17 2017-03-26 by celocanth13
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-03-26
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a zester90 2017-03-26
n/a Ultrashitpost 2017-03-26
What came first? Ranch, or Cool Ranch?
n/a McFluffTheCrimeCat 2017-03-26
A ranch fountain? I'm with you bullets to the head for everyone who owns one.
n/a OnlyRacistOnReddit 2017-03-26
They'll just lie to you and say it's really a chocolate fountain.
n/a HAHApointsatyou 2017-03-26
"it's the 2017 Nkechi Amare Diallo model!"
n/a DudeMayocideLmao 2017-03-26
What a good post
n/a Reppinhigh 2017-03-26
lol wtf. its a damn ranch fountain its not all that,
n/a Tiammatt 2017-03-26
Everyone likes ranch.
Also the mayocide joke went from shocking to funny to unfunny to funny because it's unfunny to just played out and sad.
Move on.
n/a celocanth13 2017-03-26
kys mayo
go back to cb2
n/a yesiamcorrect 2017-03-26
As a white womyn of color I agree with mayocide
The concept is sound. The joke is old and needs new words.
n/a NatieB 2017-03-26
Crackergeddon tomorrow
n/a dexceit 2017-03-26
anyone who unironically owns a ranch fountain belongs in the gas chamber
n/a theherps 2017-03-26
Gas chambers is too good for them tbh. We need some full on Dr Mengle level shit for this
n/a Clopernicus 2017-03-26
I keep an ironic ranch fountain in my living room. Bird up!
n/a ieatpussy69 2017-03-26
I want one for my nightstand
n/a LedinToke 2017-03-26
it's sunday, lets mayocide next week instead.
n/a supergauntlet 2017-03-26
/u/AttackTheMoon is a weeaboo
n/a thirdegree 2017-03-26
Ya, ok. I can't argue with that.
n/a fourcrew 2017-03-26
Time to undo Yakub's mistake, fam.
n/a ScootR- 2017-03-26
I'm going to assume without actually watching the video that this is in Wisconsin.
n/a MG87 2017-03-26
I'm starting to think ISIS has a point
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-03-26
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a zester90 2017-03-26
n/a Ultrashitpost 2017-03-26
What came first? Ranch, or Cool Ranch?
n/a McFluffTheCrimeCat 2017-03-26
A ranch fountain? I'm with you bullets to the head for everyone who owns one.
n/a OnlyRacistOnReddit 2017-03-26
They'll just lie to you and say it's really a chocolate fountain.
n/a HAHApointsatyou 2017-03-26
"it's the 2017 Nkechi Amare Diallo model!"
n/a DudeMayocideLmao 2017-03-26
What a good post
n/a Reppinhigh 2017-03-26
lol wtf. its a damn ranch fountain its not all that,
n/a Tiammatt 2017-03-26
Everyone likes ranch.
Also the mayocide joke went from shocking to funny to unfunny to funny because it's unfunny to just played out and sad.
Move on.
n/a celocanth13 2017-03-26
kys mayo
n/a Tiammatt 2017-03-26
go back to cb2
n/a yesiamcorrect 2017-03-26
As a white womyn of color I agree with mayocide
n/a Tiammatt 2017-03-26
The concept is sound. The joke is old and needs new words.
n/a NatieB 2017-03-26
Crackergeddon tomorrow
n/a dexceit 2017-03-26
anyone who unironically owns a ranch fountain belongs in the gas chamber
n/a theherps 2017-03-26
Gas chambers is too good for them tbh. We need some full on Dr Mengle level shit for this
n/a Clopernicus 2017-03-26
I keep an ironic ranch fountain in my living room. Bird up!
n/a ieatpussy69 2017-03-26
I want one for my nightstand
n/a LedinToke 2017-03-26
it's sunday, lets mayocide next week instead.
n/a supergauntlet 2017-03-26
/u/AttackTheMoon is a weeaboo
n/a thirdegree 2017-03-26
Ya, ok. I can't argue with that.
n/a fourcrew 2017-03-26
Time to undo Yakub's mistake, fam.
n/a ScootR- 2017-03-26
I'm going to assume without actually watching the video that this is in Wisconsin.
n/a MG87 2017-03-26
I'm starting to think ISIS has a point