r/Libertarian tries to bring back segregation

30  2017-03-28 by DonaldBlythe


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Later on that day "Why aren't there any black libertarians. Must be the lame stream meteor lying about Ron Paul's newsletter."

Why aren't there any black libertarians

Because the blacks aren't cultured enough to know anything about political nuance.

Libertarians are just racists in denial.

Prove me wrong.

You are wrong. About the denial part, I mean.

Yeah I was gonna say, I am racist but certainly not in denial

Libertarians are just racistspedophiles in denial.

Yeah talking about this.

How is your newborn kid Riemann ? No sign of autistic spectrum ?

i don't have a kid

You didn't post your newborn kid with your wife some months ago ? Was cute.

Even violating the MAP (Mayocake agression pact)

nope, i'm not married and i find children vile and disgusting ways to waste your money and time

Probably was a sticky then.

Fuck, i thought our mods were normal functionning human beings.

i thought our mods were normal functionning human beings.

you thought wrong, kiddo. for example, /u/Zachums has a meme dog and /u/Oxus007 is proud of being a white male. and /u/HAHApointsatyou is a homo.

haaayyy thailor! :*

this sort of disgustingly stereotyped behavior is homophobic and frankly unacceptable

now tonguefuck my sweaty asscheeks

Only your cheeks?

you can go deeper if you dare, cowboy

oohh myyy!


But thanks to /u/xNotch, you're all millionnairs, on average. Nice doggo btw.

Edit : love you Riemann.

Let's keep it that way


Libertarians are just racists in denialargumentative and proud pedophiles.

Eshcuse me, ephebophilia is not pedophilia, and is a practice supported by many freedom-loving cultures and idk just imagine more retarded shit here

DAE the age of consent should be 11?

If they're old enough to pee, they're old enough for me.

If her age is on the clock, then she's ready for the cock.

I think it's "if the age ain't on the clock..." but yours sounds funnier

It's funny cause it's true ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The free market will set the age of consent. It's the Federal Reserve's fault that the age of consent has inflated so much since the 20th century around the globe.


im ootl, wheres this meme from??!?

Libertarians are just racists in denial.

We have an ideology based on privacy and self-determination, but we don't have the leadership to tell all the austiss that no one cares what they think.

What i'm saying is /r/libertarian is a good justification for mayocide.

We don't have the leadership to tell all the austiss that no one cares what they think.

I know, you're basically an AnCap without balls, which says a lot.

you're basically an AnCap without balls

You take that back, I am not retarded.

Prove it.

D: but I post on /r/drama and /r/politics I could never convince anyone i'm not retarded.

my libertarian boyfriend has a mexican friend

10 year olds aren't allowed on here.

i am 300000 years old and i live only for /r/drama

Ah yes the old "She's not 10. She's an ancient demon that just happens to look 5 years old."

exactly. i was cursed by a witch


Libertarians support the ayocide

You have to be powerfully stupid to think the result of allowing businesses freedom of association here and now would be de facto racial segregation. Having a policy of "we don't serve blacks" would be a great way to bankrupt your business through massively negative coverage, even if you generously assume that locally it's a wash or a slight gain.

Also holy shit that guy arguing that anyone who believes businesses ought to be legally allowed to discriminate basically requires the guy to believe in racial chattel slavery and Doing. This. Tedious. Thing, while also having that super threatened black masculinity thing of repeatedly referring to the guy you're arguing with as 'white boy'.

Fuck. You. White. Boy.

rips off shirt, holds arms wide

repeated World Star yelling in the background

Of course open discrimination in, say, a retail store would be very bad for almost any business in almost any large American city. I don't know if that's true in, say, the Mississippi Delta or rural WV, and even in a pretty liberal city I doubt e.g. an apartment corporation would automatically be punished by the market for keeping out Black people as long as they kept it somewhat deniable.

even in a pretty liberal city I doubt e.g. an apartment corporation would automatically be punished by the market for keeping out Black people

You mean like the Trump Organization that did that in New York? Yeah, people rewarded him for that with the presidency. These free market decide social issues types are clearly a bunch of privileged white people who haven't experienced much hardship. A poor black person in a smaller town not getting access to goods/services wouldn't have the liberty to choose to live somewhere more accepting and naturally a place like that would fast become a white supremacist enclave. Kind of how subreddit communities tend to split and lean towards extremes. Reasonable people with the means leave, extremists come and the downtrodden are fucked over.

What "means" are necessary to leave a subreddit?

Not having severe autism

It's amazing to me that white people who wouldn't have ever been affected by it would have no knowledge of red-lining.

It's almost like white people dont always have a good barometer on institutional racism. But that's an absurd thought.

