The jealous skinny bitches of /r/art take a break from purging to try and read a proud Person Of Size.

43  2017-04-04 by serialflamingo


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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Poor u/ThePoltageist is so hangry rn :(

I'm unsure why she hates healthy people so much.

It's a he btw. Although he's obese, so he probably can't prove what he is either way.

He hasn't seen it in years.

hard to be hungry when you are disgusted by people.

You are large and in charge. Chunky yet funky. Bold and beautiful baby.

Yeah but he hasn't seen his own penis in years. Imagine the emotional pain that brings.

as much as I assume you are trolling me, I will break it down for you. Being underweight is not the same as being not overweight, there is a normal weight. You will die from starvation before you can eat yourself to death unless you somehow manage to override your bodies natural reaction to vomit. Even outside of that extreme, you can do serious damage by being unhealthily thin including but not limited to brain damage faster than you will see the long term effects of overeating. This is not comparing overweight to normal weight, this is over vs under, and under will kill you first. My condition of mild asthma has been something I have had since I was 5 and seeing as how GERD is prevalent on both sides of my family and most of them are not overweight, I think its pretty safe to assume that I would have that even without my gut. I don't have a problem with healthy people, I have a problem with assholes.

It's ok dude, I was actually trolling the other dude.






Sorry, had too many carbs today already!

you sound like you have enough rolls to host a bake sale

if you count my gut as a roll then I have one, gunna be hard to keep up inventory with this small of a backstock to work with. would not recommend investing.

poor and fat lmao

You should stay disgusted more often.

Thats why so many miss /r/fatpeoplehate, best motivation for self improvement ever.

In what world does people being toxic pieces of shit motivate people to improve themselves?

Looking at disgusting fats is a great way to motivate oneself to push to the ideal human form. A bad example is sometimes the best example.

dude I have 40 extra pounds, I have been at a stable weight for over 10 years, legit my one defining "fat feature" is a small beer belly. I made the mistake (lol) of defending people who are not unattractive but have some extra weight on them apparently which caused the whole ensuing shitstorm of toxic (and all in perfect health apparently) people. Fuck me right?

So you are obese.

Idc what you wanna call it but I am happy with myself, I have none of the physical hinderences you probably associate with being obese but I probably qualify medically speaking.

It really isn't.

This is the one thing I can't stand about the /r/fatpeoplehate faction: they're too gutless to just admit they simply enjoy shitting on people that are beneath them, and create these bizarre pseudo ethical arguments for how they're saving lives. Stop being a pussy and just fucking own that you enjoy the hate.

So how fat are you?

Did you just say fat people are beneath you? Because that's what you just said.

The existence of fat people is one of the main reason why we need fascism.

One of Speer's first commissions after Troost's death was the Zeppelinfeld stadium—the Nürnberg parade grounds seen in Leni Riefenstahl's propaganda masterpiece Triumph of the Will. Speer insisted that as many events as possible be held at night, both to give greater prominence to his lighting effects and to hide the individual Nazis, many of whom were overweight.

Um, that wasn't real fascism. Real fascism has never been truly implemented!

I'd gild you if I wasn't ((cheap)).

Plz don't give money to (((reddit)))



what, is only your dad a jew?

This is how you know he's the real deal, he even saves on parentheses

No, this is how you know he's the real deal, he even saves on parentheses

umm excuse me sweetie but nazi germany was state capitalist, not fascist

Because everyone will be on speed, right?

Ackchyually socialism is even better for the eradication of fat people, this is happening in Venezuela.

I think I was very level-headed in that exchange. I'm becoming a better person every day.

Fucking casual.

Hell yeah you did, and I don't give a fuck, I also don't get the shakes when I am unable to eat a meal, jealous?

This argument really confused my until I realized they were not talking about milkshakes.

Confused me too, a fatty missing a meal?

Tbh I think a lot of Americans could slim down by not drinking any beverage that isn't water (with perhaps only cup of juice daily). Shit like milkshakes have enough calories to count as it's own meal, especially fast food shakes.

Unless you drink sugar free. I'm a T1 diabetic who looooves soft drinks, so I always get sugar free.

Artificial sweetners can actually increase your risk for type-2 diabetes.

I would look up "Artificial sweeteners induce glucose intolerance by altering the gut microbiota" by Suez et al.

