An /r/announcement has been made, and users take to the stand to talk about radicalism. Of course, it devolves into the usual topics of discussion.

89  2017-04-03 by snallygaster




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Has there always been this much commie/fascist drama?

Doesn't seem like it. The alt-right/nazi-wing donald types are relatively new here (in such numbers, and so blatantly anyway), and the tankies & anarcho-tankies succeeded in completely dominating the big leftie subs at the same time.

They have dominated for years now.

Nah, not totally. A couple years sync0pate ran /r/anarchism and they kept a lid on the edgiest behavior over there, and /r/socialism went through a few purges of the vanity project tankies so it wasn't quite as bad. Everything is way worse now.

I trust your opinion on that, but that isn't the extent of where the morons live. You also have pretty much any place that irby and people like her run around. You also have had many periods where SRD was literally defending her and upvoting her comments when she would stop by and comment in there as well.

I'm sure a noted GG enthusiast such as yourself knows how much she promotes that stereotype of kill all whitey black feminist marxist that pushes black nationalism.

anarchotankies is a fun word


Jon Peters is an arachnotankie

does ww2 count?

The Spanish civil war should, at least.

ww2 count?

Doesn't count because the Soviets were't really communist, remember? they were state capitalist; so capitalism deserves all the credit for killing Nazis.

I have never seen an /r/announcements post where the comment section wasn't filled with people whining that right-wing subreddits are allowed to exist

The anti-commie bitching is new though

Announcement thread constants

  1. Question will be dodged
  2. Reddit is a right wing hell hole ban everything
  3. What about SRS

Every time, but now it is what about antifa freaks.

The anti-commie bitching is new though

What about SRS??

They have been always commies.

They have been always commies cunties.



We have always been at war with SRS.

Ever since the two existed at the same time, my man

Stalingrad will be fought through meme blockades and everyone will starve to death as dank memes are prohibited from entering the city.

RIP in Peas.

I'm reading some books about the Spanish Civil War. The short answer is 'yes'. Commies on one side, fascists on the other. The commies divided into a few groups and fought each other. It was an almost literal leftist circular firing squad. '

The fascists won.

Well, you're not going to win a war when you allow everyone in your battalion to vote on the action you plan to take.

I, nikolasv, /r/drama's trending celebrity as of late, try to confront sleazebag Ohanian here:

For something like how to make drugs, we don't.

What about /r/opiaterollcall:

a community for 3 years

How come you Reddit staff lightbulbs have allowed a subreddit whose sole purpose is to facilitate drug deals in the USA to exist for so long? Btw, I complained to a federal agency about that subreddit and Reddit, but it seems to still be going strong.

If it involves turning over information or removing content, we consider carefully.

Why would you have to consider carefully to remove drug dealing subreddits? Do I have to email news organizations or something? Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian are like kids who need the media to spank their asses to realize they did something wrong. They only ever pretend to care and pretend to take action and handing out faux apologies, after various news outlets give their Reddit publicity black eyes, and only after that media beating do we see the repeating of the age old pathetic dance of their corporation trying to rehabilitate an ever deteriorating image. Reddit staff didn't care when they uploaded pics of underage girls and sexualized them in /r/jailbait(only the media black eye given by Anderson Cooper lead to post facto action), Ohanian/Huffman didn't/don't care that African Americans and other minorities hate Reddit this den of white nationalism and simply won't use this medium, but still bray that this is the "internet's frontpage". Steve Huffman only cared when he became the target of /r/the_donald and dastardly edited one of the comments where a Donald chanarchist mocked him. Far as I am concerned the trolls gave him his just deserts.

It is not really hard to take an ethical stand but Reddit failed in the past and will in the future. People may as well start migrating to now, which is probably gonna be Reddit's replacement. I know of all people Ohanian loves bragging about how many users Reddit has, and it has a lot, but those users came at the price of surrendering to trolls, racists, Gamergate, chanarchists, the alt-right, super neckbeards, drug addicts, etc. To regular people Reddit is seen as a curse word and little better than a meta-sized chanboard or IGN board.

You're doing the Lord's work, fam 👏

You fucking autistic retard. Drugs are better people than you. Fuck off.


For the last goddamn time. That was you, while you were on drugs. But that was definitely you raping your dog.

Nuh uh. Three Marijuanas came up and forcibly penetrated Rex. He hasn't been the same around leaves ever since.

I see you spelled "Mexicans" wrong.

I learned it from YOU, Dad!

A+ reference!

literally who

Email news orgs about the drug sub and see if /u/spez actually gets off his ass and bans it.

Maybe we should crowd-source the effort, /r/drama? We can create more negative publicity for Reddit and let's also try to 1 UP past Reddit ass whuppings in the media, by asking them to question imzy staff on their views of how to handle a similar situation. I assume like most normal people, they wouldn't allow their medium to become a drug hub.