People can discriminate in housing sales right now so long as they keep it deniable. Even if you made discrimination legal, it would almost always take that exact form rather than making it explicit.

It's certainly possible to get away with discrimination in housing but it's just not true that all you have to do is keep it superficially deniable. Landlords get busted all the time under the Fair Housing Act.

an apartment corporation would automatically be punished by the market for keeping out Black people as long as they kept it somewhat deniable.

Shit they could charge more if they did that.

inb4 people get butthurt about the truth. If you live in a state with less than 25% blacks you just don't understand.

wow, 3 years? just for this?

that's a lot of effort fam

I dunno I'm pretty rural local businesses could ban all two Muslims and all five black people and not have significant repercussions from people choosing not to do business with them.

Plus, chik fil a got a boom in business for spending money to stop gay marriage. I'm sure other establishments could profit off of exclusion of others.

Chick-fil-A would have had a lot less support if they'd outright denied service to gay people rather than made charitable donations to organizations who opposed gay marriage. It's also worth noting that after the immediate controversy, if Wikipedia isn't lying to me, they mostly stopped donating to said causes, though I don't know the specific reasoning for that change.

My general point would be that it's of really dubious worth to force people to serve those they hate, and I'm not of the view that by forcing people to make gay wedding cakes or whatever you're actually changing their prejudices.

Obviously you'd end up with at least a small number of cases where people are meaningfully effected by overt discrimination, but on a macro level, if the function of such discrimination is to get people to move away from areas where they are hated, that's quite possibly a net good.

My general point would be that it's of really dubious worth to force people to serve those they hate

The thing is though you're doing that retarded glib-ertarian thing where instead of acknowledging that free markets do in fact cause some outcomes some of the time which people might not be totally happy with, you find handwavey reasons why the market will make literally everyone better off literally all of the time.

on a macro level, if the function of such discrimination is to get people to move away from areas where they are hated, that's quite possibly a net good

aaaaaaaaaaa jesus christ you're still doing it

you literally just said that the free market will allow racists to cause black people to flee their homes and that's good

this is your brain on libertarianism

you literally just said that the free market will allow racists to cause black people to flee their homes and that's good

I literally did not. I'm saying that if some town is so hostile to black people that their businesses can overtly put up signs saying "no blacks" and it works out fine and dandy for them, that is a place any black people living there ought to vacate. Moving house to a locale that's less racist doesn't constitute someone fleeing their home as though the KKK are on the lawn with a burning cross. I fully acknowledge that there will be some edge cases where someone has their access to goods and services restricted but can't or won't move, it isn't utopian.

The net good is if as a result of allowing people to overtly discriminate in their business and sales, people actually get a better understanding of who hates who, and the groups in question end up living away from each other, people will be happier. A town of pseudo-KKK hicks and a town of fuck whitey gangbangers is preferable to a larger town where they live amongst each other, in my view.

I'm in favour of people wearing their prejudices on their sleeves, but you've got me as simultaneously denying there would be even a single bad outcome of a freedom of association policy and ALSO that I think it's a direct moral good for black people to be chased from their homes as a result of the policy. You really must pick one.

Not a libertarian.

well, as long as you fully acknowledge there will be some edge cases

And hey, if a few black people have to starve to death in those edges, nbd right? Anything for le libertarian utopia.

Not everyone has the capability to move, and again, it punishes those in rural areas

Yeah, obviously. I'm not utopian about it, there would be people for whom a freedom of association policy would be awful. Not that many, because - I think we both agree? - in terms of population, the number of areas willing to overtly discriminate would end up being small, but some.

Not really, you would end up with ghettos again, which have a lot of people are shit.

Chick-fil-A would have had a lot less support if they'd outright denied service to gay people rather than made charitable donations to organizations who opposed gay marriage.

Why do you think that? Do you think that there's a lot of people who are, like, I'm ok with gays as long as they keep it in the bedroom, so gay marriage is out, but a private business banning them if they kiss in public or otherwise act gay, that's over the line?

Plus, chik fil a got a boom in business for spending money to stop gay marriage.

That's not how that went homie. Chik Fil A got a boom in business due to backlash against a boycott against them for donating to a charity that supports gay conversion therapy.

I mostly remember Sarah Palin

Chik fil a is too delicious to boycott

More than just support, they were literally lobbyist groups included in the group of recipient organizations.. And unsurprisingly they also opposed gay marriage.

Here's on of the organizations in question. They're not particularly subtle. Josh Duggar was one of their executive directors, for fuck sake.

I'm pretty sure previous years donations had included the likes of these manipulative fucks, and these hilariously manipulative fucks, too.