Essentially, mice given artificial sweetners as part of their drinking water (admittedly this paper focuses mostly on saccharin) grew to be glucose intolerant over time while drinking the sweetner water. They analyzed their microbiomes and found significant differences in their compositions compared to the controls (which received either pure or sugar water). When they transplanted the microbiome (via shit smoothies) of the sweetner fed mice onto germ-free mice, the germ-free mice also became glucose intolerant.

Although you're already diabetic so you can probably drink that shit anyway.

Yeah, I don't think I can get T1 and T2 at the same time. That would be some shit awful luck if I did.

swigs down another can of Kirk's lemonade

It's possible. Google "double diabetes"

Well, at least I'll die as I lived - footless, in bed and browsing reddit.

Most obese Americans are lower class. They eat because it's literally one of the only social functions they have in their life, not because of "laziness" or "too many milkshakes" or what have you.

Your example applies more to the people in their 30s who are only 10-15 pounds overweight, and even then, I'd blame beer before soda.

claims that he's "only technically" overweight

Hates healthy people

Believes that there are more negative health effects to not being a lardo than vice versa

Even has a cundishon

/u/thepoltageist you could not be more typical

Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

Please don't use disabilities as insults 😯😢

Please learn to read, if you want to pass yourself off as basically a doctor, you should at least be able to read.

Ok sorry but I don't know what I uncomorehended

as much as I assume you are trolling me, I will break it down for you. Being underweight is not the same as being not overweight, there is a normal weight. You will die from starvation before you can eat yourself to death unless you somehow manage to override your bodies natural reaction to vomit. Even outside of that extreme, you can do serious damage by being unhealthily thin including but not limited to brain damage faster than you will see the long term effects of overeating. This is not comparing overweight to normal weight, this is over vs under, and under will kill you first. My condition of mild asthma has been something I have had since I was 5 and seeing as how GERD is prevalent on both sides of my family and most of them are not overweight, I think its pretty safe to assume that I would have that even without my gut. I don't have a problem with healthy people, I have a problem with assholes.

I dont get why you don't be healthy then I stead of over or under

Because that's more effort than being a lazy piece of shit.

I suprise your doctor doesn't think loosing weight would help your asthma . Weightloss is associate with a 50% remission in syptoms. Weightloss and exercise both strengthen lung functions and improve asthma syptoms (I know how hard it can be to be physical with asthma but it gets better)

As for gerd, Obesity is the biggest risk factor with GERD and weight-loss is the first step for treatment.

My doctors words is that a weight loss of 50 pounds or greater is associated with a reduction in symptoms, I could but I would technically be slightly underweight. Seeing as how my asthma is mild and my gerd ended up being remedied by cutting out spicy and acidic foods aside from an occasional flare up (getting more and more rare as I learn what has triggers in it that aren't obvious), for the most part it would be doing it just to do it. Cutting out food/drinks that aggravate gerd is the first step wtf are you smoking.

The first step is admitting you have a problem. So many excuses.

Find one.

Find it yourself lazy fatass

There was that part where you wouldn't tell someone your height and weight because they didn't ask for your "BMI".

Motherfucker, you tell me your height and weight and I can calculate your bmi

No you cant, you can estimate it you fucking moron.

Oh so your doctor is doing that water BMI thing? bc iirc even calipers are "estimates"

post bmi

Weightloss is associate with a 50% remission in syptoms.

TIL this is why the asthmatics sucking their inhalers every five minutes are fat kids. I figured it was because having asthma made working out harder, since harder to breathe.

In my experience, the people sucking on their inhaler the most were the tiny Jewish kids back when I was in high school.

Hurr hurr twigs skinny people with the shakes it's better to be fat

It's not the fact that you're fat. It's the fact that you pretended it was healthy. You bring another meaning to the term lolcow.



It is always so weird. People try to label overweight or fat people as curvy and then get called out on it and go "Well whatever I like it" why know just admit you like heavy people instead of applying a totally different word to it?

Y'all downvote our guests way to much sometimes

I was just cracking wise, I don't wanna know where you shove your candy. I thought you people were supposed to be jolly?

U/ieatpussy69 is a savage

I don't know what art is.

certainly not big enough for such pronounced stretchmarks

That is definitely not how those work, I'm 6' 150 lbs and my torso looks like I got mauled by an OCD bear when I was younger.