People Are Freaking Out Over Finding a Bay Leaf In Their Chipotle

65  2017-04-03 by snallygaster


Jews did this


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damn jews and their delicious seasonings getting in my food

that literally shows the same pic tweeted by two different people #journalism

Literally none of the articles about this were remotely well-done.

chipotle: burritos for white people wypipo


If you're buying burritos at Chipotle you're doing it wrong.




You'd be surprised how many recipes call for Bay leaves, especially Asian food.

It's not like a feather or something wandered in.

I always use it when I make a roast.

Day of the Rake when?

If we kill the leaves the leaves win.

Bay leaves aren't supposed to be eaten though? If you're stuck buying fast food, you probably don't want to think about what you're eating.

Yeah but bay leaves are almost impossible to get out of a giant pot of simmering meat with 100% efficiency. When I cook with bay leaves I lose one or two occasionally.

they make these spoons with holes in them, they're really useful for fishing out bay leaves.

i'm not sure what a slotted spoon would improve in a ten gallon pot of meat with a fistful of bay leaves lurking

or in a big old pot of rice

When I cook with bay leaves I lose one or two occasionally and I'm not using a 10 gallon industrial pot. A bay leaf won't kill you and you can just spit it out.

I lost a bouquet garni once and wanted to kill myself

Wait, the string broke on the bundle? Oh shit

If you're using more than a few you can wrap them up in a little bundle of cheesecloth for easy removal. Just leave it loose enough that stuff can circulate through.

Yeah, but the problem is that none of these people even knew what a bay leaf is. smh

And tbh I'd think that seeing a bay leaf would make it seem more authentic since it's a real spice.

Til I remembered I'm better than (((other))) white people

How is this not blatantly apparent every time you step into a parking lot?

The way you used that question mark makes me want to vomit.

Go ahead

Irrefutable proof that whites don't season

As if lacking their own cuisines wasn't reason enough for mayocide, they go and do this ignorant shit.

cool it or the shackles come back big boy

Bay leaves are used a lot in Italian cuisine. Or are Italians POC today? I haven't been keeping up with the news



have you read Othello?

Have you read Roman history/

WOP's aren't white boyo

Too many ethnic slurs for them to be white.

I'm white and spicy as fuck bb

Salt isn't a spice

Cave people btfo

They only care about Sezchuan Sauce

You might be tempted to branch out, spice things up, and take a bite. Don't. Set it aside and leaf it alone.

western civilization is a failure

Fascism was our only hope tbh

In your heart, you know it is true.

"Apparently @ChipotleTweets has new ingredients .. leaves #thankschipotle"

Why's every complaint need to come with that snide shit attached. Just say, found a leaf in my chipotle, hope you guys don't let this happen again

I wonder what they think most spices are if not leaves.

Spice comes from the spice factory of course!

You misspelled Arakis.


or how about the salad guy in the article. what does he think lettuce is?

Slightly crunchy water

water tastes better

How would they react to some fuckin cilantro?

Wait, what other spices are leaves? I can't think of anything. Most are seeds, like fennel or cumin, or flowers, like black pepper or saffron.

Guess it depends on whether you distinguish between spice and herb.


Oregano, basil, thyme, rosemary...


I couldn't for the life of me figure what the difference is. I use them interchangeably.

Herbs are leaves/stems, spices are flowers/seeds/roots/bark. Or something like that. I guess bay leaf is a herb now that I think about it but it's a spice in my head.

We live in the new digital age where everyone in /r/SubredditDrama thinks they are witty by being smug condescending retards.

I never went back there since the E. coli scare...not that I'm still afraid I'll get it, it just made me realize how over-hyped the whole place was

I used to go a lot when there was one that was convenient for me. A bowl of rice, meat, beans, veg and spicy stuff is a damn fine meal when you need something quick

In my family, finding a bay leaf in your goulash means you're going to fall in love

awww that's sweet

I'd try goulash but its name makes it sound so disgusting I never do. It sounds like something orcs eat.

There's lots of different kinds of goulash. My family passes down a recipe for German goulash, mother to daughter, but my ma had all sons so I got it. It's a brown gravy made with chuck, like a thick dark stew, served over spaetzle (which is hard to get where we like, so we use elbow or shell macaroni). It takes all day to cook, and makes the house smell delicious.

Really got to rename it though. It sounds like it made out of rotten entrails.

Everything does in German

Only in America

Holy shit. Gas these retards.

It's a leaf. Just take it out and move on. It's supposed to be there, but not supposed to be eaten.

I wonder percentage of these people list themselves as a foodie on tumblr.

"I asked for lettuce, not leaves."

Fucking kys

You faggots don't deserve a leaf from the majestic laurel tree.