/r/Mayocide got banned!

67  2017-04-05 by ratratratratratrat


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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Does that mean we're done with that unfunny meme?



butthurt mayo detected

you think this is a joke filthy mayo

"we". I've never seen you call for mayocide or anything, I'm pretty sure you're actually a crypto cumskin yourself.

If it turned out that we aren't all as white as snow and just making these diversions like regurgitating "mayocide" to be able to continue sporting those sexy swastika flairs and laughing at "protected groups" without being labeled a hate sub, I would be seriously shocked.

sporting those sexy swastika flairs and laughing at "protected groups"


regurgitating "mayocide" to be able to continue sporting those sexy swastika flairs and laughing at "protected groups" without being labeled a hate sub


shut the fuck up

You are cool though, commy.

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.



Listen, sex doesnt matter to me. I dont care about sex. You know whats better than sex? using your mind.. then sex will come to you. I have mastered science at a very young age. Likely due to my atheism. When I was 7 my dad brought me to church and I said "dad this is stupid and fake" I was a natural born atheist. I didnt need reddit to convince me. I'm smarter than everyone on this site. I learned that science is more important. I take college level science classes and im only 13. I am basically a genius for my age group. Because of my many sciences I have met many college girls while taking classes. They are impressed by my knowledge and usually take me to college parties. I dont drink so I usually go hangout and read a book. This one time a girl brought me up to a room to show me her bed or something? and we ended up having sex. I felt her vagina in all. So a movie to describe my sex life? The Conjuring. because I conjure up pussy all day long.

I'm only 13

Don't worry, I'm very mature for my age and have an aesthetic penis

You have an aesthetically pleasing penis... or so you say.

I know right? If you are gunna be racist against white people, put some fucking effort into it, whities do some of the stupidest shit and the best we can come up with is "mayocide"?

The more effort the merrier

Never doubt people's capacity for taking an initially funny joke and running it into the ground. Then it becoming funny because it was run into the ground.

And then used even after that, becoming unfunny for years thereafter.

We are will into that last stage.

You know that's not going to happen.

T R I G G E R --- W A R N I N G --- FOR --- T R U M P --- L O V I N G --- N A Z I S


Does this trigger you? How about you u/spez ?

Hi this is u/thealtrightisalright's wife - he's currently in the hospital for severe triggering. Expect to hear from our lawyer soon. You're going to jail for this.





That's just rude and uncalled for.

Smh at this hateful nigger faggot kike.


Unlike the guy saying kill all white people, that guy is just telling it like it is.

in all seriousness, kill all the black people.

Even obarma?

Especially Obama.


Mayocide now!

the more you complain about mayocide the more i insist we need it

seriously m8 stop fucking bitching and let it die on its own

There's been minimal bitching about it and it should have died off on is own like two weeks ago at least.

It's just so completely not funny. Absolutely trash meme.


Fuck you faggot, racism (legitimate or ironic) against white people is fucking hilarious, it's just a shit-tier virtue signaling meme.

this is srd-lite, go sperg about it somewhere else kiddo

That's like saying America is Great Britain-lite. We left because our mother country was full of the wrong types of retards.

Awww look at the white American and his thick skin. Why don't you call the police about it? We both know you want to.

make this sub unironically and link it to /r/anarchism

Making that sub even ironically seems like a good way to get your account unironically suspended

That'll go well.

That's the idea

Fucking knew the admins were Nazis

Pussypass exists but mayocide removed, REVOLUTION NOW

This is fucking infuriating. How can we complain about the reptilian commie Jews running reddit being biased against us if they keep banning places like LWSE and mayocide

And yet the admins still won't ban the_donald, which regularly calls for an Aryan takeover through genocide and Pepes. Disgusting!

Spez is a prepper he wants society to break down so he can live like Fallout or the Walking Dead or Mad Max. He actually got lasik eye surgery and a silo in the desert so that he can become a real life Rick Grimes. When you realize that his bad business decisions for this site make sense.

I wonder if it's also the reason he's engaged to the manliest human being that is generally accepted to be a female? Needs some brawn to fight back the unwashed masses being he's a pasty little fuccboi.

doesn't he know that the odds of him being some sort of badass are slim compared to him being some dipshit that dies 2 weeks in

how the fuck do these people function in society


This will not be tolerated! After i get some tendies the mayocide begins!

And yet r/ drama remains open. Also what about free speech? Nazi admins.



/u/spez /r/anarchism

Do it.

Pull the trigger.


The salt would be glorious.

If only all forced unfunny memes could share this fate

But how do we get the admins to ban bidenbro?

No it didn't, we're all still here.

wtf i hate the admins now

Who were the mods? You can probably get it unbanned. They're supposed to protect satire.

