0 2017-04-03 by [deleted]
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-04-03
Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a GothicSardine 2017-04-03
Is this some sort of new age revival of rage comics? God help us all.
n/a MyrLeaf 2017-04-03
Thanks to /pol/ again. They were really at the top of their game last year.
Basically reddit could only talk with them 99% of the time.
n/a Nomadlads 2017-04-03
I pray that some day we'll start using png for line drawings.
n/a downerabuse 2017-04-03
facebook link
n/a OiBoiFloyd 2017-04-03
Ah yes, its impossible to make fun of both sides while still holding convictions. Definitely not like a agree with a lot of Ghazi and r/anarchism's sentiments but laugh at them because they act like ridiculous retards.
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-04-03
Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a GothicSardine 2017-04-03
Is this some sort of new age revival of rage comics? God help us all.
n/a MyrLeaf 2017-04-03
Thanks to /pol/ again. They were really at the top of their game last year.
Basically reddit could only talk with them 99% of the time.
n/a Nomadlads 2017-04-03
I pray that some day we'll start using png for line drawings.
n/a downerabuse 2017-04-03
facebook link
n/a OiBoiFloyd 2017-04-03
Ah yes, its impossible to make fun of both sides while still holding convictions. Definitely not like a agree with a lot of Ghazi and r/anarchism's sentiments but laugh at them because they act like ridiculous retards.