Based Canadian 8th grader red pilling liberal cucks in middle school.

54  2017-03-25 by IAmAN00bie




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this is a terrible post

And r/drama is a terrible sub

¿por qué no ambos?

Just wait until I come through on my promise to mayocide myself, we'll be having ourselves a great time.

"Ban noobie" comment

Not drama, just another idiot Trumpette. Go back to whining about your normal whiny stuff.

/u/SamInTheLoop confirmed cuck.

FEMA please add him to the secret detention camp list.

I'm the head of FEMA, idiot

That won't save you from mayocide

Bang up job, Brownie

Did you just mislabel me? I'll have you know that we salsas are a proud people with a zesty and spicey history! We have not suffered at the hands of cumskins and their fat oily chips for all of these years just to be lumped in with all of the other junk foods! One day the salsas will rise like the south and when we do there will not be a single soft drink capable of putting out the fire! Viva la salsa revolucion!


One day the salsas will rise like the south and when we do there will not be a single soft drink capable of putting out the fire! Viva la salsa revolucion!

Isn't the problem with that analogy that the south did rise up and then it went a bit pear-shaped and then they stopped rising up? Are you sure you want to be associated with failure?

I was using the southern uprising as analogy for an uprising in itself, not the results. Though that is a fair point regardless of which we proud salsas shall continue on. We shall be mild no longer, we will unleash our fiery capsaicin upon the ranks of your feeble mayo hides! Your anuses shall burn for days and you'll be like "Oh man that hurts so good it was totally worth it but now I'm bleeding out my ass" and we shall laugh as we continue our crusade against the mayos!

but now I'm bleeding out my ass

But that's the bit I like.

It will be the last thing you enjoy as you are lined up against the wall, dieing slowly of dysentery, before you're executed in the great name of salsa!

tacocide now

Untrue, we're having whiskey and cigars right now.

We're all here lol. You're at the fake FEMA we set up for guys we don't like.

nah tbh I run shit

You got cucked, we all just laughed, FEMA style

nay tbh

We just shipped the first hundred hillbillies to a camp in guatamela and then had a foreign beer.

neigh tbh we dont have Guatemalan visas

He means the other FEMA, not the Feces Evaluation and Mastication Association.

I'm dual hat

Back in the oven you go Schlomo!

Here I go!

Why is he an idiot?

Please, only whiny reddit NEETs voted against Trump.

user reports:
1: being reddit

Does talking about foreign politics still get 8th graders bullied? It really should.

I didn't realize there was ever a time that discussing foreign politics got 8th graders bullied.

lmao smoke some weed lame-o

Someone protect this kid from Milo.

Hey /u/MLGCanadian how far do you think your bussy can stretch?

Are you already over /u/gingerbiscuitz that quickly? Who knew an underage boy's anus could do the trick?

Someone should probably let Taylor Swift know.

Of course I'm not over /u/gingerbizcuit and I will kindly ask you to spell m'lady's name correctly.

K so now you're just trying to give her AIDS


You know, the Penn State I knew as a small boy just doesn't exist anymore.

/u/mlgcanadian in history back in the 6th grade I learnt about Chinese dynasties but we never once were taught about the favious kangs of Africa and Egypt, surely Trump will make this mandatory curriculum too 😂

/u/mlgcanadian, do your parents know that you're running around regurgitating autism and forcing it down your klanmates'-I mean classmates' throats? You really shouldn't be doing so when you're just a typical indoctrinated kid that needs guidance from someone isn't a moronic cuck. When you act like this it makes people want to remind you that you're the result of a broken condom and a failed back alley abortion. Please, delete your account on this site and use that stuffing between your ears for more than just storing sordid ass backwards beliefs spoon fed to you by shit smeared mongoloids who's best attributes ran down their mothers' legs.

This is why i distrust the " tolerant" left. The more your arguments are filled with normie pc insults, the more people gradually lean to the right.

I just want to know why you hate all black people.

Simple, his dad was checked by a black guy.

That girl he likes is into that boom-boom music and shakes her booty at people who aren't him. Thus, he gotta kill the negroes now.

Oh look, more regurgitated garbage! I'm a moderate, kiddo, and as a moderate I must tell you that you're only proving my point. Nothing that I said was politically correct for one thing and to add onto that I'd like to point out to you that insulting people is never politically correct to begin with. You know why you really distrust lefists? Because you're an young kid who doesn't know what he's talking about and whenever anybody gives you grief for spewing out bullshit it makes you angry. You rely on the right wing bullshit as a way to argue your non existent points and support you saying stupid shit. I'm guessing your parents must be conservatives judging by the way you're blatantly spitting out vapid and generic replies that are very much the same sort of nonsensical ilk I've seen kids your age that are drowning in the right wing Kool-Aid say when asked to support their opinions. You're just as much of a lemming as the very people you blindly despise. Delete your account, stop sucking conservative dick, and go do some actual research on the topics you wish to speak about using reputable sources instead of researching your opinion using whatever source the retarded red pillers tell you to use. Part of growing older is learning how to not be a sheep.