Oh you sweet child, thinking it was satire


Not long ago, in the time in days walking this little planet we call our home, I happened across a quote, said long ago by a man not even of this century or the last. “From childhood’s hour I have not been as others were – I have not seen as others saw.” Said by Edgar Allen Poe so many years ago. There is a great truth to his words, which extent far beyond himself to that of those around him, to almost tell as many feel in the world, though few truly choose to admit such things, for fear of losing their little place amongst the norm of society. I do, however, understand the question that plagues so many minds with uncertainty. Even if I did feel this way, what do I do, where do I go from there? I cannot say, as the only person who could truly say such things with any certainty is you.

Long ago, years prior to where I sit writing this now, was this young boy, one who always knew himself different from the norm, a child of no more then nine or ten years, but never sharing with anyone why because overall, he simply know fully what was the difference. Those around me believed so as well, but it was closer to the form of teasing, verbal abuse, and over time, physicality used against me, because of something so trivial as my glasses that I wore were thick and bulky. Time passed, year through endless year, until the last year of Elementary rolled about, the middle of the sixth grade, when my class was top take a field trip, see a dinosaur museum, and a place I had never heard of called Reptile World. At the time, I had not a thought of what this place was, but the title alone enthralled me, making me want to see this place, this wondrous area that had had me actually liking one of the school’s deathly boring excursions. Walking through the museum, it finally came time, as the bus pulled into the parking lot of the next leg on the journey, my overall goal. The sign was a large one, and I ran inside, in front of my teacher that lead us slowly toward the place. From the moment I stepped within, something washed over me, looking at the snakes lined in their plastic cages. I felt bad for the little creatures who had been trapped, but at the same time, an utter wonderment at things, knowing that somehow this place was right for me. Continuing through the building, practically dragged by the teacher, we happened upon a small meeting room, where several of the employees stood, a box beside them. Curiosity overtook me, and I felt the need to know, so I sat impatiently with the remainder of my class. Before I even knew what was happening, the men before me asked the class if anyone had wanted to hold a snake. I nearly fainted, a happiness spreading through me as I realized I would have the opportunity, when they gently pulled out a Boa Constrictor that I would later learn was named Sofie. On my turn, it was placed upon my shoulders, and my hands ran along the smooth yet very slightly rough skin that made her body, taking in her colouring, her shape, how she moved. I sat there for as long as they would allow me before taking the beautiful being back, but it had been a true high point in my life. About a year later, I had convinced my parents to go back, and once again, I met with the lovely Constrictor, holding her upon my shoulders, yet still not understanding the true nature behind the feelings I had of difference that seemed to drift away when I held her. If there are a few pieces of advice that I could give to anyone, it would be to be ever vigilant in the daily happenings of your life, because as time passes, if you are true to it, even the most subtle hint can be a key in unlocking something in yourself in the far distant future from where it once was. Be true to yourself especially, because if you see one of these things that seems odd or even strange to you, trust me when I say that no one is ever alone in what they are or what they feel. Accept that which you are, and eventually, happiness and peace of mind will be yours if you so choose it.

Time continued for me though, my years reaching upward, my mind forgetting the subtle hints of the past as my distance between myself and my peers grew with leaps and bounds. I had always been an isolated person, keeping very few friends, but as the teasing and abuse became greater with the capability of the bullies, as did the cynicism within me. A few foolish mistakes were made on my part, but afterward, the bullying stopped, and I became an outsider, an observer on the world around me, never interacting much, speaking only when spoken to. Watching my peers, the people around me, I enveloped information as much as I could, and it made me as I am today. But it still brought me no closer to my search for what made my feel whole, something that would feel correct in an otherwise chaotic existence. Years before, when I was just about to turn thirteen, I had discovered the Internet, and it quickly became a big part of my life, keeping the sanity that was within me from the aggressors in my usual day. I met new people, made some friends whom I have to this day eight years later, but I still felt no closer to finding that which I knew I had to find. Cynical, with a set of dulled emotions from years of what I had taken, I believed nothing except that people would destroy themselves eventually, actually hoping that I would have the opportunity to see it in my lifetime. More time passed before I finally happened across something I had never seen before, something that made sense. That was Jakkal’s essay, that after a few reads of it, sent my mind spiralling back, a method to the madness that had been with me for so long. Things from my past began to make sense, little hints and inconsistencies that over time, some pattern that shined through, the feeling of emptiness within disappearing as though I had accepted some long lost part of myself. I’m not sure how many people this had happened to similarly, be it many or few, but it did nonetheless. Another perfect example of why one should always be observant in their life workings, because you never know when some hint of how things are will show itself.

From there, until the present day, I entered the community that was Were.net, and since then I have met some of my best friends I’ve ever had. Its true, I did receive some razzing at first, and a couple of instances of the third degree when it came to my were side, but overall, the doubters didn’t phase me. I knew what I was, what was apart of me, and nothing could take that from me. No matter how hard people tried now, no matter the abuse or teasing I would receive in the future, there was simply nothing that could warp or twist the knowledge of what I was, and for once in my life, I was truly happy. Always remember that even the subtlest signs of something could tell that there is something unique, something unexpected that you didn’t know about yourself. Embrace that which isn’t the norm that society tries to bring upon all those within its reach, and who knows, maybe you’ll find something that you feel was missing.

