Some fucking legbeard thinks you don't need to wash your legs or feet. Dirt-caked hippies vs marginally sane people in the comments.

52  2017-04-01 by pm_me_ur_cats_toes


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Well, if you didn't support white genocide before, this ought to do it.

Dirty legbeards are dirty?

Why surprise¿

She probably can't reach, and is just justifying it to herself

This reminds me of something I was reading 30 minutes ago in a comment section where a woman was bragging about never shampooing, conditioning, and washing like 2 times a week and people were lauding her for it.


Apparently if you stop shampooing, after a week or so of greasy-ness, your hair balances itself and looks normal. I haven't tried this myself, but I remember reading some study done on it

I've done that and it does kinda work, shampoo and condition every few days is better though.

It's definitely not true. There was a period of my life where i was not taking care of myself and i went quite the period without shampooing and you could tell. And there are tons of people complaining about 'no poo'. It doesn't work.

Your scalp is like any other part of your body, it needs to be cleansed. Hair also will start to smell, it wont just look greasy. It doesnt clean itself.

The only reason you should shampoo less frequently is if you have ethnic hair or problems with dry skin.

Think about all the stuff flying around outside and how much it gets caught in your hair. Dust, dirt, someone coughing, sneezing, etc and if you have long hair it is touching your face and body.

A lot of girls don't shampoo their hair on a daily basis cos it takes fucking ages. It's fairly common to only shampoo it two or three times a week. My hair looks like it's been dunked I a chip pan if I don't shampoo daily but others get lucky.

Shampooing every day is way too much. It's going to dry out your hair like crazy.

I'd love to not shampoo daily but it literally looks wet if don't.

Im not talking about washing hair every other day. Im talking about never washing hair.

Fair. Tbf I know a hippie guy who doesn't and it just looks gelled. He also uses sea salt rather that deodorant and is a vegan. He doesn't stink or anything, just looks like a normal human being. Decent bloke tbh.

doesnt wash hair hair looks gelled


It is a little bit ew but he's actually a pretty attractive bloke and pulls it off.

I don't shampoo. It kills my hair. When I learned I stopped shampooing and after a few days my hair started getting better. It wasn't dry and brittle.

It's almost like everyone has different hair. Even non ethnic people can't use the same routine as the person next to them.

Shampoo, swimming pools, even the ocean is terrible for my hair. I look absolutely horrendous when I shampoo or do any of the above.

I don't even brush or comb it. Ever. I just woke up and nope, no brushing.

I sound gross.

But I have exceptionally curly, thick, nappy hair. Brushing it makes it poofy and horrible, shampoo kills it. It becomes brittle and dry and I look like I haven't showered in months if I treat it like normal hair.

No shampoo, no brushing, and it looks like salon curls every day.

So yeah. No shampoo is kind of good to do for some people so. Be happy you have normal, bland hair because the care that goes into mine is terrible and waking up and leaving the house is something I can't do. And I want to. But I can't.

What's an ethnic person?

I assume she means not white. I was going off her use of terminology.

nobody has normal hair. It's important to take care of your hair and keep it clean. It is close to your face and head. Everything that touches your body touches your hair ten fold.

I spend hours every day on my hair, i bleached it and it's very coarse, too. It was nasty for a while and like mush until i found a better regimen. Now i use less shampoo and massage it into my scalp daily, use deep conditioners and wash it from roots to end once a week, then use oil in between washes (2-3 times a day).

So if you don't use shampoo, your hair isn't clean?

And you bleached your hair?


I mean unless theres a revolutionary way to clean your hair without soap im all ears

Yeah actually there is... You can get it pretty clean with just friction. Rub your scalp with the pads of your fingers in tiny circles while your head is in the shower stream. Comb your hair out with your fingers too. There's also certain types of clay that absorb oils - rhassoul clay is very moisturizing and bentonite clay is more cleansing. You mix em up into a slurry and rub it into your hair, then rinse it out. The most traditional no-shampoo method is to clean it with baking soda, then do a rinse with diluted apple cider vinegar. You can wash with just conditioner (depending on what conditioner you're using and what other products you use) there's all sorts of methods

Friction is not a cleanser. If i washed my dishes, laundry, or body with friction that would just be sad.

I suppose I should rephrase what I said, washing without a cleanser is unhygienic.

Baking soda and vinegar could dry your hair out as much as shampoo, also it smells like what it is.

Also you can wash with a cleansing conditioner not just regular conditioner, but you should still clean your scalp and periodically the rest of your hair.

Friction actually is a very effective cleanser. Look at this video about removing poison ivy oil - it's not the soap that matters, it's whether or not you use a washcloth to rub away the oils. Skin isn't the most frictiony thing around, so your fingers aren't going to be as effective as a washcloth or a loofah would be, which obviously you can't use on your scalp. People used sand as an all-purpose cleaner for ages, because friction works. It's harder work than using soap would be, but it can be done.

Oh wow I actually didn't know that.


Conditioner is not soap. It's oil and in some cases silicone


Source. Conditioners are meant to coat the strands and smooth and detangle hairs.

You think a blog is reliable?

You bleach your hair. You do extreme 'hygene' treatments to it. You ping my Reddit about this nonsesne on a Saturday why?

