the future politicians are browsing TD and pol right now

The future prefect if Crimea, the future Minister of Information, the future representative to Sukhoi...

Fuck, i'm busted

I think it's about time we detonate all those nukes right where they sit.



#CURRENT SPEED: 82,919,385,117,000 MPH!

At that rate, it would take approximately 20.221 years to travel to the Andromeda Galaxy (2.5 million light-years)!

In which frame of reference?

i think you're overestimating the fella building these bots

Lol you've already stopped winning. AHCA was big failure!

Dude Trump wanted it to fail it's all part of 12d chess. The best deal is the deal you walk away from and then make on worse terms or never make at all or something

lol you aren't even exaggerating

Travel ban got crushed in... what, less than 24 hours? Same with the second one?

something something 19d backgammon

I think we found them, actually

>not wanting to see what happens next

Getting to watch memes tear apart the fabric of reality is the reason I get up in the morning

I vote for candidates who know their memes and banter.

Just like the founding fathers (peace be upon them) intended.

Somehow I still have this mental image in which Republicans are respectable suit-wearing guys and the Democrats are uncultured hippie-dippies. Clearly, though, the GOP has been taken over by trailer trash.

What is he, the word pope?ā€ Stewart said.

We're like two steps from "Thirst mutilator" being a proper way to describe something.

If you don't smoke Tarryltons, fuck you!

I mean the head of the intelligence committee is some dumb as fuck dairy farmer with an agriculture degree. Meanwhile his democrat rival in the committee got a harvard law degree. The GOP has become the party of obscenely stupid redneck trash, mixed with the uber rich who only care about lowering their taxes by any means possible. There is zero intellectual integrity in that party anymore

So some jew who spent a few years learning to speak in legalese is somehow more intelligent than someone who creates sustenance?

Chill out Schlomo Goldstein.

i'ma go out on a limb and say he has not personally created sustenance for an entire population

Maybe he's really like that Queen Slug from Wormulon. The one that squirts Slurm out of her ass.

Kek, there is a vast difference between Harvard law and ag science.

Yea, one is productive and beneficial to society (agriculture) one is tricks on how to get nigger criminals out of legal situations (law)

Wew lad, one went through one of the most rigorous programs of study in the world. The other majored in growing corn and using a tractor.

Harvard? You mean affirmative action central?

awww. you're just retarded

Okay, settle down there champ and I'll explain to you how different skills are relevant in different situations.

If I'm going to have a job where I'll be forced to make decisions that will be subject to a multiplicity of laws, it's good to know those laws ahead of time so I don't look like a stupid asshole when a judge stops everything I'm trying to do.

If I'm going to raise cattle for sale, it's far more important for me to know about bovine nutrition and health than to know about physics, law, or even something like welding.

A lawyer won't make a good rancher, and a rancher won't make a good department head because neither has the proper skill set for those situations. Do you get it now, or do you need a puppet show to help you understand?

Division of labor makes me so efficiently hot.

Yes, while president cheeto never got into Harvard.

Daddy could buy him a lot, but not Harvard

Truly tragic.

Meaning the school that has produced 8 of our presidents including both Adams and both Roosevelts.

Agricultural Science is a bit more complicated than that. There's a reason why we have only two percent of the population working farms yet can feed everyone in America, export over 100 billion dollars of food, and still throw out like a third of it. That said its no Harvard Law.

True, though Harvard Law School is apparently brutal.

There's a reason why we have only two percent of the population working farms yet can feed everyone in America, export over 100 billion dollars of food, and still throw out like a third of it.

Because Norman Borlaug and other scientists with PhD's in genetics and plant pathology that work in laboratories figured out how to genetically engineer crops to yield more and be more resistant to pests and the environment

Not because of yokel chuckle fucks with undergrad degrees in farming


Gee, I'm sure you are someone with a nuanced and informed view of rural America.

Also, having an undergrad degree means being more educated than 2/3 of Americans.

EDIT: Sorry, I mistook Triple H for 4-H.

What the fuck is 4-H

It's like a young farmers of America group. Where a 12 year old shows off his hog.

Basically like a rural Boy Scouts. Anyone who's ever spent significant time in rural America would know about it.

Isn't boy scouts already the rural boy scouts?

You just don't understand bro.

Lmao you cannot be real

Pretty sure he is. Some people are just that dumb.

