Comedicsans and Diety of Darkness sperg the fuck out.

57  2017-04-05 by Standard12


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ComedicSans must feel very attacked. Why, 'rich muslim BLM-supporting bourgeois straight man' basically defines him to a tee.

Oh wait, no that's all wrong...

Shh. You're ruining the dramatic effect!

On behalf of the people who are actually Americans, your obsession with screeching autisically about our schools is weird.

Would you kindly fuck off?

Are you talking to me? I think you have the wrong end of the stick.

No, no, in talking about the two spergs flapping their arms at each other in the thread.

Ah that makes more sense.

Just where do you think you are?

America, unlike some unfortunate bastards. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸŽ©πŸŽ©πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

Thankfully your public school education is so terrible you think my country is part of Australia and/or in Europe, and your shaven Orangutan of a President is restricted to drone-striking Syria or Libya or Korea because he can handle words with so few syllables.

Disses American schools

Won't stop throwing his tendies on the ground about admissions to American schools.

Lol, kill yourself.

I didn't express an opinion about admission to American schools one way or the other. I just mocked the guy who took it personally. Learn to read. Oh wait.

Learn to read. Oh wait. Ayyy. did someone tell you that you were funny once because I think they ruined your life

That's nice.

Sorry does putting "Ayy" here actually mean anything?

drake university isn't a public school ya bloody ponce

Except nobody's talking about Drake.

That's the "American school" that you were saying he's throwing his tendies all about over

Bogan is a state of mind and being, love, not a nationality <3

I usually outsource that kind of work.

Do sheep shagger use "bogan?" I always thought it was exclusive to roo rooters.

lol nz

When America sends its people, it's not sending its best...

Don't make us drone strike you next.

You'd have to learn geography first.

My state is bigger than your country so you can go fuck your mother. Coffee bitch

That's good evidence my country's immigration policy is working. :^)

You call that sheep farm a country?

You're twenty years behind the tines. Sheep are passe.

Yet you guys are still fucking them. Don't ask me to explain it I live in a real country.

I live in a real country

You lost all claim to that when your election became reality TV and the act of governing is done by Twitter.

Well, democracy is a mistake. But in a few years he'll be gone, and nz will still be known for sheep fucking and a gay native dance.

You'll still be the country that elected Trump. You can't un-fuck that goat, sonny.

We'll be known as a country that elected Trump and still managed to remain a superpower. That's like intentionally taking on a bigger handicap and still kicking everyone's ass. We can put a complete clown in charge and still be better than everyone else. That's frankly kind of impressive.

That doesn't even make sense you dork. Do you think immigrants add land mass?

I think Amerifats add a lot of land mass, yes.

You were talking about immigrants honey.

And what are Americans who'd want to move here, buttercup? Hint: they're not locals.

Oh lmao you think that they would ever want to live in your country

I don't care what they want, they're patently retarded. See: Orangeface Tinyhands.

New flash asshole: no one wants to live with kiwis

USA USA USA ✈️✈️🏒🏒

Isn't that dude like Bernie Bro personified? Something something 1%, something something imperialism.

He could be right in a very general sense, but the sheer amount of mass anger he has for the kid is hilarious.

He thinks Wall Street and Henry Kissinger are "evil" so...

Didnt u see the video where they sacrificed 100 black babies?

The dude used the word bourgeoise without a shred of irony. So to answer your question: "Is he a retard?" the answer is "lol, yes."

When did I become a Bernie Bro? I don't think I've ever said a positive word about Sanders ever. SMH.

No. That's /u/Sardonic_Deity's new account. They're definitely not a lefty. If they're acting like one, it's just that, an act.

Pretty sure Bernie Bros don't try to seek acceptance and support from AnCaps.

That's possible, but if they had a coherent political ideology they wouldn't love Sanders so much anyway.

Clearly he's just jealous his grades weren't good enough and his family not rich enough to shitpost his way into Stanford.

Bernie is somewhat useful politically. I don't care about most leftists anyway.

/u/Diety_of_Darkness let's just get to the meat of the issues here, I wills succintly and intelligently address all these well thought out arguments you made on the internet:

I'm gay

Gas yourself.

bourgeoise liberal virtue signalling organization


And I hate all rich people












rich and privileged people can never be activists because they're rich?

It’s like he’s never heard of Kendall Jenner.


something approaching useful work

addressing social issues and raising awareness



Clearly you don't understand that only middle class people can be activists and rich people can't get into college on merit

"middle class"?

you mean the petit bourgeoisie? just another class of kulaks to gulag

The only good world is a world with poor people- Karl Marx

I literally wrote "I find the law very, very interesting" when I did my fucking entry statement, wew lad.

Well, I mean a university expects much less from special ed students. They were probably impressed you were able to string together that many words without drooling.

This is true to be honest.

/u/Herbert-West you've been gone for so long, and I know its not becuase you've had (((work))) to do, given your 4500 word essay on the joys of living a NEET life you wrote on Discord last night.

Shall I presume you're ready to get back to being a degenerate rather than a total waste of foreskin? Let's test the waters:

/u/Ennui2778 before you show us your bussy, answer truthfully; how many times have you touched yourself at the thought of fucking your sister violently? More importantly, why have you not followed through on your fantasies given its general legality in the United States? Are you too beta for this? Please remit all answers to Mr. West here, he is a certified professional and is willing to help you.

I would hardly be acting in the service of white genocide if I had sex with with my mayo sister, retard.

Well when you were offered the chance to be the flashpoint for the mayocide with a suicide bombing you refused. Clearly if you're not with us you're against us.

Now, time to show that bussy.

Fuck off with your bussy, the correct word is boipuccy, you bitch-made heathen.



Where do we find these second class degenerates /u/Herbert-West? Smfh.

Ennui have you ever hunted down an Aboriginal hooker for sport? Give us something to work with, for fuck's sake.

not knowing the difference between enunciation and pronunciation.

Expecting me to be near an Aussi-gyppo.

Just what kind of miserable peasant life are you projecting right now?

Enunciate, saying clearly. Pronounce, saying correctly.

"Boy pussy" is incorrect, not unclear.

/u/EvanHarper we finally found someone who can give you a run for your money on being the most incorrect person on reddit lmfao


TBH you aren't much better

Aboriginal hooker

No need to repeat yourself.

And of course ennui thinks it's boipuccy. Expecting an American mayo-hick to actually know how to do something besides spit dip into a can at 50 yards is pointless.

Now now lover, here in my part of the world being a hooker isn't illegal per se. So I have to say "Aboriginal Hooker" - if I left at it at Abo they'd just think I was talking about criminals.

4500 word essay

Oh it was much longer, but I know retarded mayos can't count that high. It's important that you tried.

Ennui2778, if you call within the next 10 minutes, I throw in a free choker, you can't even see the stains from the previous user.

Ay bb.

You need to try reanimating your dead marriage.

Why is everyone getting so personal with this dude? Who is he?

Personally I just saw his username and decided to have a crack.

Most comments in their are bitching about how he's able to do so much cause he's rich so he shouldn't be considered impressive


wtf I love /u/deity_of_darkness now.

/u/Diety_of_darkness, why are you such a tryhard? Seriously, your trolling comes off as a middle schooler's. You troll like you got a starter kit hand-me-down from your older brother. You troll like you're reading from a Big-Book of Trolling that your grandma found in a thrift store.

this thread is bad and everybody should feel terrible for participating

both the thread linked here, and this thread we're posting in right now.

Get out!

White people from New Zealand are the worst white people currently alive.

Yea, if you ignore Scotland...

Everyone knows if it's not Scottish it's crap.

Excuse your mouth.


Is this the thread where the guy who got downvoted got all pissy about the fact that nobody likes his bad opinions so he and his friends all suck each other off until they feel better

Because if so, can I get in on some of this dick sucking without actually sucking a dick, or is it strictly mutual

/u/Diety_Of_Darkness is mostly right in that thread, but being right in this situation still doesn't counter-balance other retarded things they've said, like the time they flipped shit because someone appropriately mocked their junior high man-crush on Noam Chomsky.