April Fools

75  2017-04-02 by justcool393

The fact that we did nothing. I bet all of you were gearing up for a huge bamboozle or something, but nope.

This is totally not a testament to our laziness.


I'm going to poop in your mouth until you cry yourself to death, OP.

well that's rude

Don't try to act smart. We all know you're a high school drop out. 90% of /r/Drama users are. I'm smarter than you, better looking than you, cooler than you, and richer than you. You're a beta. I am alpha. Now look in the mirror and be disgraceful of what God has created. If this was the 1700s you'd be a white man's slave.

Nah, I'm the release candidate.

Not alpha any more?

I'm the final patch before discontinued support.

I'm the Black Mesa mod, bitch. Mayocide when?

Niggers aren't inferior to white people.

April fools!

user reports:
1: white people nonsense

Mayocide now.


me too thanks

Nah, I love /r/drama now

I wouldnt have noticed if there wasn't a big announcement. I guess you fooled yourselves.



user reports:
1: Eh


user reports:
1: mod abuse. 1: you are so boring and worthless seriously go hug yourselves


Yeah, I wouldn't want to hug someone that ugly either.


Fucking lol.

youre not allowed to laugh at that

The fuck is with people making fucking gay love to the word bamboozle? Some cunts in the shittier version of /r/meirl thought someone would actually get a tattoo, then got mad when he told them how retarded they were, and now I'm expected to dredge up a 100 year old word nobody alive has ever even heard of away from the internet?

The fuck was wrong with trolled? Or pranked? Or tricked? Or, and this one is way way out there, you can always use 'fooled'. Not like it's there in the fucking name of the day or anything. Or maybe if you're a wanker you could say Punk'd™©℗®℠. Saying old words doesn't make you not a dickhead.

Fuck bamboozle. Only time a prank should be called a bamboozle is if you soak bamboo in vodka and feed it to pandas to get them drunk. Then you can title the video 'Bamboozle' and let the pun speak for itself, any other time you can fuck right off.

You've just been rused...

do u need 2 talk about a bamboozle that happened 2 u? we r hear 4 u.

Don't try to act smart. We all know you're a high school drop out. 90% of /r/Drama users are. I'm smarter than you, better looking than you, cooler than you, and richer than you. You're a beta. I am alpha. Now look in the mirror and be disgraceful of what God has created. If this was the 1700s you'd be a white man's slave.

hoo boy you sure got me

Mod me NOW

The biggest April Fools joke was that r/drama was the safest place to go for no April fools jokes.

Oh no I was coaxed into a snafu by a master ruseman!!!11!oneone


In other words:

"When the mods are fools every day trying to act normal is the most out of character idea we could come up with."