You apparently went with option C, "don't learn shit about anything."

lmao imagine being this sexually attracted to tractors

Settle down Jontron

Let's go ahead and count how many of the founders were lawyers or otherwise university educated vs how many were farmers.

(It's not going to come out favorably for you)

im sorry your white trash mother drank so much during pregnancy. You never stood a chance at life

Can you imagine being that much of a fucking loser but think it's not your fault but rather the fault of a bunch of Jews?

/u/skcalbllaredrum can you explain to me how Jews personally made you illiterate and stupid?

Once Trump reports all the Mexicans he will be able to get that job that pays millions too!

True. And the democrats have become a bunch of self-loathing virtue signalers and their parasitic minority pets.

Rather vote for a self-loathing virtue signaller than someone who quite probably fucks animals.

That is no way to talk about Jezebel readers.

yeah, not all of them are self-loathing.

and some of them, I assume, are not zoophiles.

Ask your friends with an unhealthy obsession with frogs.


Muslims are humans, try again.

he had been rejected by women at a funeral earlier that night.

I meant the animals.

Humans are animals.

That is true.

That is no way to talk about Jezebel Readers.

The difference is the rest of the country has enough dignity to not vote for people that have vocally spoken against their values.

Right, the "values party" elected the "Grab them by the pussy" dude on his third wife, who was an undocumented worker.

I'm not even sure what values you're talking about at this point. It's not like the Democrats are all that far to the left.

To be fair Democrats think Guam is going to tip over and sink......

And do you really want to get going with my For uh dah Gata's in da Nc double A champpeeeeion chip winners.

What exactly are you on about?

And do you really want to get going with my For uh dah Gata's in da Nc double A champpeeeeion chip winners.

Taking the mental retardation into new territory, I see.

False equivalence

You're too polite. :)

Well you sound like a piece of white trash.

Too many long wurds. Executive racist.

Yet they're still better than these fucking idiots

True blue hard working American or disconnected liberal elite? I know who'd I'd vote for.

True blue hard working American



here comes t_d folks hold onto your hats

You call the one got bought and paid for by our big corporations "True blue hard working American"?

That's a good joke when talking about GOP.

lol look at you pretending the democrats aren't just as sold out to corporations if not more so then the republicans.

He never said that, dumbfuck.

And since the dems don't want to get rid of the EP, it's clearly not true

So is that your way of admitting that you and others like you are just as bad as the Dems?

Well yes stupid people identify closely with each other and are very insecure about the fact they are so stupid

if I have to choose between a man who wakes at 5 and works till sundown and provides the food that I eat, and a man who spent eight years studying useless information at a college that cost his parents $100k a year, then yea - I may be more inclined to choose the one that actually knows how real humans live. but if you want to keep crawling at the feet at the elite then that's your prerogative, bro.

Well you're a prime example of why humanity is fucked. I would choose the man who grows food to continue to grow food since that's the area he knows about. The man trained in administrative protocols and how to run shit is much better suited to you know run things since that is what he studied. But simpletons like yourself don't understand that as you're not too bright and everything is a simple black or white to you. Nuance is something that is out of your mental grasp which is why you morons are so god awful at doing anything that takes a measure of patience or critical thinking

These idiots seem to have no idea that things are more complex then they might seem.

What about self-made elite vs silver spoon?

Then why aren't you voting Clinton? Trailer trash upbringing vs. Drumpf empire

Donald Trump was born to more money than you will ever make. There is nothing he understands about you or people like you.

Hyuck hyuck I dun need yer fancy JEW YORK CITY book learnin'! I learned errything I need to know from workin on daddy's farm and drinkin a beer!

You fucking idiot, elite isn't a bad thing.

It's a bad thing if you're functionally illiterate and need minorities to have less rights so you can feel like a big man like /u/flooptrooper

ok eliter


Am I

1) Functionally literate.

2) Feel like a big man without needing minority groups to be subordinate.

Yes and yes.

....... my god

I mean the head of the intelligence committee is some dumb as fuck dairy farmer with an agriculture degree.

He was smart enough to rustle some spook jimmies with his press conference. Pissed off the New York Times and the Bezos Post too by rejecting the traditional method of calling them up to be an Anonymous US Official. I mean it sucks its all in service to Trump but had to admire that move, plus I like seeing the spooks get fucked with.