Jesus I'm really starting to hate you.

ok you do that we will all wait for you here


it's got to be the kind of news org that loves drug panic though. Mail/Sun for sure, New York Post maybe. best though would be for someone to die in some way that can be blamed on drugs, and it turns out they're a subscriber. then we can really start the campaign for Chad's Law or whatever

It can be more subtle, but equally as dangerous. A sub where they joke about "hanging" the opposition, constant and extreme demonization of the opposition, seeing hatred for governments (or its agencies), and political and/or religious subs who try to convince their users to buy weapons and to always carry a weapon.

Could not have more perfectly described /r/anarchism and /r/socialism

Just say The_Donald. Don't pussyfoot around it- that sub, underneath the stupid memeing, is growing into a conspiracy-based AltRight recruiting ground of angry young white men and the rhetoric towards anyone against their Dear Leader is just as radicalizing as that of anti-American Imam's in the Middle East.

*screams externally*

same exact response i had. i was like "o shit the hivemind is upvoting anti-anarchism posts?" but then my soul was crushed seconds later

The hivemind probably doesn't know much about /r/anarchism as compared to .r.the_donald, though.

They're not wrong

Literal ISIS.

Uhh do you lack that much self- awareness? We are in a sub that constantly jokes about the mayocide.

Who's joking?

Life's the joke.

Your life isn't a joke.

It's a mistake.

I never joke about it. I'm even designing shirts to support mayocide!


probably because literally no one outside of drama knows about /r/anarchism while /r/The_Donald hits the front page regularly and has articles written about it

You do not deserve downboats, my beautiful young friend.

i downvoted him literally just because of this post

that's the spirit

They're whining about /r/physical_removal, which is tiny.

"BASH THE FASH" "Liberals will get the bullet too" "Off to the gulags with you" "Day of the rope, when?"

Inb4 muh horseshoe theory. It's correct.

whenever I see a new admin post I come straight to this sub

Same, though I found this one in the wild and tried to start a discussion about how the platform's features are perfect for radicalism only to get drowned out by the same old "WHAT ABOUT ____???" bullshit. Shouldn't have wasted my time

You should know better than that.

I do but I'm dumb enough to do it anyway!

All that crying about physical removal but not a single mention of fullcommunism or LWSE


Lotta leftists in that thread. helicopter idles

be right-wing anti-statist ancap

worship a literal military dictatorship


Physical Removal is the sub of the year, and it is barely April.

be right-wing anti-statist ancap

worship a literal military dictatorship


well, I mean, LWSE actually did get banned

Yeah that's weird. Why would you mention them?

trumps doin a bad job as president

LWSE was banned immediately numbnuts

We don't count people pepper sprayed and kicked on the ground by antifa, right?

Why, how many times has that happened to you? I bet Antifa's slapped your hairy ass around plenty of times.

Well, /u/arathian? Why so quiet? Are you being fucked up the ass by Antifa as we speak?

For 15 hours apparently

I've always known /u/arathian was a pussy, but honestly this is a new low.

1.) Antifas don't exist in the real world

2.) If they did they'd be posting on /r/antifa, not /r/FULLCOMMUNISM



If we're advocating for banning radicalization now we should probably start with /r/Drama tbh.

But that would put off the mayocide.

/r/drama doesn't radicalize, it is the light bringer.

A place with 24/7 posts about why you shouldn't trust US intelligence agencies.

/u/koproller, if you think intelligence agencies (of any country) should ever be "trusted" by their citizenry, your politics is garbage

well yeah, which makes it like

why you singling out OUR guys

probably because america is the only country that matters

oh duh

Meanwhile, they refuse to believe a word of what the highest office holder in the land has to say.

Please just speak your name, address, and your concerns about the security services into your nearest lampshade and we will get right back to you.

And by trusting security agencies, they actually mean trust Clapper.

lmao every announcement has the top comment as some shitty grand characterization of T_D and why it should be banned, but they won't explicitly say the sub name.

Just say The_Donald. Don't pussyfoot around it- that sub, underneath the stupid memeing, is growing into a conspiracy-based AltRight recruiting ground of angry young white men and the rhetoric towards anyone against their Dear Leader is just as radicalizing as that of anti-American Imam's in the Middle East.

Actually, considering subs like /r/Physical_Removal, /r/anarchism, and all that shit, /r/The_Donald is looking pretty moderate compared to them.

Those are the subs I thought he was talking about, and just not mentioning any because there's so many and they keep getting banned or collapsing.

im just saying, if you kill all white people, /r/the_donald ceases to exist too


Post your rarest pepe.

I'll also accept rare spurdo.

I said it before and I'll say it again.




It's helicopters all the way down!


Eventually the pile of helicopters will be tall enough to reach the moon.

And that's how we'll get back to the moon to build a Subway and a Pizza Hut.

There something a little ironic about spez writing a reddit transparency report.

It's just a working draft. He'll edit it later.

multiculturalism is an unworkable ideology based on jewish schizophrenia.

radicalization is inevitable in that type of environment.

I feel like anyone dumb enough to feel threatened by the helicopter rides meme is absolutely the type of person that absolutely needs a high altitude transfer from the gene pool to the ocean.

That's a good list you posted, there, Snally

But isn't that like saying people who hate Nazis are hateful people so both are equally bad?

Why won't anyone think of the poor wittle Nazis?