totally-not-a-pedo eeplox aka nowaydaddioh promotes his totally secure, totally-not-a-honeypot, kid-friendly 3rd person!

16  2017-03-30 by borcapopelliad


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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haha bot got it right

/u/sanarchonewsbot you've got some explaining to do.

/u/lvl99skrubrekker post nowaydaddioh erotica

So, you guys know me. Venerable poon hound, boozy, truck driver, all around half decent shit stain on the deteriorating tighty whiteys that is reddit.

So there I was, drinking a warm beer in a Nevada cat house. The pancakes and chicken tendies that they pass off as "World Famous Chicken and Waffles" were cooling as I furiously shit posted for the eighth time that night, socialism was in a huff and I felt my erection growing as I pieced together my smarmy title.

A husky voice whispered in my ear. The tantalizing scent of gingivitis and Pall Mall menthol cigarettes drifting to my keen nostrils.

"Hey there biggun." the voice crooned, bringing to mind my childhood and the semi collapsed double wide that was the setting for my fondest childhood memories. Setting cats on fire, sniffing diesel fuel, paying the hobo lady who collects cans to see her tits. Kid stuff.

As I turned to look at her, my first impressions were that of a late stage Whitney Houston, with more of a crack and less Bobby Brown. Smeared purple lip stick, lingerie falling apart at the seems where the mice had presumably been eating at the ketchup stains.

Two hours and twenty five dollars later I lay sweaty and spent on the linoleum of the kitchen/communal showers of the joint. I felt a chipped fingernail drag over my chest and I turned to gaze into the bloodshot eyes of the temptress beside me. The smell of taco meat and sweat made me feel we were in a Spanish villa, I had never been happier.

It was then that I noticed her tattoo, dark lines intersecting through the cellulite of her hip.

"What is that?" I asked, still lost in her gaze.

"Anahhhrchism" she exclaimed, still slightly disoriented from the love making or bath salts we had shared, I could not be sure.

In slurry tones she began to tell me about her sex worker union co op antifa facebook group, tugging her iphone4 from her sagging breasts to show me something, the familiar view of BaconReader coming into view through the cracks of the screens and the distortions where her cleavage sweat and grease had smeared the visuals.

It was /r/anarchism

"My name on this is naw way daydioh." She enunciated in a whisper, a meaty uncut heathen cock thrusting against my side.

"Lets bash the fash together"

This title is clickbait.

yah, ur right. i shouldn't have gone so far with the "in 3rd person!"

i mean, u r in /r/Drama u know. haha

Friendly reminder of when daddiyoh got blown the fuck out.

Inshallah it will happen again.