The guy is trailing by a lot thankfully, but he isn't helping the party.

Sarah Palin successfully cleared me of any illusions. Mitt tried to bring some class back to them but that didn't go well.

That seems to say a lot more about your perception of reality than of reality

It's crazy how over time a bunch of joke /pol/ memes turned into serious business.

Until someone else seizes control of meme magic /pol/ will literally guide the future of the world

No one can weaponize autism like a group of angry autists : )

By that line of logic that would make T_D and it's brood of angry autists a nuclear superpower


There should be a special into the history of meme magic , complete with dignified researchers and social scientists, all contributing their research and thoughts on it. How it has spread over the years from the dregs of 4chan to the highest office in the land.

Nah, he'll get blown out in the actual primary. He's a guy that's fun to have around for a bit, but his schtick wears thin quickly.

Yeah, Virginia isn't as retarded as the country as a whole and we don't have an electoral college

What do mean by no EC?

More people voted for Clinton. But because of the electoral college trump won

All you have to do is take away the illegal immigrant voters in California and Trump won both.

Trumpers have such a rich and fascinating mythology.

Like a fish taking the bait.

I haven't heard this one

You'll have to forgive him, in this day and age it's hard to tell the difference between bait and legitimate political rhetoric

Turns out Virginia doesn't have its own special Electoral College.

Did we not just watch the same us election?

Nah, he'll get blown out in the actual primary. He's a guy that's fun to have around for a bit, but his schtick wears thin quickly.

This would've soothed me before november 8 2016, but not anymore.

Embrace the suck!

> 2017

> unironic use of cuck

Pick one and only one

kys cuck lul

Why are you still here?


First true thing you've ever said.

Well I'll be gosh darned, you're right

Does your wife's boyfriend know you escaped your cuck cage?

Hey look. Our resident mental patient has checked in.

I'm still not convinced that he not a super low quality bait troll that just wont give up.

I thought he was just pol_invictus's new account.

No one uses cuck cages anymore, they're inhumane. You either have cuck sheds or a chair in the corner of the bedroom.

Don't forget the free range cucks.

leftie cunt get out

> 2017

> doing anything unironically

he gets my vote. i'll always vote for my fellow autistic kin

that goes for all of /r/drama, if you ever run for something hit me up.

If I run for office I'll make sure to call at least one opponent a manlet for you.

A day!

lol that fucking picture. Dude definitely wears bowties picked out by his mom. What a dildo

Nazism is just an doctrine, and cuckservative, Erectile Dysfunction Gillespie.

Dunno who you are, but I like you already.

this is what old money gets you. at least the old rich guys worked for their money. these new ones just inherited it.

I wonder how moot feels about a picture of his ex girlfriends and a guy shaping the language of modern politics.


Anyone else really like the direction that the world is going?

I have had a non-stop boner since somewhere around September, and I don't see that changing soon.

You're supposed to see a doctor if it lasts longer than 4 hours

This, but unironically.

Watching the chaos is keeping me from killing myself tbh

Is what helps me get up in the morning!

People who do not know how to embrace the chaos are probably crying though

/u/kaliyugaz any comment on this current social climate on the US?

At this rate, an r/drama regular could run for any political office and pass muster

Whitbeck noted that the term is ā€œused by white nationalists.ā€

Hey look, he was actually correct.

Nazism is just an doctrine, and like any doctrine, and there are centrists, and cuckservative, Erectile Dysfunction Gillespie.

I'm kind of glad Trump got in cause it's fucking hilarious to watch shit related to him unfold.

Nazism is just an doctrine, and cuckservative, Erectile Dysfunction Gillespie.

TRUMP motherfucker TRUMP motherfucker TRUMP

Gubernatorial is a ridiculous word

Nazism is just an doctrine, and cuckservative, Erectile Dysfunction Gillespie.

Nazism is just an doctrine, and there are centrists, and cuckservative, Erectile Dysfunction Gillespie.

Washington Post cucks hate being reminded that them prepping the bull isn't a good thing.

Cuck is now a white nationalist word only? Ugh

God I hope Nortram wins, we don't need this retard buttfucking Virginia

mayocide when

The worst part is he is too much of a pussy to call the guy an actual cuck but rather has to make it a cringy play on words.

This is the best timeline

i just came here to say gubernatorial sounds absolutely made up and or stupid pick one it sounds like an insult

Best timeline.