Incredible manlet rage in /r/BikiniBottomTwitter out of all places

5  2017-04-06 by the_stick_man


Cool story, bro


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Every male under my height should be gassed tbh

The cutoff is 6 feet.

If you're below that, then you're not even human tbh

This, that, and mayocide but unironically.

I am 5' 11.5". Can I maybe just get a partial treatment of gas?

Every male under my height should be gassed tbh

Not many men under 4'10'' fam

u gotem m8

shamelessly gassing half of all boys 10 years or younger like this

At least Barron won't be effected!

pinging our resident 5'7" manlet /u/MasterLawlz for his valuable input

I didn't think he was that tall?

I have neck issues. I'll pass on tall men. It makes me feel like I am being mauled by a yeti.

neck issues

Sure thing, fatty.

Actually, every fatty I've known, prefers their men tall and fit.

mfw the only man besides which I won't look like a planet made of ham is Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane.

I know a 5'4" guy with a 5'11" woman. He's central American. Best part was when they met she was sitting down. He asked her out without knowing her height.

hola marguerita bonita, quiere mi manlito penito? oh chiquito!!! unzipes tus pantalones y muestresme tu penito!!!

Sorry I don't speak Italian

I know a few short guys. None of them have ever had any problems. Two I can think of ended up marring fairly hot women.

Wow, someone's awfully short tempered.

I'm 6'1' and single


Wow. You must be ugly.

It's alright, I'm here to listen to you

are you looking for a girlfriend, doc?

Would be epic to get one

well you have to put in effort, they don't just fall out of the sky

Whatever then I'm sure that when the right girl sees me in all my height she will instantly fall for me and I won't have to do any of the legwork in progressing our relationship 😁😁😁

aw honey

aw honey

what are u 40?

tell me tips rie

He's an obvious troll tho how is this drama

OP posted their own trolling

Sidebar says to, though. You gonna disagree with the sidebar?

kys you have no moral compass

Except I'm 6'3".

It's kinda sad that you're trying to post your own troll comments for karma.

Yeah you are 3 inches your grandma was telling me all about it while I rooted her in me ute

6'3" in the manlet scale, so around 5'2'' in the real people scale.

OP were you raped by a short man? It's ok, you can tell us, we're all friends here.

OP should unironically kill themselves tbh

Shit trolling fam, we heard it all before. Real talk though:

Being a manlet is agony. Yes you can compensate for it and trick yourself into accepting it to a degree that allows you to function in society and maybe even get laid every now and then, but the feeling that you're like a dog that they let pretend it's people because it's funny and adorable, never goes away.
Every time you start thinking that you're good because you have all those things going for you, there's something to brutally remind you that life is not meant to be enjoyed by men your height and how much better it would be for you if your limbs were a few cm longer. From a hot single girl you're fucking begging you to keep it a secret, women you pass on the street giving you barely a glance when you think that you look your best, people at the gym snickering when you're lifting heavy weights or douchebags trying to score points with your social group at your expense, there's always something that can ruin your day.
Even when you're objectively the best that a girl can do, she'll always prefer you to be taller, so you'll always be settled for. You'll never be loved just the way you are.
And every manlet know this, even if they're currently successful repressing these realizations, they will always come back.

Even when you're objectively the best that a girl can do, she'll always prefer you to be taller, so you'll always be settled for. You'll never be loved just the way you are.

This concept is like Schrodinger's cat. It's both true and untrue. It really depends on the girl you're with. There's a lot of women that are genuinely indifferent to height.

I want to fucking die. I'm sick of this shit.

Seek therapy.

Is this pasta?

Stop asking me that every time I put some effort into a comment. I don't serve other people's pasta, I cook my own fresh just for you.

A lot of women care about height, but a lot don't. Among the women that I know (and myself), the only major preference is that the man be the taller one in the relationship.

Wrong. Height is the single most important thing that women care about. If you're a manlet you're better off dead

Can confirm, am 6'11 without legs and women cant resist me

Height is so far down the list of traits I care about, even among physical traits.

Just wondering, how tall are you?

About 5'6", my husband is 5'10".

Ah ok. Thanks for answering.

then you settled for him, plain and simple.

I didn't settle. To be honest, if he suddenly because two inches taller or shorter I probably wouldn't even notice.

Holy shit project nazi is a manlet

Tell him to come back I miss him btw :/

5'10" isn't manlet height, but I'll let him know that you want him to come back :)

Just looked at my local OKCupid, POF, Tinder, and even craigslist.

Can confirm. Wish I was dead. But you and stuff.

See, even the manlets are confirming what we knew all along. At least you admitted it.


No like seriously

This is some full retard level trolling.

5'7 guy who's slept with approx 200 women AMA

sleeping with women unironically


i sleep with men too you nazi

Manlets are the most disgusting plague in the world.

Are you okay OP?

You should know I have a friend who's 5'6" and has a slightly taller girlfriend. I'm 6'2" and currently no gf.

So, is op a Manlet or what? Tall people don't care that much about height

6'4 190 lbs of Indian muscle.



Ikr, sucks being the richest and most educated ethnic group in the country.

Woe is me.

Poo in loo.

Indians invented the toilet.

White people would be shitting in the street too were it not for Indians.

Checkmate, atheists?

we wuz inventors n shit

I understand your insecurity, I know I would be too if my ancestors hailed from a third world impoverished shithole, but instead of memeing you should probably be working to help your people move away from literal designated shitting streets.

Literally half your country shits in the open regulary, spreading all manner of diseases.

Woah there, mayo.

Calm your tits. No need to get your panties in a bunch.

Another mayoskin for the gas showers.

Your stomach hurts, you need to poo, But I won't let you near the loo! Begone from here, my son Pajeet, To the designated shitting street!

"What's happwening ?" the mayo cried

As cyanide gas hit his hide

He was killed in the mayocide

Like every other mayo worldwide.


gas showers

The fuck do you know about showers?

youre not trolling, youre just acting like a retard. nice

/u/the_stick_man kill yourself

You first. I'll even provide the rope.

Martyrdom is being saved for later; /u/Herbert-West needs my supple body in all its hajji hotness for a side project.

I was helpfully explaining, not bitching