Nerd yells at woman online, moves to Moldova

9  2017-03-30 by renewalnotice


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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>weev still desperate for attention

sad tbh

He seems permanently stunted ever since his prison sentence. You kinda have to wonder what happened to him in prison.

evidently (((someone))) made him their bitch and he's been in unrelenting ass-agony ever since

Bit rude to deny attention on this sub tbh


Troll tactics edged into the mainstream with the 2014 birth of GamerGate, an online campaign against feminists in the video game industry. GamerGate arguably provided a blueprint for some white nationalists and other extremists who rallied around Donald Trump's presidential campaign, flooding the internet with "Pepe The Frog" cartoons and other hate symbols.

Who wants to play buzzword bingo?

The AP thinks trolling went Mainstream in 2014. These are the people who bring you "news". Let that sink in.

To be fair, the guy wasn't just saying rude things online, he was bothering her on multiple platforms, including calling her on a private number. Phone harassment has always been illegal.

What the fuck is a Moldova?

They make passable table wine, I drank a bottle just this Sunday.

Piece of Romania that Russia stole and never gave back

But why would this weev guy move there?

Maybe he adores Moldovian music bands.

Wasn't that one of those fake news hubs? Or am I thinking of another Eastern European/Balkan shithole?

It's the place Iron Man blew up in Age of Ultron.

Erin Schrode rolled over in bed, reflexively checked her cellphone — and burst into tears.

Me, I usually feed my cats first. Maybe she should try that instead.

He looks exactly how I expect.