Holocaust denial in the_donald

20  2017-03-29 by ChipChippersonAMA


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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Why did you upvote the denier?

I didn't, for morbid curiosity I'll sometimes check out the altright subs to see what insanity they're spewing, it's from one of those

The denier's posts have been removed...

How the fuck does that guy explain Birkenau? It's literally a rail yard, large shower, and ovens. I mean, I see how he's using the modifier "western" to try and discount Soviet troop accounts, but still, the camp is still there, outside Krakow.

I don't bother "debating" with people who think they can make up their own facts.

Yes, he only votes for them.


Tbh kinda surprised that someone that post on- oh. He was downvoted lmfao

Buddy, no one's surprised.

The sky is blue, /r/The_Donald is trash. It's a fact of nature.

kind of insulting to actual trash tbh

At least trash gets taken out sometimes.

>posts unironically in EnoughXSpam

u r the trash


So a thread that started with shitting on tankies for being shitheads about one of if not the worst thing in human history turns into being shitheads about one of if not the worst things in human history.

Honestly this is normally where I mock the retards in question, but I just can't top what they're doing

T_D downvotes someone who argues in favour of the existence of the holocaust. No surprise here.

I got banned for posting this lol

Well shit guess you'll have to kill yourself now :(

Well maybe color me naive, but I'm a little surprised.

I sort of thought that freaking Holocaust Denial was pretty "out there" even for people already on the political fringes. Like, how do you disregard first-hand eyewitness testimony from literally millions of people including the perpetrators who outright bragged about having done it at their trials?

They voted for Trump despite the things he's said on national TV.... so yes.

I do remember seeing /r/altright say that T_D wasn't fully redpilled because they didn't hate Jews enough

Muh 6 gorrillion.

Good goy, good goy.

Ayyy the holohoax lmfjao.

Screenshot of the removed comments. The bot didn't catch shit.