13 reasons why is a revenge fanfic for people who were too much of a weakling for high school

13  2017-04-03 by ThatOtherPromise

My high school people fucked in the bathrooms ( not me, though I post here so this is redundant ), fights were as consistents as the classes themselves, one guy throwed a brick in another dude and me and my best friend used to bring vodka in water bottles. To be fair to it though there was no drug selling inside of it, you actually had to walk away a whole 15 meters to find someone to sell you shit.

" Oh no a sexual list with my name in it :( "

Bunch of pussy ass first world white bitches


The protagonist makes me want to punch a wall

Why do I keep trusting netflix?

You should find a better ESL teacher. Preferably one who doesn't come to the country for the sole purpose of getting laid.

seriously. i didnt bring my dressing for this fucking word salad of a post.

I read the book a few years back.

I don't know why I kept expecting better from YA.

They shouldn't. People who get mad at YA are dumb.

You don't become a genius when you point out John Green's books are overdramatic and have silly dialogue.

"Not enjoying something because it is objectively poorly made makes you smug and /r/iamverysmart"


"I'm mad at books for teens because they don't stimulate my superior intellect."


"lol we're so cool and dangerous because we're losers and the popular kids are lame and stupid XD"

You know, whatever floats your boat friend.

Don't think you can get away with bullying me normie. Once I write my YA book your going to be the evil mean girl who casually made a comment about my dress being tight and everyone is gonna hate you.

Make sure to include a chapter about how my life is actually terrible and shallow and that's why I'm so mean to others.

also make sure there's some convoluted situation where I'm forced to depend upon you and we become friends

I've seen that movie!

That is this stupid show I am watching though

" jocks are so mean "

" poor nerds "

" over the top masculine dudebros are rapists/borderline rapists "

" progressive good hearted gay latino dude ( VERY ACCEPTING DEMOGRAPHIC OF GAY PEOPLE INDEED! ) "

Is hilarious though, so many cliches

Is probably my fault for watching a teen show, eh

You're the one who read it bruv

objectively poorly