People get extremely mad when it is pointed out that Raddit may be a honeypot. There are literally no more than two different people in this thread, using a large number of alts.

13  2017-04-02 by Prince_Kropotkin


Cool story, bro


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To be specific, KropotkinZombie, BlackFlagged, SmugLiberalTears, brocialistslaughter, Jeqrex are just one or two people. Now that I look some other random person wandered in, but aside from them it's the same couple people going on panicked damage control.

So much of /r/anarchism (let alone the meta sub) is just a tiny group of people using large numbers of sockpuppets to talk to each other and make the sub more edgy. It's extremely funny.

Prince_kropotkin: got fascists on r/drama to harass and doxx several trans anarchists, leading one of them to attempt suicide (seriously, his harassment was and remains that bad).

Yeah, it's a pretty transparent attempt to say I'm to blame if someone kills themselves, because I shitpost in /r/drama. Also all of you are Nazis, and are also to blame too.

who got "doxxed" and what was the content of the supposed doxxing

Eeplox/nowaydaddioh claimed that someone emailed them at work. And that their coworkers were getting emails saying they were working with a pedo, except eeplox hacked the email server to prevent them from getting the emails or something like that.

Damn, so it's not even anything interesting, just halfhearted and obviously insane lies.

Go jump in a bonfire you dishonest reactionary piece of shit.

It's "Ludabug the Landlord". Hey I heard you run the slummiest shitty apartments and rip off your tenants, how's that con going for you, "anarchist"?

Lel do you ever even do anything other than make dishonest attack against leftists on reactionary subs? Maybe you should just put a bullet through your brain and end your miserable life ;)

Miserable? It's definitely no more miserable than the lives of the tenants you're exploiting, you fake-leftist piece of shit.

Is mod of /r/manarchismonline calls me a fake leftist

lel so much pure concentrated liberalism in one comment. I can't wait to see what your bloody mutilated corpse looks like after the revolution ;)

ahahahaha dude you're so over the top you legitimately make me laugh at this point, you're such a freak

legitimately tho stop being a slumlord that's fucked

Have you tried not sounding like a Saturday morning cartoon villain?

Wew lad. That's sum edgy banter. Keep up the good work. Prince is a pretty though nut to crack having had many edgy retards harass him, but maybe you'll be the one to cyber bully him off reddit. Good luck πŸ‘

You're calling another anarchist a "reactionary" because you and him disagree on something?

This is why anarchism will never work in real life.

Hey ludabug how's being hopelessly lost in insanity treating you

Go swallow a cyanide pill.

Now where am I gonna get one of those, silly! I've got a perfectly good bottle of grain alcohol ready to go, though.

Welcome to having a white penis.

senpai finally noticed me!

The way that talk about Prince makes him sound more interesting than he really is.

They play me up to be the 8th stage boss when really I'm a random character out on the street.

got fascists on r/drama to harass and doxx several trans anarchists, leading one of them to attempt suicide (seriously, his harassment was and remains that bad)

Looks like we need to try harder, lads.

We're not with them so we're against them

Getting someone on /r/anarchism to say they attempted suicide on Reddit is like convincing a goldfish to swim. It just comes naturally.

Meanwhile I get death and rape threats openly for everyone to see and they say it's alright because I deserve it.


























πŸ˜€ πŸ† πŸ˜€ πŸ† πŸ˜€






pretty much any time anyone says they got "rape threats" over the internet theyre lying for attention

its like they think just jumping to the most extreme thing straight away is how you convince people

Are you downplaying my life experiences?!

well no actual rape isnt trivial its fucked

thats why its important to treat it seriously and not like a get out of jail card for an internet argument

You're 100% full of shit there (unsurprisingly). Rape threats are very common on the Internet.

hey why dont i write down a threat and make it really easy to trace thats a good idea

isnt it odd how nobody can ever provide any evidence of it happening

People are too smart to make their threats easy to trace?

Nobody can ever provide evidence of having received rape threats, ever?

/u/SmugLiberalTears is one of the most toxic redditors out there, possibly even worse than /u/angrydm \ /u/refuseandresist. wouldn't be surprised if he was mad enough to have multiple alts

EDIT: Also seriously don't go on Raddit ~unless you have a VPN/Tor~

This drama's been going on for what I think is now over a year. I really hope eeplox finds some treatment.

That's correct. I personally prefer the word ALIAS over "alt" because in 'human speech' outside of the internet it carries the connotation of harmful purposes, and the career of somebody like eeplox/badnic/nowaydaddioh/kropotkinzombie/gojothegreek/sanewsbot/etc., etc. is nothing if not harmful and about as evil as a rattlesnake crossed with a wolverine. Most of his pathetic career has been devoted to attacking other leftists, and he is nothing if not a grand fraud. He has never in the past, has not in the present and never will in the future have anything whatsoever to do with the real life anarchist movement which he pays next to no attention to in his psychopathic ranting. His so-called "anarchism" consists of nothing but about 10 insult words and the bizarre, insane idea that egging on naΓ―ve internet dwellers to acts of violence that THEY will get caught for and pay for - NOT him. That's about it except for his petty Nostradamus act that civilization will collapse. Something he is overjoyed about because civilization means people, and he hates people with a passion. The world moves on and the resentful 14 year old in a body approaching middle age continues to stew in his resentful misanthropy and imagines he can con the naΓ―ve.

  1. Why is this guy an evil rattlesnake/wolverine?

  2. What career? Posting on anarchism isn't a job.

  3. Not being part of "the real life anarchist movement" certainly isn't a bad thing.

why are you making transexuals kill themselves you manarchist

-Death to all who stand in the way of freedom for working people

/u/smugliberaltears I hope you aren't afraid of heights.

Honestly I won't argue if you give a few helicopter rides to the fine anarcho-maoists of /r/anarchism tbh

I hate that "anarcho-maoists" is even a word.

They would deny it, but its pretty much true. They're functionally identical.

It is 100% accurate.

Voltarinede even praised the German RAF, which was very far from anarchism to say the least.

I prefer anarcho-tankies myself. Reddit has a gigantic tankie & anarcho-tankie problem.

I mean, even /r/place gets infested by these retards.

Rebelsdarklaughter: banned for calling someone ageist for saying kids shouldn't fuck adults. Warlordzephry: said we should build mentally ill camps. Prince_kropotkin: got fascists on r/drama to harass and doxx several trans anarchists, leading one of them to attempt suicide (seriously, his harassment was and remains that bad). Also got noway doxxed at work, they kept harassing their boss and telling them noway's a pedo.

Lol remember guys these are the people that are gonna overthrow the fucking government, military, police force, etc... I'm literally shaking from fear, as are the rich CEOs.

So /u/jeqrex lets say someone (righfully) calls you an autist in ancomistan, do they get shot by the mob, er, communal democratic guards of the revolution?

No sock puppets in real life, it would just be nowaydaddioh/jeqrex saying that after the inevitable second revolution he would kill everyone he disagrees with using his private communal guards of the second revolution.

These scum are fascists in anarchist clothing.

So close to self awareness

Well their whole game is either a) being severely disturbed and acting out online as a misguided form of therapy, or b) trying to control web forums and the petty powers they provide as a form of vanity politics. They can't be active in real life given how many hours they spend. I don't even want to know how many of our podcast views are just from Raddit folks obsessively listening and jotting down every word.

How can you start a revolution when members of your "army" try to commit suicide because someone on the internet said something offensive?

These people are why Zizek is becoming more sympathetic to capitalism.

The more I run into these people, the more I support our current system of government tbh.