WSB autists getting triggered by my definition of socialism

0  2017-04-04 by bigtool123




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Oh look at me, mister "I'm gonna rub it on on a day when all the meme stocks are down"

My favorite posts in this sub is when the assblasted OP links his own shit and calls others dumb

more like op triggered by a picture. you're a tard fa sho son

Don't miss the triggered snowflake as well

I feel genuinely annoyed when people misuse "snowflake". :/

It doesn't mean "a sensitive person". It means "a person who thinks they are special and unique". Snowflakes are typically into identity politics and love to list the minority groups they belong to, because they think that being unusual automatically makes you an interesting person. The sort of people, who put stuff like "I'm a vegan atheist pansexual" in their social media bios, are snowflakes.

The fact, that this bothers me, makes me feel disappointed with myself. :(

The fact, that this bothers me, makes me feel disappointed with myself. :(

It's okay 😌!! You're just special and unique ❄️!!

Nah, this is /r/Drama, hating yourself doesn't make you special in this place.

What if I also hate whites? Wait, no, that doesn't really narrow it down much.

Lmao ur dumb

Lol are you that butt hurt that you linked your own comment to drama LOL

you are an idiot and no, there is no such thing as capitalism + socialism

in general the mixed economy is characterised by the private ownership of the means of production, the dominance of markets for economic coordination, with profit-seeking enterprise and the accumulation of capital remaining the fundamental driving force behind economic activity.

fuck off and open a book

Yeah, and economic planning is a socialist thing, which it also characterises.

it's a left-wing thing, not specifically socialist. The workers do not own the means of production? Then it's not socialism

No, a planned economy is inherently socialistic. You cannot plan things in a free market.

Just stop

Socialism now means central planning, get over it

Just use communism in exchange

thinking the world should use words incorrectly because americans are ignorant

Your incorrect definition, you mean?