Autist sperging out on a pro-life guy on campus

25  2017-04-05 by Zappert


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all white babies should be aborted

Truth. Stay woke.

ya starting with ur bitch ass

Their presence on campus spurns far more negative emotion and they're doing nothing but espousing lies.

I'd love for a pro life group with actual facts that's not classified as a hate group to come onto our campus to start a meaningful dialogue

Lies, fake news, show me actual facts!

Jeez. It's photos of various stages of fetal development. I understand the emotions that this evokes, but how is it an issue over factual/nonfactual information?

I've also seen these guys on campuses of other (public) colleges. Security seems to be aware of and allow it, and they are obviously well-financed, so I got the distinct impression that they were well-versed in the relevant laws and had a legal right to be there.

Could you imagine if the political roles were reversed? If some pro lifer went hulk on an abortion campaign i guarantee they wouldn't be as polite as that old guy was.

Just look at the outrage after the Trump supporter went after the Antifa guy the other weekend.

Clearly the Antifa guy threw the first punch but liberals are REEEEEEEEEEEEEEing about how the Trump supporter bullied and beat up an innocent protester.

got a link?

Where at? We had a Trump supporter shoot an Antifa guy a month or so ago here in Seattle. And yeah the guy who got shot was at fault and everyone is spinning it like he's some hero that was just trying to keep the peace, despite decent video showing what happened and first responders reporting that the "victim" had brass knuckles and a knife.

Local news covered the self defense case for the Trump supporter last week and finally released the police dispatch recording.

@ 2:20 in the video it plays the police recording with first responders who state the guy who was shot had brass knuckles and a large knife

But prior to that report, various liberal reporters like this reported it as the shooter also had brass knuckles and a large knife.

The implied scenario was more public menace and less murdery. If you want a Disney moral to take away from this i guess "Its no matter what you believe under the right circumstances there is someone around who will kill you for it". or maybe "Demonizig the lowest common denominator of an apposing group to feel uppity and superior is totally productive"...?

this spergout was the appropriate reaction to the kinds of retards who go on campus to "tell the truth about abortion"

nobody gives a shit except for people who will freak out like that.

It might not be an effective mode of activism, but it's a good cause.

that's a good one

Wew lad

Planting the seats that will save lives etc.

Or something

I'd love for a pro life group with actual facts that's not classified as a hate group

Show me a pro-life group that liberals don't classify as a "hate group" and then we'll talk. Good luck finding one...

Jeez. It's photos of various stages of fetal development. I understand the emotions that this evokes, but how is it an issue over factual/nonfactual information?

Pro-Choice autists sperg out when presented with the fact that fetuses are human? I kinda figure that's what going on here subconsciously.

I don't get the abject denial that a fetus is a human life. It clearly is, and I say that as someone who is 100% pro-choice. Abortion should be legal but it's absolutely the legal murder of a human life. Stop trying to pretend it's not in order to justify your beliefs.

That depends on religious beliefs actually, as well as when you consider a fetus to be conscious

Does consciousness really play a role in determining "life?"

We consider single cell organisms to be alive but it's likely they aren't conscious, at least on a level that we could understand.

Another example... an Oak Tree is alive but you'd have a hard time convincing me that it's conscious.

Consciousness determines the VALUE of a life. That is the point I had intended to make. If a fetus is not conscious, it's human but is it really human in the sense of having emotions, thoughts, etc.

Children have no value until they're big and strong enough to work the field.

Ergo abortion should be legal until a child can prove their value via labor.

That's putting words in my mouth. You're assuming I value contribution to society as a way of sensationalizing me into a neo-nazi.

No, I value consciousness. The ability to feel pain, have emotions, and have thoughts. Bacteria and viruses are tiny automatons that reproduce as much as possible to spread as far as possible, while humans work either for a cause they believe in or to make a profit that they can convert into recreation, or survival so that they can spend time alive enjoying themselves and others (my attempt at a simple summary of human interactions).

There's clearly a difference between the purpose of microscopic organisms and people. Thus, I think the line should be drawn at the point a fetus can think on its own.

P.S. the large paragraph above was in my previous post in a shorter form, you either need to improve reading comprehension or stop getting emotional in debate if you hope to make a valid point.

I am now 100% confident you've never been around a small child.

A 12 month old doesn't have goals.

The only person getting emotional is the person writing walls of text trying to attribute "goals" and "values" to infants.

Thankfully you have no authority in this life.

Writing out a disagreeing opinion as incorrect purely due to a less confident argument (I don't really care about the issue, people shouldn't even need abortions but we're stupid) doesn't mean you "won," it just means you're clearly not open to the issue (though this is /r/Drama, so I'm not sure what I should expect).