As you have already guessed though, my were side is that of a snake, a being that most would notice is not the most common one within the community at large. I am truly proud to admit that, and do so with no equivocation. And in this same thought, I urge those of you who read this site, or to you who is reading this essay right now, to look deeply within yourself. As Shakespeare so eloquently put it, “To thine own self be true.” You will never regret being true to yourself. So be you the thoughts and feelings of a wolf, a cat, or even a snake like me, be true to that which you are, and do not fool yourself by letting into the pressure of needing to feel accepted. If within you, you are that of a cat, a snake, a deer, or any other creature, don’t lie to yourself and to others by saying you are something other then you are just to feel more accepted. Would you rather have the satisfaction of knowing that you were truthful, being accepted for who you are, or that you’re kidding yourself, and lying to others around you? Do not feel afraid or timid to be what you are, as it will be an intricate part of you for the all of your days that you walk the planet. Just because you feel as something that isn’t in the majority, doesn’t mean that you won’t be accepted. Snakes, as I said, are rather uncommon, but I stand up and accept that which I am proudly, and so should you for what you are. You’ll never go wrong with being honest to yourself, and to others about what you are. That’s how the true friends in life are discovered, sometimes where you least expect it.

In retrospect, the way my past happened is simply one in the scope of many more, each with their own experiences, thoughts, feelings, and self-discoveries, each unique and special in their own ways. Be you a snake, a wolf, or anything else, don’t betray yourself for acceptance, because eventually, you will look upon yourself in the mirror and be sad that you sold yourself out for the sake of getting a few extra people to like you. Its much more fulfilling to be that which you are and move forward. Do not fear time either, as I have shown you in my writings, it took me many years to discover what I am.

Always move forward into the future, with a truth and honesty in yourself. You will sit in old age down the road, contented in the way you’ve handled things and lived. And on that road, never forget the wisdom given to you.

Never lie to the one whom you must trust the most of all, yourself. Always be true, even sometimes when the path grows harsh with outside forces. And if you can whether that storm, and come from the other side still accepting that which you are, then you have succeeded, and the future is yours to command.

Thank you for reading.

Why are you so gay?

Why are you so rude?

I'm an asshole. It's like genetic or something.

Prolly in ur jeans tbh

I think he was coming on to you man.

Don't be trannyphobic

I'm a 40 year old stoner, everyone is man.

I want to shit in your mouth you cum guzzling faggot

This is an awful comment

I know right?


Evening fapstronauts, I decided to make this account to tell my story because what I'm about to recount is pretty embarrassing and ludicrous, but 100% true. Like many of you, I struggled with my masturbation addiction in vain for a long time. I was trapped in a constant cycle. Every so often, I'd reach some new depth of depravity, believe it was rock bottom, attempt to reform, last about a week, and then break, returning to my previous trajectory of escalating Onanism. Religion didn't help. Researching twelve-step addiction programs online didn't help. Nothing seemed to provide me with the necessary willpower to take control of my urges. Then one day it almost snuck up on me. It didn't happen all at once and I didn't want to accept it. Acknowledging my addiction to pornography was easy, but this was an earth shattering revelation that forced me to reevaluate everything I had previously considered to be true about myself. I had become a white supremacist. This changed my perspective on everything. Pornography was no longer merely a toxic sink for my energies. It's the only thing a Jew will give away for free. Every time I attempted to watch a porn video, I couldn't help but imagine a hook-nosed grabbler cackling. I couldn't bear to watch beautiful white women intentionally degraded and abused. The glorification of animalistic negroidism made me feel physically ill. Becoming a white supremacist instilled me with the sense of personal pride necessary to say no to shemale incest hentai, no to walking out of lectures to have cheeky wank in the public restroom (resulting in less than satisfactory grades in many courses), and no to the women's underwear and exotic dildos that were becoming worryingly conspicuous fixtures of my room. It allowed me to steel myself against the malignant cancer of modernity and find strength in the heritage of my people. An ancient tradition born from the rejection of base animal impulse and the aspiration to live as more than mere cattle for an international cabal. My own aryan body became a gift to be cherished. Defiling it by grovelling at the alter of lust became unthinkable. Since becoming a white supremacist, I have quit pornography and masturbation altogether, started working out regularly, graduated from college with grades I had previously thought out of my reach, and landed the job of my dreams in Silicon Valley. I am now married to a woman who would have previously been lightyears out of my league and we are expecting our first child. I am not sure if this technique will work for everyone, but definitely something to consider.

Too long; didn't read.

You can't keep us down forever.

The fire rises brothers

nigga you gay

all this shit gay

yall niggas sound retarded 'mayocide' fuk dat shit

and yall aint never shot no one neither

>white person pitifully trying to type in ebonics


Yeah dude culdnt evan spel the n word proper like

trying too hard

don't believe everything you think

suppression of free speech

Wtf I hate right wing Reddit admins now

Quick someone park /r/MayocideOnlyKidding