Letter to /u/spez

9  2017-03-30 by ThatOtherPromise

Reddit admins, pay attention to what I am about to say. Mayos are an active threat. If you want to prove that you have no right-wing bias, then I want you to seriously consider what it means when we say "mayocide now." Cumskins threaten to kill people who are different from them. Crackers, belonging to the race that holds the institutional power in Western society and have the greatest numbers, make minorities feel inferior and make them fear for their lives.

Martinsville, Indiana is a small town known as a sundown town where black people don't walk around at night for fear of being killed by crackers and their KKK friends.

When we say mayocide now, what we are saying is, no, fuck you, we aren't going to sit down and take it and let people intimidate others for being different or hurt people for being different. This is fucking basic self-defense.

If you wanna ban r/drama for defending the innocent, then you better fucking ban trash subs like r/the_donald where I can fucking guarantee there are going to be comments inciting violence against women, minorities, and so on. You allow subreddits like r/TheRedPill to exist where their entire MO is basically talking about how to seduce women, borders on rape apologism, and degrades and objectifies women. If you're going to ban this subreddit or quarantine this subreddit for saying mayocide now and you're not going to do anything about those right-wing cesspools, go fuck yourself. You will probably just create a mass exodus of the Left from Reddit, and you will be stuck with 4Chan 2.0, which is what you deserve.


Providing a Community Safe from TITrCJ's Sexual Advances Since October 2015.


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  2. r/drama - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  3. r/the_donald - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  4. r/TheRedPill - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

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In before you get banned forever for this post.

Admins are PUSSIES who dont dare to get their shit together and help cleanse this earth from cumskins

Suck my average-sized brown cock /u/spez

akshully the preferred nomenclature is penis of color

And he takes all of drama with it

We'll be fine, we just say bash the mash and similar.

My name is Terry Gene Bollea. I’m a 27 year-old professional wrestler. I met this womyn on Tinder about two months ago, a few days after I’d moved from Toronto to San Diego. We’d been chatting for all of a day, and we agreed to meet at a bar in downtown San Diego. We were just going to play RapeLay and have some drinks. It was very short notice. We didn’t even exchange phone numbers.

She showed up at the bar, and she was a total trainwreck. Like, Lindsey Lohan levels of absurd. I could tell she was strung out on meth. Her panel van was parked outside. This womyn looked wild.

So we had a couple of drinks, and played a bit of RapeLay. A couple things came up as we were getting to know each other. I was probing a bit because I knew she was from Texas, and I wanted to find out if she was a Feminist, or a bad person. (The two are basically one and the same.) It turned out she thought Feminism was cancer. We disagreed on gun control, because she doesn't like her potential victims being capable of self-defense. San Diego is in Californa, so there are a lot of these types of degenerates around.

But the night progressed. We went out to some other bars, had some more drinks, she date raped me. Just plunged the old modern-lover pills right in my drink.

I woke up with a start hours later, I could feel a breeze between my ass cheeks and it stung a little. I realized she had torn my anus and I was most likely bleeding out. At some point I got up and sauntered over to her bookcase, because I wanted to see what she was into. I saw a few photos, and then a book of child-smut that I love. But then, right beside it, I saw her Dell laptop. I opened it up and went to her Internet Explorer (Alarm bells ringing here tbqh fam), and browsed her history. She had posts, days and days of posts on Drama, every single one more degenerate than the last. That's when she walked into the room and I went 'tbh fam the fuck is wrong with you also did you tear the edges of my sphincter?'

And she responded, “Child Porn is an art form. Also yes, turns out you're not only a standard virgin but also an anal virgin. You couldn't handle the strap on."

Meanwhile I’m bleeding out and starting to get scared, and I point this out and she responds “The blood makes a good lube, I'm raring for a second go"


I wasn’t there to argue, and I felt deeply uncomfortable. After barely surviving the second ride she took me on, I took an ambulance to the hospital and I thought I was done with her. The next day she messaged me on Tinder. She said, “Hope you’re still not upset over your anus LOL.” I explained that it’s hard for me to remain attracted to someone whose degeneracy outpaces even mine, and who believes that Child Porn is merely art instead of a way of life—which sucked, because the sex was amazing. She was right by the way, blood makes a great natural lubricant.

Then she said, “Not accepting other people’s beliefs is the definition of bigotry.”

So apparently it was my fault.

She sent me a “hey” message a week later, which I never replied to.

I couldn’t do it again. It feels taboo to sleep with a Drama user. But here’s the thing: I’ve slept with precisely 0 people in my life. This womyn ranked in the top one. I thought maybe I’d try her again one night at 3 a.m., when I was drugged up enough to overlook the natural disaster that was her face. But I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

So I'm sorry /u/ThatOtherPromise but I can't keep seeing you

Is ok

When you stop being such a huge fucking pussy give me a call though ;)))

When you admit Child Porn is a way of life then I'll holler back


I will only admit that 16 is the perfect age of consent and that anime is indeed trash

good enough?

