Amy Schumer takes the bait

2  2017-04-01 by [deleted]



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Not sure if actual Schumer, redditor for 3 years but only comments 4 months back.

What's the over-under on this being a troll?

He makes a good point.

I mean if it's a troll you'd think they'd use the account a lot more. I mean there's a 99.9% chance it's a troll but I'm still holding out hope

fake 'n gay

Straight if true.

A whale taking a bait. Poetry.

Fat jokes are low effort. At least put some work into it.

I didn't overthink this one tbh, came like that.

A whale taking the bait. Poetry.

Putting work into something posted on /r/drama?

OP you're an idiot

Good work. You made him delete the whole thread. :(

:( i'm sorry op pls come back