Lmao he keeps on saying how he won't argue and he wants to fight but then he doesn't even give his address so they can arrange a fight what a wimpo😂

you should fight him, buddy

I wouldn't make threats like that though in the first place because I probably would either lose or I would win and I would get in trouble for beating people up 😒 I tend to just settle all my on line debating in the arena of the internet where actions don't have consequences 😁

do you win most of your debates?

Well right now in /r/askthe_donald I am having a bit of a debate but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere

well, that's because everyone in that conversation is pants-on-head retarded

Hey don't be mean I'm part of that conversation alo

yeah, i know.

PK has his own defense force why can't Basically have his own? He's a national treasure and you're just bullying him >:(


he's a big boi, he can handle being bullied

Do you not know who you're speaking to? Of course he does.

legalizing slavery in the name of "basic property rights."


No BS, what is the hypothetical where allowing businesses to discriminate who they serve based on skin color would lead to legalized slavery?

And to frame this I agree that legalizing discrimination in the name of libertarian ideals is fucking retarded.

Legalizing segregation dehumanizes certain peoples. If you dehumanize people you stop seeing them as human in the first place. If you stop seeing people as human you stop affording them human rights. If you stop affording them human rights then you stop protecting them from injustices. If you stop protecting them from injustices you are seeing them as things. If you see them as things you start collecting them as property. Of course that isn't a process that takes place over over a couple years that is a process that takes place over decades but it has merit. We have historical evidence of what happens when you let racist people start dehumanizing other people. It gets out of hand rather quickly.

Also kys for getting me to seriouspost on /r/drama

Be careful fam

That chain of events only makes sense if we're talking about individuals who are prohibited by law from organizing and protecting each other from injustices and that's not libertarian at all.

Sure, but this kind of thing happens over decades and political climate can change in that time. And besides who says that what starts as a Libertarian enforcement of law ends that way. Let's say that libertarian government (lol) passes such a law. You will most likely see quite a few private businesses in the south enforcing it. Over the years this leads to resentment between whites and minorities. One little race riot and now you have a radicalized wing of the libertarian party that maybe thinks that these minorities have gotten a little to uppity. They take control and start enacting more discrimination laws to" protect the nation" from "violent thugs." Now you have children growing up in a society that inherently views that minorities as subhumans. Those kids grow up and become law enforcement/politicians/military, start passing their own discrimination laws. It goes downhill from there.

The point is that while the slippery slope shit can lead to ridiculous conclusions it can also point to truths in human nature. And humans have oftentimes proved to be judgemental assholes to each other. So it's pretty good if we protect against that happening even if doing that restricts our freedoms a bit.

WHy is it always The South in these examples when all of the real life examples (in recent times <20 years) are all in the North, East, and West?

Seriously KYS fucking mook.

I live in the south brosef. Let's not act like if I visit family over in Coy, Alabama I am gonna find people that accept minorities.

Just because you come from a family of inbred degenerates doesn't mean everyone from that area is a backwards sister fucker like you.

As I said before we have real life examples that have occurred within the lifetimes of the average dramatard and none of those are in the South.

Take your internalized bigotry and self loathing and fuck yourself.

Awww I struck a chord. Is the rebel flag just part of your heritage bro? How retarded do you have to be to think that no hate crimes happen in the south? Is it hard to function day to day with your disability? Do you have a handler?

I descend from a long line of poor degenerate white people. So poor and worthless some were even used as slaves. Unfortunately the bootstraps in my blood line were never strong enough to pull up enough for them to acquire their own slaves. But I digress...

"The South" is a copout used by try hards to sound like "i'm not a bigot, look, see!" or by retards that are just completely unaware of recent history.

You have real world examples of exactly the situation this post addresses. These have occurred in recent times in the US(several less than 10 years ago). And instead of using those factual scenarios to bolster your argument you go with da souf.

Why not use real world examples of things that happened and are, for the most part, common knowledge?

but ya prolly a chord...

Sounds like you should probably just off yourself fam, you sound worthless.

But then I can't vote for The Don in 2020. It'll have to wait until after then. Deal?

Meh do what you want, I'm just providing recommendation.

I descend from a long line of poor degenerate white people. So

You know what? I think I believe you.

WHy is it always The South in these examples when all of the real life examples (in recent times <20 years) are all in the North, East, and West?

Because northerners don't fly the flag of slavery.

But they do segregate, but we'll skip over that because da souf gonna get cha.

lol, "Obamacare will lead to the Soviet Union" is equally as stupid as your logic, funny how leftists apply slippery slope logic only when it suits them.

Replying to a three day old comment. Kys fam

In fairness there is a hilariously dank debate in the darkest recesses of libertarian extremism about whether you should be able to voluntarily sign yourself into slavery as a security on a debt or whatever. And to be honest the pro-slavery side has the better of it, the prohibition on slavery was always just kinda grafted on to the basic "self-ownership" argument as a "save" to stop them being embarrassed in debates.

