Should repentant Trumpets be forgiven for their sins? Some histrionic users think not!

28  2017-04-04 by UncleSamuel


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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The. victims. are. the. people. who. are. going. to. die. and. be. deported. and. lose. their. parents. you. dumb. fucking. idiot. The. victims. won't. live. to. the. next. election.

Were you crying when you wrote this /u/hook3d ? Does your own self righteousness light a little fire in the pants area? On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy the smell of your own farts?


You're bad at this lol

What exactly am I bad at friend? Those are genuine questions. I'm not trying to le trole you as the kids say.



Awww, come on buddy. As a former trump supporter I just want to win your affection. I was wrong. I beg your forgiveness.

Do you know many illegal citizens? Are you equally self righteous in other facets of your life? What do your farts smell like?



You know the answers are: no. Yes. Semen.

Lol yep.

Semen and Crisco, actually.

I love it when illegal immigrants are deported. I wish everyone of them will soon be deported. They are all criminals.

The πŸ‘ victims πŸ‘ are πŸ‘ the πŸ‘ people πŸ‘ who πŸ‘ are πŸ‘ going πŸ‘to die πŸ‘ and πŸ‘ be πŸ‘ deported πŸ‘ and lose πŸ‘ their πŸ‘ parents πŸ‘ you πŸ‘ dumb πŸ‘ fucking πŸ‘ idiot. πŸ‘ The πŸ‘ victims πŸ‘ won't πŸ‘ live πŸ‘ to πŸ‘ the next πŸ‘ election.


I don't give a FUCK about feelings any more. I'm going to talk shit constantly, because Republicans play dirty, and that's how they win, and now I play dirty too.

u/Hook3d is so heckin brave

he just doesn't give a hoot

/u/Hook3d definitely plays with his cock on the reg. So he knows how to play dirty.

Who doesn't play with their cock on the reg?

People who don't have cocks.

I'd think such an brilliant mind such as yourself would be aware that nearly half the population doesn't have a cock.

But who are we kidding? You're an unhinged dumb fuck.

Lol :D

I figured it was implicit that only people with cocks can play with their cocks. Didn't realize I needed to specify that one.

Sorry I didn't realize coming into this thread would trigger you, my bad D:

Look he said "triggered" the lulz!!!

Keep on backing up tough guy.


You'd think people in a sub called /r/Drama wouldn't lose their shit so easily lol

25 comments in this thread.

15 are from you.

Is this how you play dirty against Hitler?

Nah you guys are right, I was a little too upset. I've cooled off a little now.

Are you upset that you can't actually push my buttons that easily?

The fact that you continue to reply indicates all of your buttons have been pushed in almost as far as your rectum.


nope, no forgiveness for you assfag. the deed is done, now i'm just going to talk nonstop shit to you cause thats how you play dirty

I'd think a brilliant mind such as yourself would be aware that nearly half the population doesn't have a cock.

Um, there is no way to tell anyone's genital configuration without pulling down their pants. Plus also you have no reason to want to know unless you are married life partners.

Can we agree that people with cocks play with their cocks regularly?

I masturbate on the daily.

Such is like as an incel

240K karma in two years?

You might want to try and get outside your basement there, bud.

Who the hell pays attention to their karma count?

oops sorry

That's where they porn and the fleshlight are.

That's your best play, ombre? Attacking your fellow NEET virgin shitlord? At least /u/MG87 is good at living the NEET life, drowning in those fake internet points and pornhub premium poon.

What have you done asides from chimp-out on the internet? smdh.

Lol I gotta say this thread has actually made me laugh hard, thanks guys. I might sub

Oh great, just what we need - another noodles/BoOC.

Seriously this comment has made me laugh on like four separate occasions. This is the comment that keeps on giving.

Like gj, that was legitimately a very funny post. Ty

I'm glad you're easily amused fam-a-lam. No, seriously, I am. It probably makes your handler's job very easy and prevents a Sandy Hook II: Electric Boogaloo.


People who don't have cocks.

Did you just assume xeir gender?

People who don't have cocks.

Women aren't people, genius.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves here.

Sounds like something only a filthy mayo would say...

Guilty. I plan on starting the mayocide with a suicide bombing though.

Redemption is only a button press away! Good lad.

People who don't have cocks.

Uncocked Americans.

Hey /u/Hook3d, Trump isn't hitler. Hitler was competent enough to set up parallel institutions soon after the conservatives invited him to form goverment.

He's more like Mussolini, who was forced to share power preventing his regime from going through the same process of radicalization. Except, he's not really like Mussolini, because he's not a Fascist.

Except, he's not really like Mussolini, because he's not a Fascist.

You fucking take that back you ruskie shillbot!