Hold up I need to go to the experts to see if we can make this work.



lets all move to imzy

boo, clones, boo

This is a story of a man and a young (not preteen) girl discovering the joys of certain kinds of extreme, forbidden sex. It will only appeal to a small group of people, but, hopefully, for them, it will make good reading. The story is part fantasy, part truth, and there is more to come if you ask for it. Any comments (DIRTCnn) will be very welcome [except we have no email address for the author]. I was sitting in the living room, relaxing after work. Susan, my wife was still at work (she worked the swing shift) so Cathy, our sixteen year old foster daughter, and I had the house to ourselves. We didn't bear any grudges, but ever since we had taken Cathy in, our sex lives had been severely restricted, especially mine. Although Susan and I enjoyed many different variations, I had always been more experimental than her, and quite often found her limits to be less than mine. I used to be able to get rid of my frustrations in the evenings by jacking off to specialty books and videos, but with Cathy around this was not so easy anymore.

During a quiet moment on the television, I heard something like a sob from Cathy's bedroom. Walking over, I knocked on the door "Cathy, are you Okay, babe? What's the matter?" No answer, just quiet sniffing from the other side of the door.

"Cath, I'm coming in, Okay?"

Opening the door, I found her curled up on her bed, hugging a pillow, tear stained face looking at me.

"What's the matter, kid, why don't you tell me about it?".

Cathy had been living with us for three years now, and was developing into a fine young woman. We had grown close in this time, and had formed a pretty tight relationship; our discussions had broached many subjects, including sex, and I felt that we could talk to each other about anything, even things that we would not discuss with Susan.

I sat down on the bed and stroked her back and shoulders, noticing for the first time that she was wearing only a T- shirt and panties. This was not unusual, Cathy had simply followed Susan's dress code and I had slowly come to terms with seeing her walking around the house scantily dressed. She looked up at me and said "Oh, Daddy, I don't know, I'm so unhappy, the guys at school have been making fun of me all day"

"Why baby, what have they been saying?"

"Oh, nasty things", she sobbed, "but I think they're right"

"What things?" I asked again, it was unusual for her to be so cryptic.

"Well, just things, they say I'm sick in the head"

"Why would they say that, Cath, you're not sick in the head, or anything like it. Come on, tell me all about it, I can't help if I don't know what's going on".

"Well, promise it's between just you and me, you mustn't say anything to anyone?"

"Of course, you know I wouldn't do that"

"I, uh, I was out with Jimmy last night, you know, and we were fooling around, you know?"

"Yes, I know, we've talked about this before, you know we don't mind if you are careful and responsible". Cathy and I had talked about sex a few times alone, and also with Susan, and we had tried to instill a responsible attitude about it into her young mind. She was on the pill, and we tried to make her understand both the joys and the dangers of sex. Jimmy, the boy she referred to was a nice kid, kind of straight and nerdy, but okay, I thought.

"Yes, well, I, uhmm, I er asked him to touch me, and he thought it was dirty. I guess he said something to a couple of his friends at school and they were making fun of me!"

"Just because you wanted him to touch you?" This didn't sound normal, even for straight laced Jimmy.

"Well, I, umm, err, I wanted him to touch my err, my butt, you know, my hole!"

Now I began to understand. "It's okay, honey, you can say it, you wanted him to play with your asshole. That's okay, it's a very sensitive area, an erogenous zone, remember we talked about them?".

"Yes, but he said only perverts do things like that, that it was dirty."

"Well, he was wrong, lot's of people, including me, love to play with assholes. Don't worry about it, Okay?" I was still stroking her back, and she rolled over to face away from me.

"But, Daddy, you don't understand, I liked the thought that it was dirty, that's why I wanted him to do it! I keep having these thoughts, I want to do naughty dirty things, it makes me, you know, hot when I think about them. Doesn't that make me sick?"

"No, baby, no, of course not. We all have fantasies, things we would like to do, and quite often they are about things that some people think would be abnormal. But I promise you, anything that two people enjoy, that doesn't hurt others, is okay. You were just unlucky, that's all, you picked the wrong person to ask!"

She fell silent for a while, and I continued massaging her back. As I did, her T-shirt rode up and I was presented with the sight of her tight young ass, encased in pink nylon panties trimmed with lace around the waist and legs. Through the semi-transparent material I could see the dark cleft between her cheeks disappearing down towards her crotch.

"I know, Daddy, but I don't think anyone has the same thoughts as I do; they are really dirty, no-one would want to do them with me!"

This was getting really intriguing, and, regardless, I didn't want her magnifying this into some major guilt trip which would be with her for years. "Why don't you tell me about them, honey, I'm sure that your thoughts are nothing that other people haven't had. I promise, it will just be between you and me."