If a person is slowly banned from the market, they have no choice but to turn to theft or to sell all of themselves. The Thirteenth Agreement didn't grant blacks full and immediate economic rights. I can't speak to their experience, but I'm assuming picking cotton on subsistence wages, or serving a rich white family in their home for enough pay to eat their leftovers, felt like things didn't change too much.

Ancient slavery laws always dealt with a person selling themselves into slavery in order to pay off their debts. Like a crude form of bankruptcy. Creating a system in the US allowing blacks to rack up debts without being able to pay them off would lead, almost inevitably, to slavery in all but name.

I don't think I've met a libertarian who knew what the fuck he or she was talking about.

that's only because of public education and whatnot. in a truly free market libertarians would all be highly well-informed and not simplistic at all

I went to a 40% black high school. In my estimation we clearly live in an equal society.

well, i guess that settles it then. reddit libertarian /u/aesthetic-as-fuck went to a high school that was almost half-black, which means racism is over. i guess those uppity negros must be whining about nothing.

I'm sorry, I should correct myself. Racism is over for everyone except white men. My bad. Carry on

First of all race is a social construct. Second of all kill whitey.

It will be over for them too once they're finally culled

Dude don't cull white people, not all of us are libertarians douche bags.

you can't stop the mayocull

Mayocide is not up for debate. White people must be destroyed to create a future for my children.

you're right, racism is only just beginning for them, and i can't wait until it gets to the fun stuff, like slavery and genocide

as soon as white people arent counted as human anymore im going to cook one for dinner

The idea that America is fucking racist is preposterous. You know what racism looks like? This has been going on for years, and American media refuses to talk about it. This isn't even the only country where this has happened and then not been reported on. Where the fuck in America does anything racist happen? Fucking dipshit.


I'm sure we'll be in peril. 14/88 bitch

user reports:
1: Agenda Posting

accurate, but c'mon. i don't think there's anyone on the political spectrum that doesn't like ribbing libertarians

I don't. it's not fair to make fun of retards.

hot take

user reports:
1: mod is a nigger

e d g y

That'll show those /r/drama meanies a lesson >:(

God these arguements are dumb. What happens to the town with a 3% minority population when all the gas stations and grocery stores won't serve then? What happens when rental and job based on race discrimination skyrockets? Then people like you will target welfare next, so they'll essentially be left with no other actions besides criminality to survive. If you believe some free market ideals fix these problems, you're delusional and should really research American history because apparantely you have no idea the consequences of your suggested policies. It's pretty clear when one race is the majority in an area and you leave it up to the free market while removing discrimination guidelines it creates huge societal divides based on race, do you think that 3% is going to have the capital to open there own versions of the stores their now banned from shopping at? The economical answer is no they won't have access to that capital and won't have the ability to obtain it based on your segregation principles being legal. It's a dumb idea that we already made mostly illegal because when it was legal it was a horrible shit show. Any comment /u/kindsfan-

Stop seriousposting faggot


What happens to the town with a 3% minority population when all the gas stations and grocery stores won't serve then?

Is this what you actually believe would happen?

It leads to ghettos, so yeah.

What happens to the town with a 3% minority population when all the gas stations and grocery stores won't serve then?

First off, there's a typo at the end. Kys.

Secondly, they'll move back to their own kind, hopefully.

"Let the free market decide." - Sometimes old dude who died from boning too many hookers.

Worse ways to go tbh

/u/r4ndpaulsbrilloballs: This is who you sound like. Just let it go. The courts are already on your side, so why not argue about roads or whatever current libertarian fetish?

Me watching that video in the expando (so no title): "Huh, that place looks familia... wait, is that.... holy shit I literally walk by that place multiple times a day".

Usually we just make fun of the crazy pastors. Last time I saw one she was trying to roast some kid in a chair, and everyone was laughing at her and handing out condoms.

Brother Jed & his wife were my favorite, especially when they'd go on their tirade about the commies & their evil grip on the pharmaceutical companies.

Dude mayo lamo

Let me be clear about that. I will die to stop you from legalizing segregation, and I will stop you by any means necessary.

unstoppable force vs immovable object

Over. My. Dead. Body. White. Boy.

/r/Drama mod material tbqh

No one else would advocate for bringing back segregation.

/u/r4ndpaulsbrilloballs you must not be paying attention to sjws these days because they are literally trying to bring it back

That's what I was thinking while I was reading his insane overreaction

You called him a white boy

No one else would advocate for bringing back segregation.

/u/r4ndpaulsbrilloballs let me tell you about Hindu Nationalism...

Lol Internet tough guy, if anything happens, he would first to bitch raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacism.