One brave ad pisses off both the alt-right and the commies

42  2017-04-05 by [deleted]


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Link us to the drama, not the video, you Pepsi shill.

Fuck u this video is important

I thought it was pretty corny

So was Star Trek that didn't stop it from being incredibly influential challenging biases against interracial relationships or in this case Pepsi MAX

Hey now -- "The Negron Complex" was a pretty hard-hitting script.





Eh , i like it.

Suk my wanky, dog spunk is more important than this.

It's certainly more drinkable than Pepsi.

This is how you bridge the divide between the retards of the alt right, and the retarded SJWS, they both are uniting in their hate of this shitty commercial.

Cokes better anyway


There's a Koch brothers joke somewhere in here

I prefer the Bogdanoff Brothers myself.


How can you possibly think this when Charles de Gaulle agrees and the proud pepsis of Canada believe otherwise?

I made it 30 seconds. That music had to die.

American music is terrible.

I'll drink a Pepsi to that.

Skip Marley

it's authentic Jamaican music, mon. He would have made his granddad proud.

It's all the same to me

Skip Marley and the Sell-Outs, featuring Aiden, Braden, Caden, and Muffy Marley.

We have Kanye tho

Don't make me repeat myself

You better pump the brakes kid, that man is a national treasure

¯\_(◔ ‿ ◔)_/¯

Nicholas Cage does not even want him.

No you have to keep watching. The ending is really epic. It has a girl (?) hand a pepsi to a riot cop, and when he drinks it everyone starts cheering. This is because the political issue at hand was apparently that police were not consuming soft drinks.

This is because the political issue at hand was apparently that police were not consuming PEPSICO​ BRAND soft drinks.



pepsi causes cancer

I saw the shorter version yesterday and thought it was terrible, but this version takes it to the next level of cringe. Pepsi: The only choice for trans Muslim rich kid cellists protesting a police state.

So, official drink of Stanford?

Whew. Gotem!

Endorsed by Georgetown

Is the Muslim trans or are you and someone else in this thread being hyperbolic? I can't tell.

Hyperbolic, I'm just mashing all the demographics they try to appeal to here together.

I figured, but that chick wasn't very hot so I thought maybe it was a dude (not that there's anything wrong with that).

She just looked pissed off the whole time for no reason which is neither feminine nor attractive.

The Kardashian had her boobs bouncing around without a bra towards the end but you can't even enjoy it being distracted by all the cringe.

There's no way I'd jerk off to basically any portion of this video.

Pepsi forgot the most basic rule of advertising. Why did they think making this garbage would be a good idea? Looks like they spent at least a few million $ on it.

LOL. It's telling too that we don't see who the Big Bad is in the video, it's just a generic police blockade...what is the real message here? The beverage industry has way more in common with those in power than "the people". It's also really stupid that a Kardashian represents a generation of political activists. How about they get Bernie Sanders next time? :P

The beverage industry has way more in common with those in power than "the people".

Well, these people are always talking about their masses, and the beverage industry certainly has much more to do with that than those in power.

Hitler was right

about bussy?

About (((animals)))

On the other hand, Pepsi did once light a black man on fire

No. You know what? Just go away.

Every time someone posts a picture, a gif, a video, a screenshot, or just anything really that involves some kind of "corporate" thing - A video game, a logo, or probably just even the town hall of a city given how overboard you dummies go, you have to /r/HailCorporate it.

I'm done. I've had enough. You can't just spam /r/HailCorporate and expect an upvote. You can't just be like "dude, you're playing a game?" and post /r/HailCorporate. You just can't.

I doubt you even work for corporate given how against them you are. You live in a cardboard box, typing on your CrapBook Pro, feeling good about yourself because you think you just "called someone else out" for being a corporate shrill.

Just who do you think you are? Some epic 12-year-old on the internet with le cool fedora posting about how "corporate shrill hails this, corporate shrill hails that?" Well, I've got news for you. You aren't anything. You aren't epic, you aren't a 12-year-old, and your fedora certainly isn't le cool.

I hope in time you will learn that not everybody and everything is a corporate shrill.

I saw a pale 14 year old walking outside of my work with a fedora on. I didn't know what to feel. Sad? Should I laugh? Do I need to give him an intervention? In the end I didn't do anything, but it was a thought provoking experience.

Stop trying to shill fedoras

this is hillarious.

great pasta, would copy

I want to have a thing that people ping me to do :(

This is outrageous, Pepsi shouldn't be co-opting the real struggle faced by CNN, Madonna and Starbucks.


The American cop: won't shake your hand because he's trained to not get stabbed, but he'll drink whatever a trans-Muslim anarchist hands him.

It's free corn syrup! Taking it without question is kinda the American way.

Wtf I love Pepsi and the Kardashians now

This is why I only drink coke and coke products they supported the mayos during apartheid any good at righter always has an ice cold coke nearby

They also put a hit on those trade unionists in Colombia

Even more reason to enjoy an icy cold coke

To be fair, has anyone TRIED solving these problems with Pepsi before they say it’s a bad idea?

There were some experiments done using water. Pepsi could have worked better, because it's sticky and could slow them down.

Although giving someone Pepsi might just angry them.


Pepsi: Because once the cops hit you over the head a few times you won't be able to taste anyway.

What the fuck did I just watch? And what does it have to do with trying to sell me Pepsi?

They shut it down


Well I guess the liability's been passed to Kendall to take it down

Truly a south park neutral ad.

As a Trump voter and supporter, I think I just need to drink RC.

Good thing people are calling Pepsi on their dangerous practices. Meanwhile 20 children were just diagnosed with diabetes.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand pulled!