So it seems /r/gamerghazi is protecting a paedophile with a diaper fetish.

29  2017-03-31 by Pointless_Pedant




Must be a real degenerate to get banned from tv tropes.

That places is a real shithole.

also though who the fuck makes a video of forum post screenshots

Might wanna pull the kiwifarms link

Pædophilia is wanting to fuck kiddies + power, PoC cannot be pædophiles.

Depends on if it's their culture or not.

Sexual emergency!

Well duh, it's /r/gamerghazi. All of these people are complete degenerates. You should google their meet-up.

Jesus Christ look at the Hutt on the left with the purple hair. What the hell are they feeding her?

Which one?

That lil' hat one her friend to the left is real cute and kooky though ^

le sigh, why aren't there interesting and creative girls like that on this sub?

Too many women for that to be Ghazi.

Half of them are probably trannies.

I'm reminded of that /r/politics thread where the dude posted him and his friends at a bar.

Well duh, it's /r/gamerghazi. All of these people are complete degenerates. You should google their meet-up.

You are a fucking moron. They have never had a fucking meet-up dummy. That picture is from like years before the sub was formed.

Fucking morons on the internet being morons. God ya'll are a bunch or lolcows

You sound mad friendo

You can tell it's not a Ghazi meetup because people are smiling.

O look a Ghazi.


nice meme

o r i g i n a l i t y


Is a paedophile better or worse than a regular pedophile? Like does a paedophile molest kids extra hard?

Hates yuri and "yurifags"

Is he, dare I say it, /our guy/?

That's "purest form of love" to you

They also protected Nyberg after they molested their cousin..or neighbor or something and distributed CP too.

it was sad and funny that some of them made excuses for her but they didn't "protect" her in any meaningful way, and the "distributed CP" thing was weaponized bullshit, she trawled 8ch for CP and reported it

Nah, she posted CP to her friends on her little network.

The 8chan thing was she, or someone in her network, posted the CP themselves, then reported that 8chan was a bed of CP.

The 8chan thing was she, or someone in her network, posted the CP themselves, then reported that 8chan was a bed of CP

8chan was a bed of CP you fucking autist

who even defends 8chan my god

No, Nyberg linked straight-up child pornography from 12chan.

Sarah: [two links to images hosted on] she looks drugged :(

Fafnir: sarah im beginning to wonder about you lol

LiquidCruelty: The one where she looks drugged

LiquidCruelty: that’s CP

LiquidCruelty: I can see underage twat

ivorynight: i see some vagin

Sarah: nudity isn’t cp also I can’t see anything

LiquidCruelty: Oh bullcrap

Nyberg also repeatedly posted photos of the 8 year old niece she was grooming, which isn't cp but I would consider worse than just linking pictures from the internet.

Sarah: [Imageshack link] ;-;; nsfw

vyvyan: just licking it is ewwww

Zohar: !list

vyvyan: omg

vyvyan: prepubescent crotch shot

Xander: that lil slut

top-cat: oh god ender

vyvyan: god why is she wearing a bikini

vyvyan: she's not getting tits for like FIVE MORE YEARS

Sarah: haha

Sarah: dana wore a two piece bathing suit when I went swimming with her <3 not a bikini really, though

Xander: so Dana is a young slut 2 eh

Sarah: wearing a two piece bathing suit makes you a slut?

Sarah: k

Minty: did you get a double erection?



Do you wish to defend yourself against these unfounded allegations?

If there's any dox there, edit out whatever link has it. Dox is bad fam


Linking to Kiwi Farms isn't allowed because reddit admins are joyless plebs.

How many open pedophiles does that make? Allison Rapp, Nyberg, this dude...who else?

it's good to know David Vitter is keeping himself busy these days



is it true? Are you a degenerate?

Girl. You can't link offsite people to their Reddit accounts without a Newstm article from a reputable (see: any) news source that mentions their identity and reddit account.

Gamerghazi banned you for dox, and so do we.

We don't fuck around with sitewide rules.

Hahahahaha haha what a noob.