I am attempting to put into words what a human infant has that a fetus lacks during early stages. A human infant is capable of learning, and understanding the world. A bundle of cells developing in the womb might not be able to do that.

And before you potentially attempt an argument around it, a fetus being unable to understand the world due to being in a weird bubble inside of a woman != the fetus isn't human, it's just limited in that case. My argument primarily is about how far the brain has developed, and what it is capable of at that stage.

You keep talking about winning and I'm not sure why. And in the same breath you claim i'm too emotional.

I'm trying to get you to understand, through simple one line quips, that your opinion is not that well thought out, even though you seem hell bent on convincing me that it is.

You like to jump from "bundle of cells" to "human with goals" totally skipping the 2-36 months in between. Children are born premature on a daily basis, these do not fit within your tight little construct of "values" however they do totally undermine it.

If this topic was as simple to debate as you're attempting to make it then it wouldn't be a discussion at all.

It is clear that you have a vested, emotional interest in this topic. It is also clear that you don't have much experience with small children.

And with that I bid you adieu.

Children are born premature on a daily basis, these do not fit within your tight little construct of "values" however they do totally undermine it.

At what time are they born?

They clearly develop after a premature birth, and don't start out fully-developed.

your opinion is not that well thought out

I know this.

You haven't yet defended or even fully stated your view on the issue. Usually debate doesn't lead to one side being correct, it leads to a middle-ground somewhere that both persons can agree on (if it doesn't end in disagreement).

There are stages in the 2-36 months that could most likely be detected. I'm saying we should draw the line somewhere in there, depending on medical knowledge.

No, I don't know much of anything about stages or times of development, this is Reddit, but I think my point is clear enough as to what I consider life that should be protected.

Yes, I know you are a troll (I hope anyway), it's a thought exercise and how I choose to waste my time, and since we both get entertained we're all winners here right?

Your posts all have a finality to them, as if you expect them to end the conversation to some extent instead of getting a reply questioning your points. This is what I mean when I say you're trying to "win."

In reality I'm very loose on believing consciousness even matters, considering we're basically biological machines anyway, but I'm both a supporter of rights and someone who would like to see pro-life and pro-choice people come to some kind of middle-ground on the issue of abortion.

If this topic was as simple to debate as you're attempting to make it then it wouldn't be a discussion at all.

I don't know what you mean by this. As far as I'm concerned, you're a "my way or the highway" kind of person who isn't even attempting to explain WHY I would be errant in my views.

In the case that you wanted just my view, which is a view that assumes there's no competing views and thus no need to compromise:

Everything is inconsequential. There is no reason to protect infants, or unborn children. However, when you allow people to chuck their infants out of windows you're permitting a lot more questionable morals, which could very well lead to fascism or similar ideologies. With those ideologies, you're putting people's rights at risk. I would like to live freely with my flaws, and not be executed randomly. Thus, I myself shouldn't be persecuting people for their flaws. I also like babies, and think you'd need to be cruel to willingly choose to throw an infant out a window (or euthanize it, just to be realistic), similar to how I view hunting and animal abuse. By allowing cruelty, you're also making it socially acceptable to be cruel, which again is quite damaging to the golden rule.

Because of this, I see no problem with abortion, but I think new-born infants at least should have full protection under law so that human rights are upheld and abortion can't be pushed into extremes.

this but unironically

So, do dolphins, s, and gorillas have equal value to human toddlers?

Honestly, I think so to an extent. Call me a hippy, but I quite like animals, and I quite dislike uncontrolled hunting and animal abuse.

Monkeys are quite intelligent actually, and other animals like dolphins (Orcas especially) are quite intelligent, so I personally think you'd need to be extremely bias or stupid to think their lives don't have value.

Alright. I'm just going to agree to disagree. You're too noncommittal to be worth trying to either convince or get a rise out of.


It depends on whether you are narcissistic enough to think you know these things better than smarter people.

Not really, it was specifically a question about toddlers. Different animals have varying amounts of intelligence, etc.

If you plan to raise a child to adulthood like a reasonable parent, obviously a human life is more important, even if they're an infant.

You aren't smart enough to follow a conversation, much less understand the value of human life.


If you want to be treated like people you have to act like people.

Lol, no I don't care about your pro-life BS.

How does that statement jive with tge secular pro life organization?

It's the same for the most part, but with a different argument.

Most often you'd believe that the fetus should be protected either because it can become a human, or it should be considered a human and thus be under the protection of the law. It's less about God telling you that you're not respecting human dignity, and more about the question of morals and laws.

I did oversimplify the issue though.

Abortion should be legal but it's absolutely the legal murder of a human life. Stop trying to pretend it's not in order to justify your beliefs.

When do you think human life begins?


So a 32 celled zygote counts as human to you?

