This r/electronic_cigarette thread including cycling and t_d "brigading"

20  2017-04-05 by cptAustria


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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They could move their entire populations from every country in the middle-east, west and east asia and so on and it wouldn't even make a bloody dent in our society. Grow a pair instead of cowering like a wuss.

Being that much of a degenerate.

Holy shit. All these people call out T_D for being retarded but do the exact same shit as T_D when they call out a specific sub for "brigading." It's called "Posts get to all and people with different opinions begin to vote on them outside of the sub."

It's literally the nature of reddit and these fucking retards (on both sides cuz I'm South Park N) treat it like some grand conspiracy.

Bruh a bost with 285 upswags on a niche sub like that is not on /r/all. The real reason is that vaping and low intelligence are positively correlated, so whenever something controversial gets posted there the dullards will flock to argue with each other, and then the bottom-of-the-barrel retards who lose those arguments call for support from communities of the likewise mentally handicapable. Since the more stupider you are the more you like donald trump, thats why the trump supporters are the ones in that thread who are ackin' the most cray-cray, capeesh?😂

Okay Doctor lets get something straight here. Everything you post in my opinion should be capable of being posted to r/emojipasta, you need to step up your emoji game.

So wait? 299 upvotes and Top comments are low voted. Where are the brigades from T_D? Why are the political comments all downvoted if there was a brigade? Why do all these people also have posting histories in ECig b4 this post?

These are questions to ask before calling out people for brigading. It's honestly the new go back to SRS meme.

yeah except srs was on the right side of history and vapers and trumpers are on the wrong one!!!

Wow go back to SRS

Woah dude nice find. Really blowing the lid off that mystery. A thread with 4 upvotes in T_D is definitely going to get a brigade going.

This essentially debunks the claim it was a

WTF I hate vaping now.