/r/blackfellas - Heroin-induced mayocide 2: Electric Boogaloo

21  2017-04-01 by LSDawson


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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/u/Zahnel : They want to use the classic: Dont you remember how bad it was for you Negros?


I forgot you guys lurk for drama...

Jesus Christ. The only reassuring thought I have is that freaks like you end up in prison before affecting too many people.

Welp, lose your reassurance im not going to jail

classic jail reassurance!

>"""black man"""

>not going to jail

Choose one.

You sure buddy? I heard you just existing means all the white people in America who are natural born Nazis have mobilized the police to hunt you down like dogs?

classic Zahnel!

"In order to deal with racial inequalities and injustices of the past and modern day we must make sure everyone suffers too! Yay" Fucking idiots.

/u/hozac - You're a piece of shit. /u/Married2therebellion - Also a piece of shit. /u/Western_Promises25 - Human garbage. /u/Darrkman - I have no compassion for your mom getting donkey fucked by a crackhead. /u/Zahnel - You're just a fucking retard.

I will find a way to blame white people for this... https://i.snag.gy/1Qoifv.jpg

I will find a way to blame white people for this... https://i.snag.gy/1Qoifv.jpg

You're a faggot. KYS.

Lets do it!

It's an individual thing

They view prescription painkillers as generally inaccessible to black people. Since those are often the gateway to heroin addiction and lead to those 'doped out mom OD's in front of baby!!11' youtube videos, they don't see it as their problem. They kinda have a point in that opiate addiction has historically been a white problem, but I think they're gonna change their tune real quick when pain mills start opening up in their communities.

If you ping more than 3 people at once then nobody receives a message

/u/HATES_LEFTIST_FUCKS - You're a bigger retarded than any of em, faggot.

This but unironically

My mom says my low IQ is a feature and a bug.

LARPy black nationalists are just as retarded as LARPy white nationalists.

I dunno if they've noticed but the heroin problem is getting worse and people aint doin shit about it. So I'm not sure how they are seeing preferential treatment here.

I dunno if they've noticed but the heroin problem is getting worse and people aint doin shit about it. So I'm not sure how they are seeing preferential treatment here. If anything I'd say this is worse, it's big pharma companies pumping this shit out in the open and still getting away with it. At least with crack it's somewhat under the table this is just, yeah we're hooking people, so what. I guess 'hillbilly heroin' has always been a compassionate term and I just never knew it.

Ehhh...I think you're putting too much blame on Pharma companies. They could do more to reduce pills going in to high abuse areas and report those areas as well, but they're also in a bind. If they just lessen their shipment to high abuse regions, it will make it harder for people with legitimate needs to get medicine. Also, the pharmaceutical industry has a lot middle men so it gets harder for any specific company, especially manufacturers, to find abuse hot spots. Also a lot of the opiates have readily available generic versions available so it's not really just the evil, Big Pharma's fault either.

Most of the blame really lies with corrupt doctors and pharmacies. These pill mills are the real issue but people seem to want to ignore local issue and blame someone else.

I'm not implying that pharmaceutical companies didn't have a large role in starting the opiate epidemic. I was saying that they have less share in the blame for it continuing than pill mills.

Also, your belief of some evil "Big Pharma" lurking around trying to to get people addicted is totally wrong. Most commonly abused opiates, like Vicodin, are produced heavily by bunch of smaller companies.

I just wanted to add that I was in the drug scene when pharmacies had literal buckets of oxy... This was industry flooding the market with a 'safe alternative to opiates.'

This is just wrong. Pharmacies don't buy bulk from manufacturers or wholesalers. For years, pills have been sold to pharmacies in 100's, 500's, and 1000's. So, you were too fucked up to remember right or your pharmacy was crooked and you're lying. Also, Purdue Pharmaceutical's only lost their patent on Oxy last year and there were only a few licensed generic manufacturers so you should only be blaming them not the pharma industry as a whole.

Pharmaceutical companies share some blame with how they influence doctors to prescribe those medications though. There's a whole industry dedicated to that.

I agree with you though, I live in the pain mill capital of south florida. It's a pretty grim situation. The feds should really start cracking down on them if they want to see meaningful progress. Plus, they're much easier to go after than a giant corporation.

Oh yeah. Even in legitimate circles there has been an over-prescription of opiates, partially caused by pharma companies.

giant corporation with tons of middle men like you said.

I might be wrong, but I think you misunderstood part of what I said. I did mean it like the pharmaceutical companies are hiding behind middle men or anything. I meant that that only a few really large pharmacies, like Wal-mart or Kroger's who can handle distribution themselves, actually buy directly from manufacturers. In general it's just easier to have another company be in charge of distribution for companies that aren't huge like Merck. The manufacturers don't generally have much direct contact with pharmacies, so they can't really do anything to prevent drugs from going to high abuse areas.

The manufacturers don't generally have much direct contact with pharmacies, so they can't really do anything to prevent drugs from going to high abuse areas.

I get that and I understand that pharma companies tend to use different distribution companies, but I find it hard to believe that they are totally in the dark about how their drugs are being used and distributed. I mean, these are multi-billion dollar companies we're talking about here. Most of them probably have an entire department dedicated to vendor relations. If they really wanted to, I'm sure they could find some way to mitigate the damage. They won't though, because profits. In addition to providing a legitimate service, the 'middle men' companies also provide a certain level of plausible deniability to the pharma companies. This is just my uninformed opinion though, I could be totally off base.

