Family that's a favorite of online conspiracy theorists (the Blackwaters) is outed as a part of another conspiracy. But this time, /r/conspiracy isn't buying it.

14  2017-04-03 by IAmAN00bie

watch the trainwreck live in action as /r/conspiracy can't decide if the infamous Blackwater family is innocent because the conspiracy they're allegedly involved with this time is related to Trump


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Their name isn't the Blackwaters, noob

They go by "Academi" nowadays, that also explains why Betsy was such a natural pick for Secretary of Education.

That reads like a shitty stripper name.

Oh shit, good comment. I hadn't considered "what about Hillary though."

Perfect satire of that sub and they're ridiculous double standards. "Well yeah when Hillary did it it was illegal and bad but Trump makes everything okay".

Yeah, you're a few hours late. And it wasn't my comment I was talking about. Low IQ response.

Low IQ response.

I can picture you saying this to a girl on the bus when she tells you to leave her alone.

I know it wasn't, it was someone else's, the comment I quoted you saying was, "if these downvotes don't prove we are being brigaded I don't know what will". Why would I assume the comment you are talking about being downvoted is a comment you just made about being downvoted?

You don't even go to that sub. So you have no idea what normal voting patterns are.

Actually I used to visit it a lot till I get banned for doing an AMA about being paid by Soros. And voting patterns usually downvote any left wing ideas or people who try to discredit the conspiracy the latter of which was attempted.

Meh. If you don't think posts are ever brigaded or that there's bots and shills on reddit, then I don't know why you'd ever go in a conspiracy sub.

What a great response. So if anything is downvoted it's a brigade?

No. I watched the voting patterns. Feel free to go read threads on the sub that have been posted about it.

What are the voting patterns? Please tell me your evidence for them being brigaded. R/conspiracy doesn't like people discrediting conspiracies so the dudes getting downvoted simple as that you got downvoted for being a Trumpster who thinks everyone's out to get you when nobody cares

Too bad the Logan Act doesn't apply to the CIA.

It's well known and established the cucks /r/conspiracy don't like real conspiracies. It's all about (((extra cheese)))

Well that sub is basically /r/the_donald