"Well, like I said, I dream about doing really dirty things, not just ordinary sex. It makes me really hot, the more I think, the dirtier it gets."

"Yes, but tell me what kinds of things. What would you have liked Jimmy to do, except just touch your little asshole? It's okay, you can use whatever words you want, I won't mind."

"I, err, I wanted him to push his finger in there, Daddy, and I know no one would do that because, well, you know, that's where I shit from."

"Baby that's silly. A lot of people do that."

"I don't know Daddy, I bet you don't do it."

I was now getting into a corner, but the sight of her panty- clad ass, and the direction of the conversation was affecting me, so I ran my hand down her back and onto her ass. I started stroking her outside the panties, and with my finger, I traced the crack of her ass down to her asshole and fingered it lightly.

"Do you believe me now, baby? If I were Jimmy, I wouldn't have even hesitated".

Her ass jumped as I first touched it, then squirmed back on my finger, pushing the panties a fraction of an inch into her hot little hole.

"Oooh, Daddy, really, you would do it? Please?"

I moved my hand up and under the lace waistband of her panties and back down her ass. The heat was incredible as my middle finger felt her little hole. I moved further down and felt the slippery, oily lips of her young pussy. Getting my finger completely wet, I moved back to her shithole and pushed it in a fraction of an inch. It felt like I was pushing my finger into a tight burning hot furnace.

She backed further onto my finger, pushing it in to the first knuckle. "Hmmm Daddy, it feels good, push it in deeper."

I did as she asked, and pushed my finger in to the limit, wiggling it around in her bowels. "What else, honey", I whispered in her ear, "What else do you want to do that's so dirty".

"Oooooh, Daddy, I just want to be slutty and filthy. I want you to feel inside of me, I want to feel you deep inside of me. I want to be dirty and rude and perverted"

This was definitely getting hot, better in fact than many of my own way out dreams. "Do it then, Cathy, do whatever you want. I want to share all your fantasies with you and show you how much I love you" (corny, but true).

"Mmmmm", she groaned, and I felt her ass tighten around my finger. Then I sensed even more heat on my finger tip, and a different kind of softness. Then I realized what it was; this little girl was pushing a turd down to my finger deep in her bowels. "Put another one in, Daddy, it feels so goooood".

I pulled out of her, and wet my index finger in the sloppy silkiness between the puffy lips of her pussy. I then rubbed both fingers around her puckered hole, and then slowly pushed them back into her body. As I got them in as far as possible, I started to rub them around in her bowels, stroking her insides.

I lay down on the bed, facing her back and slid my other hand under her body and pulled her to me. With it, I stroked up and down between her soft but firm young breasts, and her stomach which I felt tensing as my hand rubbed over it. With the fingers of my other hand, I felt the turd once more pushing against my finger tips and rubbed them against it. Hoping and guessing where this was leading, I said "Yes, do it baby, push it down, let me feel your shit. I bet it's so hot, so soft, push it down onto my fingers, I want to feel it, I want to feel your hot slut shit".

"Ohh, yes, I want to, how did you know? How did you know that's what I really wanted?"

"Because I think about the same things, honey, I just never met a girl who wanted to do it with me. Now do it, push it down"

She groaned again, and now I felt the hot turd completely envelope my finger tips. As she relaxed her muscles it moved back up into her body slightly, but I could still feel the tip, hot against my fingers.

"Are you sure Daddy, are you sure I can do it?"

"I thought you wanted to be a filthy slut? I want us to do everything you dreamed of, all of the things other people might not do, everything you thought was too disgusting, we are going to enjoy together. Now, you just do whatever you want and talk to me while you do it. Tell me what's going on in that mind of yours"

She pushed again, and I moved my fingers around in her bowels, feeling the soft, hot turd as it descended through her body. "Oooh, yes, I'm going to do it Daddy, I'm going to shit in your hand. I'm going to squeeze it down until your fingers are covered in my shit. Then I'm going to push harder until some of it comes out and I want you to wipe it all over my ass. Can you feel it Daddy, can you feel my turd coming down?"

"Yes, yes, I can. It's hot and soft, I want to feel more of it. Come on, my little slut, give it to me."

The heat on my fingers was incredible now. They were completely covered in the hot mess. I felt her push again and the turd began to squeeze out between my fingers and around her already stretched shit hole. While rotating my fingers around in her ass, I rubbed my hand around on her ass smearing it with shit inside her panties. The smell of it mixed with the smell of her hot cunt, and the combination was overpowering.

"Ohh, yes, rub it Daddy, rub my shit on my ass, fuck my shitty hole with your fingers. This is so hot, I want to cum."

"Then do it, honey, make yourself cum while I fuck your ass. Finger your cunt while I play with your shit, it's so soft, so hot, I love it."