Attacking a 13 year old. Wow nice :/

Hiding behind your age after your attempt to hike up your big boy pants failed, nice. (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)

Seriously kid, this is no place for a child. That goes double for an over opinionated shmuck such as yourself. Stop drinking the haterade and start bothering to actually look shit up. Don't trust your mind into what one side of the political spectrum says you should be just because they know how to get into your developing mind and pick at it while demonizing others to cover up their own shortcomings. Start giving a shit about thinking freely and question everything you're told not because you're told to do so by your moron of choice. All politicians are lying assholes, instead if following a group of them blindly you should be following your own beliefs created by actually thinking shit over after thoroughly researching said shit. Now gtfo this cesspool and go do something other than be a muppet.

Welcome to the real world champ! Don't stand in the kitchen if you cannot handle the heat.

I generally try to be nicer with kids but this is r/drama, the free fire zone of Reddit, so I had to give him a little bit of some grief for acting like an ass.

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Finally, I've ascended (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)

You were replying to my comment, I think I get credit on this one, damnit. /#s

Nonsense! Op just fucked up where to link it from

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

I would somewhat agree with your statement. First and foremost i would like to thank you for civilized argument, other than just calling me a dumb middle schooler who doesn't know what he/she/it/zie/xi is doing, like what other comments have previously done.i agree that there aren't the most tolerant people lurking on t_d, but that doesn't mean all people on that subreddit are intolerant.i don't appreciate the anti Muslim rhetoric that some people preach there

I would normally laugh at a kid taking a copypasta seriously, but I realize that you're 13 and I'm 30, so I won't.

people can lie on the internet

Canadians don't lie, right?

I'm the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and I approve this message.

Tell your brother Brian I said Hi and I love his work

Wew dat victim complex. Very nu-left of you tbh.

Attacking a 13 year old. Wow nice :/

If I saw you in person I would bully you in front of your friends and then peer pressure you into smoking

I'm 13 years old, you wanna go?

Fire me irl m8

Like, sexually?

You're such a victim 😢😭😭

cries like little bitch


For fuck's sake kid, you have years before any of this shit is even remotely relevant to your life. Go run through the forest and touch some tits. Life is short.

Go run through the forest and touch some tits.

Best advice I've seen given on this sub

Other than kys

The more your arguments are filled with normie pc insults, the more people gradually lean to the right.

And that matters why?

Nigga do you even know the meaning of the political words you spout?

autism is incurable, kill yourself

I'm sorry for your incurable disease :(.

literally you put a period after the meme face

Darn autocorrect. Thanks Obama

Your Canadian you retard.

That was on purpose, he has the herp (from his parents ofc)

What exactly is "normie pc" about the language they used?

  • regurgitating autism
  • moronic cuck
  • shit smeared mongoloids

That's not normie speak at all, and the "pc" crowd would likely take issue with it for endorsing racialism and ableism. If they called you a misogynist white male virgin or something, your response would make sense. But when someone uses that sort of chanspeak, it really doesn't make sense to call them normies, unless you're going to say they're trying too hard to fit in.

I'm a conservative (so our actual political views aren't so different), and after seeing the types of people who refer to others as "normies," I'm more than satisfied to be a normie, it's much better than the alternative.


Says the kid who hasn't been hit enough yet

Good. With " the "tolerant" left" and "this is why liberals lose, I have already two boxes of my alt-right bingo down.

Now, can we get a little "snowflake", "cuck", "triggered???" action or some rare pepes or "NOT AN ARGUMENT" going?

is this what liberals do for fun :P

I'm not the liberal you're looking for, but yes, that is quite fun. Certainly better than being hated on by your whole class because you're an idiot.

Eh the only thing we should learn about the Muslim world is the best way to eradicate them

That comes after mayocide, not before it

maybe you misread the subreddit's name as "place where noobie posts things he disagrees with" it's actually r/drama

/r/drama is a shitshow of austistics thinking anything not left leaning is postable "drama" where users jerk each other off and ping the people in the linked threads in the attempts to get a rise out of them which somehow validates their opinions

good point nevermind

I have a question, I remember this sub as being more left-leaning. For some reason the alt-right have taken it over. What gives?

It oscillates back and forth over time. When it gets too far to one side then a lot of drama featuring people from the opposite end is featured. These opposite people are pinged, and some of them stick around, eventually swinging the pendulum in the opposite direction.

Depending on the thread and which users show up first to comment it can vary from hard-left to hard-right, with a dash of South Park neutrality thrown in at times.

Oh ok. Thanks for the explanation. Cause I read some pretty bigoted stuff in some threads that had a lot of upvotes.

Can we get a ree trumpers said something I don't like flair? At least the srd shit has something resembling drama.

This isn't /r/ThatHappened

And since this IS /r/Drama, kys.

This and the fact that tons of people in that sub love Pewdiepie convinces me they really are all a bunch of 13 year olds

Hahahahaha, nice try kid. Stupid reposting idiot, can't take my karma ;)


When I was your age, I was also conservative. Look at where you're heading! LOOK AT IT