Sure, but when we are talking abortion we're not talking about a 32 celled zygote. Most women are much further along when they find out they are pregnant

This guy is a moron

Show me a pro-life group that liberals don't classify as a "hate group" and then we'll talk. Good luck finding one...

My Uni has a rather large one. All they do is write shit with chalk and once did a stunt in a common area. Absolutely no one here would ever call them a hate group. We just ignore them because if we do, by the next rain their little stunt will be over and they'll be back to jerking themselves off on Facebook.

Pro-Choice autists sperg out when presented with the fact that fetuses are human?

There's a difference between a human and person REEEEEEEE! One describes a lump of matter and one relates to a being capable of higher thought and therefore worthy of moral consideration REEEEEEE!

Abortion should be legal but it's absolutely the legal murder of a human life. Stop trying to pretend it's not in order to justify your beliefs.

Rieman is also a human, but would you honestly say that it would be murder to put him out of our misery? No, it would be a kindness. Fetuses are lesser than rieman so check and mate.

I think using shock images hurts their cause. It makes them look like they're more concerned with scaring people into agreeing with them than the actual issue itself. It would be better to calmly and rationally explain your side.

On the other hand, there is no such thing as an activist who isn't fucking crazy, so I guess I'm asking for something that's not real.

One could argue photos are a good counter to it's not human. It's just a clump of cells. It's a parasite

I still find it distasteful signs but ...

really those are ugly af, get rid of that shit

Jeez. It's photos of various stages of fetal development. I understand the emotions that this evokes, but how is it an issue over factual/nonfactual information?

Idk and idc enough to know if this is the case here but I remember it being pretty prevalent 5-10years ago for pro life pictures of fetuses to be intentionally mislabeled. As in they would show a picture of a much more developed fetus, often near the end of pregnancy, and claim it was a picture of one much earlier in the process.

People who are pro life don't know what constitutes living

The happiest time of my life was spent as a zygote.

Imagine being so far gone you're more ridiculous and violent than fundamentalist street preachers and pro-life zealots. That's what social justice ideology has done to college activism.

From my experience with College campus preachers and people like this guy that do wildly overt displays, whether by image or language, they usually want someone like this guy to break their stuff so they can sue them legally and make a quick buck.

You cracked the case.

The signs, the megaphone speeches, the long hours standing in $10 Payless sneakers: All an elaborate plot to manipulate some innocent progressive activist hero into breaking their plastic table so they can make seventeen bucks.

It's like a veil has been lifted from my eyes.

From my experience that's half true. The like these people but because confrontations draw a crowd.

Not that the crowd is civil alot of the time but it is still an audience.

I've honestly never seen a college campus preacher. Our campus police crack down really hard on any sort of shit starting, and since 80% of the force seems to be actual police making extra cash, no one fucks with them.

I'll never understand how these people don't understand the optics of a lot of these things. Yes that pro choice protestors can eat a bag of dicks, but when you act like that you just damage your own side. People gotta realize that you unfortunately have to play the game in our society

I'd bet a more-than-decent portion of that campus thinks he's a hero or something. For some reason, acting like a literal child throwing a temper tantrum is in vogue.

Because people refuse to grow up and the media praises people who throw tantrums

On the plus side it leads to [hilar([ious]( meltdowns

If one asshole has the right to put up a sign then another asshole has the right to flip it over. Who cares.

This is what leftists actually believe

Not an argument

Arguing with leftists is pointless, no point in wasting time.


Case and point

It's "case in point"

Stop discriminating against me goy, English isn't my first language.

Not really, since that's destroying someone else's property.

That's like saying "you have the right to put a fence around your yard, but I have the right to tear it down if I don't like it".

Except that would be my yard and not a public campus

Only the left can be hateful and free from ridicule. When will everyone learn?

Honest question, what does left or liberal even mean anymore? It seems that everyone from literal Nazis to Commies, Anarchists, and an-caps hate liberals. They seem like some sort of imaginary punching bag really.

They mean "person(s) I or my like-minded friends (dis)agree with"

Pretty accurate description of a liberal tbh

Now this is some primo spergout content.

Her twitter is toxic.

But then, I learned something from her, I guess people are doubling down on the pay wage gap... so... that's good...

Not featured: Asian men. :thinking:

Oh wow you are right Asian men vs white men median hourly income 24 vs 21.

Steaight White men really are uselesd

When will our oppression under the iron fist of Pajeet and Chong end?

for fuck's sake, this fucking reddit meme that herp derp the pay gap is debunked because it's mediated through differences in career paths



I mean... It's right tho.

holy fuck shut up

I want to hear u reeeeeeeeee

/u/Evanharper 's can't even levels are critical

The voice of a man who's never been laid out, but really outta be.

Ahh street preachers, it was always fun watching them get into arguments with students

Huh, usually it's the pro-lifers that are spergs. Is it Opposite Day?