Muh heritage American exchanges blows with someone on Wikipedia over whether Slavic Neopaganism is based on fakelore

21  2017-03-30 by snallygaster


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tbh most slavic "culture" is either made up or stolen from the Greeks because they got fucked by the Mongols and Ottomans.

that's not a very nice thing to say!

I'm kidding mang, Slavs have come up with some pretty cool shit e.g.

If you look that script is attributed to Cyril, who was Greek.

I don't know they made track pants cool and trendy

If I'm understanding this correctly, Galassi is essentially one of those Wikipedia editors with a pet project article that fights every single edit tooth and nail by citing entirely irrelevant WP guidelines, making it an utter pain in the ass to get the article past anything but a stub.

He even claims WP:CENSORSHIP because of removal of content with piss-poor references, lol.

You clearly do have an anti-Slavianstvo opinion

Forget Nazis, forget even the scourge that is reddit communists: these are the people that need to be punched on sight.

When I was younger there was an anti-Slavianstvo gang in my town and the things they did? You'd swear were Wiccan neopagans ensconced in the ideology of Kikimora and Lady Midday- maybe even Lada!

Also they were pedophiles.

But were they nazis?

What even is this heathen bullshit everyone knows it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.

But looking at the main article they do have this fucking awesome multiswastika, maybe Hitler with his single little swastikuck wanted to genocide them out of jealousy.

TIL Slavs actually exist

As opposed to all of the other religions based on made-up stories that obviously didn't happen.

Anyone here really think Woden hung himself on a tree to learn the gift of magic? Did Marduk really slay Tiamat and craft the earth from her undying body? Were the first men the fleas of God, as the ancient Chinese believed? Did Jesus really walk on water?

Fuck no. Let everyone have their silly little stories, though.

It's not really about whether it's real or not, but whether it constitutes actual folklore, as opposed to modern inventions passing themselves off as folklore.

Most neopaganism is fake shit, it's inher entire to the rebellious nature of the religions

Most neopaganism is fake shit

As opposed to other religions?