In recent political history:

Obama shits on the segment of the population that likes guns or religion, where "religion" in his speech is clearly understood to mean non-Prog Christianity. He still wins, but this does him no favors.

Romney shits on half the government's subjects for not paying income tax and having no personal responsibility, even if it's because they're too young, too old, or too retarded to have any income. He loses.

Clinton calls about a quarter of the electorate deplorable pieces of shit, and for another quarter that's "maybe you're not pieces of shit but half your friends sure are". She loses.

It would seem shitting on huge swathes of the electorate is not the most astute political move.

So what do we get now? Those who voted for Trump on his false promises and are now looking for another choice told to fuck off. Bernie Sanders fans told they're agents of Putin. At some point it seems like the Democrats just got tired of winning.

Huge swathes? Honestly, Clinton was honest when she called half of his base deplorable because they literally are deplorable.

Go look at the polling done on his base and look at the shit they believe. These people are just detached from reality and there will never be compromise, they're crazies.

Tell me your thoughts on Pepe

Go look at the polling and you'll find out that a quarter of her own supporters had the same awful flaws of character that make them unfit for giving Clinton their vote.

Also it turns out that you win elections by getting votes, not by being honest for the first time in your life when it comes to talking about how much you look down on people in lower social classes.

Ah yes, the myth that Trump won lower social classes.

Clinton won low-income voters, Trump won 70 thousand delusional people in the rust belt.

If people LITERALLY think he's the next Hitler then why don't they get off their ass and do something instead of talking shit online. Either you're talking shit (exaggerating/hyperbole), deep down inside you realize you're wrong, or you're a coward.

What do you think they should do not saying he is literally Hitler but what would you do?

The French could probably give him (or you) some pointers.

Blow shit up.

Wear a pussy hat and/or join ISIS.

If Trump is Hitler, then defeating him in an election is important enough that you should:

  1. Actually vote for his opponent even if you're in a safe blue state like Michigan.

  2. Nominate an opponent who is not the sort of person who would lose against a sleazy con artist with no political experience.

  3. Attract people who are on the fence rather than calling them deplorable whenever they disagree with you about any issue.

  4. Encourage the Democratic candidate to do the same, and to compromise on hot-button issues that alienate moderate conservatives.

Everyone thought Hillary would and the election is over so what should we do now to stop Hitler?

There will be another election in 2020, assuming all of your stupid conspiracy theories about Trump being Hitler/Palpatine are untrue.

If he actually does use emergency powers to cancel the election (keeping in mind that liberals spent 8 years whining about how Bush was going to do so, and conservatives spent 8 years whining about how Obama was going to do so), feel free to spend your last days in the FEMA camp being smug about how Hillary was too good for deplorable blue collar workers in the rust belt.

Nah, he's just mentally I'll needs to get his meds adjusted

They see literally Hitler and they think you fight Nazis with Twitter. They need to be gassed.

/u/Hook3d should see a therapist or something. Not even memeing or anything. His posts seem legitimately deranged, like he has some real hysteria /anger issues.

See /u/UncleSamuel? That's how you bait someone. Your attempt was pretty pathetic compared to /u/fuck_my_shit_up.

You got me all wrong buddy.


Ok, could you idiots stop sperging out for a second? You're missing the important thing here: a PMC held a meeting in the Seychelles. Do you know what that means? MGS V is real!!!

names billy live at farm g o ta confesion i have one night i live farm at farm i piv pigs nd cows gapin hole i fuck cows i put my dick in them it nice it se it smels nice one day i fucked hc hchien chiken and cracked egg with my dick yolk poured all over my dick i am am friend of animals o f friends odiabetesf friends puffy oily porkcho pork anus chop anus yolk yolk it is yolk like lube it is ues yes yeah of course yes yolk lube stand am up yeah yes i penetrate impact balls and salami am diccan

Big if true.

War has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles fought by mercenaries and machines. War - and its consumption of life - has become a well-oiled machine. War has changed. ID-tagged soldiers carry ID-tagged weapons, use ID-tagged gear. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities. Genetic control. Information control. Emotion control. Battlefiled control. Everything is monitored and kept under control. War has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control...All in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction. And he who controls the battlefield...controls history. War has changed. When the battlefield is under total control...War becomes routine

So what happens when Trump is found innocent of any wrongdoing by the FBI? Will /r/politics become a left-wing /r/conspiracy, or will they pretend the year-long witch hunt never happened?

That's what I'm waiting on. Honestly, at this point anything short of proof that Trump and Putin 69'd while a Russian hooker pissed on them is going to be a huge letdown for /r/politics

Not to interrupt the circle jerk here but man the Davos family is pure fucking evil

I'm not going to look down my nose at people who regret voting for Trump. The guy is a master con man and fooled a lot of people into thinking he cares about them and is going to improve their lives.