A lot of the prescription drugs, and many OTC, you get are generic and most generic companies aren't multi-billion dollar companies like Teva and Mylan are. Also, vendor relations is more on the line of customer support for all but the biggest companies. In general most smaller companies don't know anything about the pharmacies that get their products. Not for plausible deniability, but because they can't distribute themselves and because that's just the way the pharmaceutical industry works.

But generally, the companies that make the prescription pain medication that ends up in these clinics we're talking about, happen to be multi-billionaire companies. The CEO of Purdue, the company that manufactures Oxycontin, was also a high ranking muckity muck at Merck for 15 years ( a large pharmaceutical distributor). It doesn't take a crack forensics team to figure out that there is probably some collusion between these types of companies.

Maybe we should blame the people actually putting the drugs into their bodies.

Classic road of the modern opiate addict in my country : pain killers/cough syrup -> Subutex -> methadone -> Heroin. Repeat.

Wow that was a really fucking stupid comment.

Enlight me about opidoid misusage where I live.

The fact you have a complete misunderstanding what subs and methadone are.

People buying in the streets sub pills and methadone because they're too pussy to use the real thing and it's easier to have prescription drug by faking it to the doc, then resell it on the black market for 5x the price ?

Again you're showing your ignorance of what subs and methadone even is. It has nothing to do with "being too pussy/broke".

Again you're showing your ignorance of what subs and methadone even is. It has nothing to do with "being too pussy/broke".

And what is it for you beside being a medicalized substitute for H. ? Start to explain your patronizing thoughts or kys.

They're not opioid substitutes you momo. Subs are buprenohine and naxolone. Bup makes it so you can't get high by binding to opioid receptors and naxolone is used to bring back people who overdose. Methadone is used in matience programs to help stay off heroin and other opioid and you can't get high off it.

They're not opioid substitutes you momo. Subs are buprenohine and naxolone. Bup makes it so you can't get high by binding to opioid receptors and naxolone is used to bring back people who overdose. Methadone is used in matience programs to help stay off heroin and other opioid and you can't get high off it.



Can't get you high.

Subuxone : it's just subutex (buprenomorphine mixed with some disgusting excipients, so you cannot dissolve and inject it, in theory. In practice....

Can't get you high.

Methadone is nearly as addictive and good as the real thing.

All are Opoids.

I've been on both sides friendarino, until you stop the substitute, you're still an opioid addict.

Okay I get it April fools. Pranked! you got me! Cock sucks motherfucker


But i'm not the one who will start to suck cocks for cheap dope. Stay safe cunt.

I don't use any drugs.

Your loss.

You're badly misinformed. Shit, I used to prefer methadone to most dope.

And bupe does get you high, unless you've been high on it constantly for so long that you forget what high feels like.

Source: been on suboxone for 9 years.

Everything on the internet is the truth.

Yeah, I'm sure the response to the crack epidemic had a big racial element to it, but it's not like people are doing much about the heroin epidemic either. There's still a huge element of 'well you made the decision to do drugs, now deal with the consequences.'. The disproportionate response also might have a lot to do with the fact that pretty much everyone now knows somebody who's hooked on opiates or OD'd, whereas with crack it was sectioned off into poor inner-city neighborhoods where nobody else really encountered it beyond news reports. It's a lot easier to care about something when it's killing your neighbors and loved ones and causing everything around you to crumble.

Holy shit, man.

That is cold even by American racial standards.

I know wayyyyy too many people who think that way and completely ignore the epidemiology of addiction. Nope, they did drugs once and got hooked so sux 2 be them just let them die

I'm Samoan and grew up in Salt Lake City. I know plenty of Pacific Islanders who ODed on opioids...I think Utah is one of the states hardest hit, along with WV, Ohio, Kentucky....

Although the people who post there strike guys who are Steve Urkel clones, so the comments aren't too surprising.

"Did I do that?" Though I am sorry you had to experience that.

I didnt know that it hit other minority communities as well. What happened, why did your community fall prey to it?

Hmmm I guess you didn't know because you're a fat idiot nerd.

I care about as much as people offing themselves with heroin as much as I care about people offing themselves with crack.

Later, losers.

If I'm reading the link correctly, they view prescription painkillers as generally inaccessible to black people. Since those are often the gateway to heroin addiction and lead to those 'doped out mom OD's in front of baby!!11' youtube videos, they don't see it as their problem. They kinda have a point in that opiate addiction has historically been a white problem, but I think they're gonna change their tune real quick with the wider availability of those drugs and pain mills start opening up in their communities.

It's a pretty transparent problem too, but nobody gives a shit cause junkies.

Calling out rappers who reference heroin as being 'cool' isn't gonna be enough. Besides basic human empathy, you guys should be pretty about this too.

Besides having basic human empathy, you guys should be pretty concerned about this epidemic too.

"If you care to take a closer look at the way things really stand, you'd see we're all just niggers to the rulers of this land."



"I couldn't give a fuck if heroin and meth destroy their entire population. They sat and enjoyed seeing black and brown bodies killed and arrested on nightly news for 20 fucking years, over a fucking drug that the government introduced to the our communities. Let them die off."

Wew. Who will run the govt when all the whites die off and "War for the Planet of the Apes" comes true?

Holy shit as if we ever lack evidence of how toxic the pieces of shit that live inside subs that obsess over identity politics are.

more dead whites the better

Facts are not drama.

Stay woke

They’re right. If poor whites don’t want to die, maybe they shouldn’t do heroin. It’s not that hard.