17  2017-03-26 by celocanth13




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What came first? Ranch, or Cool Ranch?

A ranch fountain? I'm with you bullets to the head for everyone who owns one.

They'll just lie to you and say it's really a chocolate fountain.

"it's the 2017 Nkechi Amare Diallo model!"

What a good post

lol wtf. its a damn ranch fountain its not all that,

Everyone likes ranch.

Also the mayocide joke went from shocking to funny to unfunny to funny because it's unfunny to just played out and sad.

Move on.

kys mayo

go back to cb2

As a white womyn of color I agree with mayocide

The concept is sound. The joke is old and needs new words.

Crackergeddon tomorrow

anyone who unironically owns a ranch fountain belongs in the gas chamber

Gas chambers is too good for them tbh. We need some full on Dr Mengle level shit for this

I keep an ironic ranch fountain in my living room. Bird up!

I want one for my nightstand

it's sunday, lets mayocide next week instead.

/u/AttackTheMoon is a weeaboo

Ya, ok. I can't argue with that.

Time to undo Yakub's mistake, fam.

I'm going to assume without actually watching the video that this is in Wisconsin.

I'm starting to think ISIS has a point