Gypsy gets worked up when reminded of her inferiority

12  2017-04-02 by theherps


Here's the thing. You said a "trilby is a fedora."


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/u/ferrrretsultan, who's phone did you steal to start posting online?

Shit, she might curse you!

Get her tears!

I should've been more attentive when they showed Hunchback of Notre Dame!


I live in Georgia, grew up in Metro Atlanta, to be precise. I've had family in Clayton County - which you know what that means if you know the area - and right now I'm in an area (and university) that's about 40% black. My sister was actually happier before we moved here, in her school that was closer to 60% black. And yes, some majority black areas (the ones that are also high-poverty areas) tend to have a lot of crime. That does not mean I'm going to generalize all black people for it. You don't take the worst aspects of any group and decide everyone in that group is that way, and use it as an excuse to hate them. That's not okay.

What if it's the majority of the group?

Chances are, it's not. Confirmation bias, you want to hate that group, so you're only seeing the worst. Either way, it's still discrimination.

I meant hypothetically

Then still, you judge them on an individual basis. "This is a bad person" not "This is a bad group". That doesn't mean you ignore the actions of specific people, but that it's "These people right here are doing bad things" and not "Everyone like these people are doing, have done, and will continue to do bad things and only bad things".

But what about taking measures to stop the bad people. If you say "These roving groups of people with Romani heritage are stealing stuff we need to stop them" then you'll be eaten alive for racism, but you can't just pretend that efforts aimed at your average pickpocket will work on them.

Then when people actually steal something, you take action. You don't just go "this person is Romani so obviously they're going to steal from us". If it's a problem with a specific group, then you can watch that specific group. If a certain area is having a lot of problems with people settling in that have been stealing, then tighten security there, if a specific group of Romani are identified and are known to be stealing things, then you watch them closely and tighten security where they are. You don't just generalize to everyone.

I meant like in practical terms. Like, are you willing to aim at a group of romani people who are known to steal? YOu know what, I don't even know why I'm arguing I need to stop procrastinating please help me

Yes, if a specific traveling group is known to steal, then yes, you can say "this specific group is a problem". It's not "All Romani people are a problem" then, it's "These specific people who happen to be Romani are a problem".

but what about DAE racial profiling why won't you help me I need to write a paper

I don't think racial profiling is ever okay. But I too am supposed to be finishing up a paper that's actually due tonight ... so maybe we should just agree to disagree?

This is /r/drama you SJW cunt, we never end the arguments

Yeah, very much not a social justice warrior. I think racism is wrong, that's all. And since we apparently aren't having a civil conversation anymore, then, yes, we did just end the argument,

Then you understand the stereotype, I mean half of violent crime is committed by what 4% of the population I mean its not black women, children or old people robbing, raping and killing people. Truthfully stereotyping keeps people safe and liberals are straight up dishonest about it, they move to Lilly white neighborhoods bitch about any sort of redistricting that could have there poor Thomas in the same classroom as shadika. Its like my wife who grew up in one of the richest neighborhoods in the country the minute we looked for a place to live she was like absolutely no section 8 housing

There's a difference between saying "I'd rather not live in a high-crime area" and saying "I don't want to live around black people". Namely, that "I don't want to live in a high-crime area" is common sense, and "I don't want to live around black people" is racist. Clearly what you're saying here, is that black men are violent criminals, which is a seriously racist statement. I know plenty of black men in my 40% black university who are wonderful people, some I find annoying, some I wouldn't want to be around. But you know what? That's the same of all people. There's wonderful white men, annoying white men, white men I wouldn't want to be around. Same with women, same with any race. People are people. "Bad" and "Good" aren't the same as "Black" or "White".

Well high crime areas and black people go hand in hand don't they. Check out your city's crime map and population you'll get the idea.oh and change schools a 40% black university has to have terrible reputation

No, they don't. Yes, some high crime areas are majority black, but definitely not all of them - and most importantly, not all majority black areas are high crime. Actually, this is the best place to be for my major, and we're told by visiting professors constantly not to "get used" to this, because grad schools will not have the same level of facilities. Being in this school allowed me to get into Oxford university as a visiting student for a term last Fall.

Well let's be honest not all high crime areas are black but if its a high crime are its black, I'm sure your aware that the poorest counties in the country I believe in Kentucky and west Virginia which are mayo colored are incredibly safe. I don't believe you, I've seen stats on black students college testing and GPAs no way your in a good college unless they are literally taking like the 20 most intelligent blacks in each state.hell I went to state school in Illinois and we had the diverse state school you went to if you couldn't get to u of I or uic or northern Maybe your confusing them with the superior Asian races

I'm not telling you the school I go to, because frankly, I don't want someone who's such a disgusting person to have that kind of information about me. But I have eyes, and I can see that my school is 40% black, I also know I went to Oxford. And I know that many people from my school are getting into the top schools in the state - or other states - for grad school. I know we've got some incredibly talented and intelligent black people in my program as well. It's not a big school yet, but it's growing fast, and receives quite a lot of major donations, especially for my program. We're the best place to be in the state for it.

I checked and their isn't a good school with that sort of population mix, are you sure your not mixing up blacks with Asians.

Again, I have eyes. Just checked the official numbers, 37% black. We're not a big school, but we are a good school. It's mainly a certain subset of majors that are the best (including mine), but I think we're overall the best in the state/one of the best in the state across all of those. Many state-wide events related to those majors are held at my school because of that. And yes, a large portion in those majors as well, are black,

I think I said this here before but I have met a big number of gypsies. Gitanos like we say here

On average they are ok, some huge pieces of shit, some are really fucking great and warm people ( like third worlders in general), but they do have a really fucked up culture

Like if you are not stealing at 14 you are not a man, and I actually knew a guy who felt pressured to steal a bike when he was a fucking 15 y.o because his dad was giving him shit for being so useless

I having witness their family life and talked with em about it. It's kind a harsh and brutal for certain people. Especially when family members abuse the living shit out of the traditional rules.

It's worth noting that many Gypsies don't have anything to do with that lifestyle at all, Roma is just their ethnicity.

yep yep

The two 'Gypsies' in the thread sounded like American 1/4th Roma heritagefags, so they probably don't know much about what the culture/lifestyle is actually like over in Yurop. Which is fair, nobody wants to think of their ancestors as low-level petty criminals.

Do you live in America? I ask because American Gypsies are different from European Gypsies.

Relevant link about why people hate Gypsies.

If you want racism against gypsies to stop, you should get gypsoes to kill themselves.

/u/ferrrretsultan just put a curse on him and be done with it. Or steal his wallet.

just put a curse on him and be done with it. Or steal his wallet.

Or both.

I do 100% think that the people defending gypsies have never dealt with them in their town or area. In my hometown there was a gypsy camp next to the tip (a recycling centre) and all they ever did was steal from the tip and then threaten people at knifepoint when they walked too close to "their area". These stories are not uncommon throughout the UK, infact most regions I know of have similar experiences

I do 100% think that the people defending gypsies have never dealt with them in their town or area.

Or, those people are Gypsies themselves, or know someone who is, and have had a different experience than you have.

I'm part Roma Gypsy, and I've never understood Reddit's obsessive hatred for Gypsies. I'm pretty sure most people on Reddit have never even met a Gypsy (or are unaware of it if they did).

Most people on reddit despise any sort of culture associated with working class or below. Mostly because they're soft and middle class whitebread types.



hah, good one!

Hustling > Working whiteboi

My condolences.

There's nothing wrong with being a Gypsy.

Whatever helps you get through the day I guess.