Coup in /leftypol/.
71 2017-03-31 by PM_ME_MOD_STATUS
At approximately 17:30 PDT today there was a coup on the largest /leftypol/ discord server. @schnitz decided to ban everyone from @snow's server while he was asleep and send them to the "backup server" that he runs. This was about 700 people.
Here are some rationalization and LARPing from our revolutionary hero:
On the other server:
What followed were predictable arguments about motive (it was a pure powergrab, let's not kid ourselves)
After a while of screaming at eachother in the voice channel they settled into constant strawpolling to decide who would run the "new server". Eventually the de facto "moderator" of the conversation decided that he himself (who had just admitted he knew nothing about discord) would co-admin with @schnitz (the guy that had just torched the other server -- because some people don't trust schnitz to run it alone). So... this should go well.
Currently as I am typing this @snow is in the voice channel of /leftypol/ 2.0 and some British guy is naming ALL the conspirators to him.
also there is now a /leftypol/ 3.0.
EDIT: 3 hours later the coup is declared a failure. All but the #announcements channel is removed from /leftypol/ 2.0 and the message on it is a link to the original server. There are only a small fraction of the original users right now. All that remains is whether or not @schnitz and the rest of the gang of four will be sent to Butyrka or Sukhanovo prisons.
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n/a HivemindBuster 2017-03-31
Does there exist a single online left wing community that isn't in a state of perpetual civil war?
n/a PM_ME_MOD_STATUS 2017-03-31
It seems to be what they do... nitpick over small differences. Infuriating. But schnitz is definitely an FBI plant.
n/a Vakieh 2017-03-31
Depends, does a blog run by a single person who doesn't also have mpd count as a community?
n/a Nechaev 2017-03-31
COINTELPRO never sleeps.
n/a lsord 2017-03-31
Does there exist a single online right-wing community that isn't in a state of perpetual bigotry?
n/a YourGayOpinion 2017-03-31
We are all bigots about something, cutie pie. Every single person.
n/a TheGreatWolfRuss 2017-03-31
Yeah but your righties are dumb enough to turn that bigotry into political ideology
n/a TheGreatWolfRuss 2017-03-31
you make it seem like that makes the right wing communities less retarded than the left ones
n/a Arathian 2017-03-31
Proud bigot of Belgians here.
n/a nomad1c 2017-03-31
the two hours it takes to drive through belgium are two too many
n/a paydaymaydaythrwaway 2017-03-31
i hate whites
n/a lsord 2017-03-31
Cumskin devils.
n/a battles 2017-03-31
For some people, Bigotry is not an agenda, but an accident of human failings. For others, Bigotry is a life mission.
n/a YourGayOpinion 2017-03-31
For internet lefties, it is a weapon.
n/a DoctorFahrenheit 2017-03-31
I'm sorry these jerks downvoted you pal, that just isn't what /r/drama is about.
But I have a question for you, if you're willing to expand your mind a little. Is it bigotry for a woman to hate the abusive husband who keeps her locked in the house with no financial security? Is it bigotry for the downtrodden and economically disenfranchised to hate a corrupt police force that brutalizes and robs them? Is it bigotry for people to be concerned about historical injustices perpetuated by the same small group over and over? Historical injustices that group continues to benefit from today?
n/a DeprestedDevelopment 2017-03-31
I'm curious what point you're building to.
n/a randsoma 2017-03-31
n/a DoctorFahrenheit 2017-03-31
I don't know about that, I heard he was part Jewish.
n/a PhysicsIsMyMistress 2017-03-31
Probably mayocide.
n/a PhysicsIsMyMistress 2017-03-31
No, but if she hates all men because of it? Yes,
No, but if they are hostile to any police officer they ever meet, then yes.
This is a little tricky, because a lot of "groups" are something you don't choose to be a part of.
n/a lsord 2017-03-31
That depends. Is the husband white, a person of color, or a religious/cultural minority?
No, it is self-defense.
There's no such thing as bigotry towards white men.
The U.S. belongs to the Native Americans, Israel belongs to Palestine.
n/a chinawhitesyndrome 2017-03-31
at least they don't constantly get infiltrated and destroyed by the right.
n/a HivemindBuster 2017-03-31
Probably not. Centrists 4 lyf.
n/a EvanHarper 2017-03-31
holy shit fam
even if this were true, think about what you just said
"yeah, we may be completely incompetent, but... our opponents are bad!"
n/a joeTaco 2017-03-31
You touched a nerve lol
n/a MegaSeedsInYourBum 2017-03-31
/r/UltraLeft just shitposts and nothing else
n/a sombresobriquet 2017-03-31
n/a Mexagon 2017-03-31
Can you suggest something less retarded?
n/a MegaSeedsInYourBum 2017-03-31
n/a notaflyingpotato 2017-03-31
can confirm
n/a battles 2017-03-31
There is a kind of orthodoxy that eventually affects every ideological group. From Feminists to Republicans to Motorheads. Eventually every group reaches a critical point where it must exclude others of lose identity. This necessity creates conflict.
I recommend believing in nothing.
n/a uhuhuhu 2017-03-31
Why do people care so much about unpaidn janitor positions?
n/a Vakieh 2017-03-31
It's formalised /r/gatekeeping, which is srs bsns.
n/a fingerpaintswithpoop 2017-03-31
for the GBPs and sense of power.
n/a IVIaskerade 2017-03-31
It's not like they've got anything better to do.
n/a SamWhite 2017-03-31
Do you mean low-paid? It's not like you get intern janitors.
n/a uhuhuhu 2017-03-31
You don't get unpaid intern janitors, but you get unpaid internet janitors.
n/a Mexagon 2017-03-31
Bruh their whole ideology is NEET personified. Are you surprised these people have all this free time to do worthless shit? Mother pays all their bills anyway.
n/a DannyLee90 2017-03-31
Well, ain't that the darndest thing.
n/a Will0saurus 2017-03-31
Muh vanguard state though
n/a darkaceAUS 2017-03-31
It's like they enjoy reminding us that their retarded ideology fails every single time.
n/a paydaymaydaythrwaway 2017-03-31
n/a DeprestedDevelopment 2017-03-31
It's literally identical xd
n/a DistortedLines 2017-03-31
Well leftists can't run either so they do have that in common
n/a DannyLee90 2017-03-31
ayy lmao
n/a Tom_Filibom 2017-03-31
n/a glmox 2017-03-31
anyone autistic enough to join a peripheral community for a pseudononymous image board should go up against the wall
this goes for you #drama irc faggots too
n/a CucksLoveTrump 2017-03-31
the irc blows. discord is much better. but the mods here will ban you for talking about it
n/a extrasparkling 2017-03-31
n/a EvanHarper 2017-03-31
it doesn't have to be pseudonymous if you're a fucking idiot about choosing your username
n/a lvl99SkrubRekker 2017-03-31
I was in the VC the whole time and ended up being the voice of reason. AMA
n/a PM_ME_MOD_STATUS 2017-03-31
Gratz, an adolescent in the land of children.
n/a lvl99SkrubRekker 2017-03-31
n/a 39flws 2017-03-31
Can discord's text chat match IRC for reliability in high packet loss environments like Rojava, or uh, your mom's basement?
n/a lvl99SkrubRekker 2017-03-31
Im not part of leftypol, or an anarchist, or a communist you dip shit. Are you even paying attention?
n/a coco-o 2017-03-31
Why does a chan board have a discord server? Doesn't that entirely defeat the purpose?