She moved her hand down inside her panties and started to alternately stroke her clit and finger her pussy. With my other hand I reached up and started pinching her now hard nipples.

She pushed her finger deep into her cunt and groaned "Ohhh God, I can feel them, I can feel your fingers in my ass". She pressed hard against my fingers, causing more of the turd to squeeze out of her body. She was going wild now, humping on both of our hands.

I pulled my fingers out of her ass and rub the turd all over her cheeks. I then pulled them out from her panties and reached over to her face. "Suck them slut, suck your shit off my fingers. I want to see you stick your tongue out and lick your sweet turd".

She opened her mouth and I pushed my brown fingers in. She closed her lips over them and I felt her tongue running around them, licking them clean. I pulled them out and her tongue followed; it also was brown now, covered in her own shit. Her fingers were going wild now, frantically frigging her clit and fucking her pussy.

I pulled her face towards me and kissed her lips. Her eyes opened wide as I pushed my tongue into her mouth. I could now taste the stuff which had been transferred from her bowels to my fingers and, via her mouth, back to her stomach. It was bitter but the extreme perversion of the moment made it pleasurable as I sucked the shit off her tongue. This last act sent her over the edge and she tensed and shook in the throes of an orgasm, twitching against my body.

As she relaxed, she looked at me and whispered "Oh, Daddy, thank-you. That was so hot, so dirty, I loved it. Thank you."

"Yes, baby, it was hot and dirty, but, you see, not so dirty that you are the only one who could imagine doing it. I want us to share all of our fantasies together."

"Yes, I want to do that, but now I really have to go to the bathroom. Now I really need to pee and shit."

"Okay, I'll come with you."

She looked at me kind of puzzled, but we climbed off the bed and moved into the bathroom which was part of her bedroom.

"Get in the shower stall baby, I want to watch you do it."

She smiled at me and, after removing her T-shirt, stepped into the stall. She then slid the panties down her ass, and off her legs, dropping the soiled nylon at her feet.

"Okay, now squat down and do it, baby, be a slut and go to the bathroom in front of me. I want to watch you do it."

She turned her back to me and knelt on the floor. As she leaned forward, I stared at the cheeks of her ass, covered in shit, her shit hole still stretched open, and her swollen, red cunt lips, still parted and wet.

She again tensed her muscles and, as I watched, the turd I had played with eased out of her body. First an inch, then more and more until about six inches were hanging from her ass. It dropped onto the floor of the shower and as it did, she released her bladder, spraying hot piss out of her cunt.

I reached out and cupped my hand under the spray, as it filled, it lifted it up and emptied the contents on her ass, then rubbed it in to mix with the mess that was already there. Then leaning forward, I said "I love you baby, I love what you are doing, and this is to show you that you are not alone". Leaning even further, I started licking her cheeks and then sucked at her ass. The taste of her shit, mixed with piss was intense, but I continued licking and swallowing. She ground her crotch back into my face, covering it with her excretions, and came again.

We both stood up and, staring at her I stripped and climbed into the shower with her. Pulling her back into my body with one hand, I rubbed my aching dick up and down in the mess between her ass cheeks. Then, reaching down I started to stroke it and, within moments, shot jets of cum into her crack. She turned to face me and scooped her fingers up into her ass and brought them up between our faces. They were covered in piss and shit and cum, and smiling at each other we took turns licking them clean.

It took about twenty minutes of showering to clean ourselves up, but while we did we talked about our fantasies. I was amazed to discover that this little sixteen year old had very similar, extreme perversions to myself. She wanted to repeat our performance outdoors, maybe in the desert. She wanted people to see her go to the bathroom. She wanted to try sex with animals and with other people (boys and girls), she wanted to taste someone else's piss and shit, and she wanted to be exposed in public. She even wanted to experiment with pain. It was definitely going to be a long, hot summer!

The Aristocrats!

My 😍ADMIN😍 makes me 💦WET💦 my 😙 ADMIN😙 makes me 😻 SQUISHY 😻 my ❤ADMIN❤ makes me 🐷squeal🐷 when he 🍆💦🍆puts it in🍆💦🍆 my 🍑TUSHY🍑 he's calling me a 😈WHORE😈 he makes me 🐶 beg🐶 4 😋MORE😋 he makes me 👅lick👅 💦CUMMIES💦 😖right off of the floor 😖 🆗 one 🕛time🕛 🙋 💋admin💋 left 🙋 and I😮 slipped 😮 on the floor THE 💦CUMMIES 💦💀KILLED ME💀 😭😭😭 now I can't get any more😭😭👻👻👻

When we say mayocide now, what we are saying is, no, fuck you, we aren't going to sit down and take it and let people intimidate others for being different or hurt people for being different.

You can't start talking about Martinsville and then say "oh, mayocide is just a metaphor." That's just cruel