Like you're not gonna change your mind. Nobody wants to argue with a wall. You're misinformed but that keeps you warm so whatever.

Your bleached hair is more brittle and nasty and unhygentic than anyone who doesn't shampoo but go on, lecture me.

Blogs are viable sources of information if you're the kind of idiot who needs confirmation bias.

Why does it bother you what she does?

I said it's unhygienic to not wash your hair, scalp, or bathe.

She said conditioner is soap. I said no it's not. Correcting someone doesnt equate to a loss of sleep at night.

Oh, missed the comment where she said conditioner is soap.

Nobody has normal hair? Have you ever looked up the definition of normal? There is a norm for everything.

I think youre overthinking it.

You're wrong just so you know. You didn't take care of yourself which is why your hair looked nasty. Not shampooing isn't not taking care of your hair. You just don't shampoo you still have to wash it out very well with hot water.

Not washing the skin on your scalp is unhygienic and there are loads of nasty things easily caught in the hair not visible to your eyes.

Everything that flies around in the air gets caught in your hair. Even though your hair is dead it is still a part of your body and is attached to your body. If you sweat, it doesnt glide off of your hair. Dead skin from your scalp doesnt not touch your hair and your hair isnt immune from smelling bad if it's not cleansed because it is still a part of your body. What you ingest and do to your body translates to your scalp, and by extension your hair.

I feel like you're under the impression I'm advocating not washing your head at all which I'm not. You wash it vigorously with hot water, you just don't use shampoo a majority of which are unhealthy for your hair.

Thats what i said in my original post that it was nasty to never shampoo, wash yourself, or not even condition.

I tried no shampoo for a while but the trick for perfect hair for me was shampooing 2-3 nights a week instead of every night.

I only wash my hair every other Thursday. So every 2 weeks I'm using conditioner on my scalp to keep my afro nice and poofy. It is a God send too if you use the right things on your scalp. 8 dunno how white people can wash their hair every day but I've seen some who have the wildest hair pattern/texture that they gotta do it.

Yeah hair is complicated, especially if you have a lot of it. I envy people who have no problem going bald.

I have a fat face so if I went bald I'd look like a human thumb.

I worked with a guy who showered but didn't use soap. You could smell him before you saw him.

If you’re washing every square inch of your body, congratulations, you’ve been played by the beauty industry into using more products than is necessary. If we ever meet and you can tell I don’t wash my legs, I’ll give you $500. In fact, I’d bet you’ve never met a person whom you could tell didn’t wash their legs.

PigPen's mom checks in.

Wonder what Olympic sport they consider wiping their ass

A bar of soap costs like $1

But why should I pay $1 for soap I shouldn't have to work 90 hours per week to afford soap /r/latestagecapitalism

They meant the part where the beauty industry brainwashes people into getting liposuctions and paying for it, then makes soap from the cruelly and immorally harvested fat. It's not about $1, it's about the principle of the thing.

To be fair, when you way 500lbs+ it probably is about as close to contortionist as you can get.

when you way way

There's also this genius:

I suppose you brush your teeth floss and gargle after every meal, coffee and snack? Because you are not by your defintion clean. Also do you put lotion or oil on your skin hair? Because again, you not clean. Makeup, not clean. Dryer sheets, clothes not clean. Hat? Head not clean. Get over yourself my legs are fine.

Dermatologist: You should focus hardest on pits, groin, and feet, and you may not need to wash other areas as thoroughly​.

Writer: Suck it cuz a doctor said nothing below the waist ever is fine!

It's amazing how far fat smelly women go to try and force people to find them attractive, when just eating less fried chicken and actually showering once in a while when required much less effort.

Ok just tell me...

How fat is she?

Dirty af, it literally not fugitively takes 2 mins to scrub your feet and legs.


Delete your bathroom.

I would think you'd want to waste less time when you're a fugitive.

In conclusion, eat it, haters

They're not haters if they're right you vapid cunt.

Spend a weekend at a music festival and the back of your legs will get sweaty-betty. It's a fact, Jack.

Wait, do people really soap up their whole body? Unless I've been dipped in mud or walking barefoot I'm not going to be lathering up my legs and feet. I just wash with water in those areas. I'm not sure that makes anyone a 'legbeard'. Seems pretty normal to me.

Not surprised you don't practice basic hygiene.

You know, I dont blame you for not being able to smell them because they are at the opposite end of your body from your nose, but often times hour feet may actually smell a bit. Scrubbing hard with soap takes care of that.

There was an Askreddit about how unhygienic people are where a lot of them said they haven't brushed their teeth in about 10 years. It's far worse than just neglecting the legs. I actually haven't washed my legs more than soap runoff in a week or 2.

I only wash "the business" parts of the body: head, arm pits, genitals, bum crack....But then I'm not some morbidly obese inbred Amerilard like most of you fuckers, who breaks a sweat pressing enter on a keyboard.

I can smell you all from here.

My college had to have a fucking PSA for all the freshmen coming in who thought the runoff was enough to clean their stank ass feet

Pls wash your feet I don't care about your legs but your feet are probably disgusting I don't even know you, the reader but I know this