Steve Bannon Calls Jared Kushner a ‘Cuck’ and ‘Globalist’ Behind His Back

103  2017-04-06 by IAmAN00bie


Now with added Cancer!


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so the whitehouse is /r/drama?

The cabal rises

Considering amount of autism right now in WH, more like SRD.

Please. /r/drama can only aspire to be the clusterfuck of a shit show that the current White House is.

However I do like to imagine a White House Press Conference led by /u/velvet_llama.

"Welcome. Mayocide when. Thank you for coming"

I imagined him acting like Mos Def as the head of the CIA in the Chappelle Show sketch about Black Bush. (1:40)

You flatter me. You can be my some black dude.

Just don't drop that shit!

Look, you may be new here, but /r/drama is where many top minds collaborate, and routinely outsmart the most well funded, well equipped and diabolical organizations on earth. How do we do it? Top thinkers, experts on every field, unparalleled investigative skills and fearlessness. I would trust a top comment here over pretty much any government, any 'expert', and any news source, especially a mainstream source, any day.

wrong at the WH they have these things called "jobs" and "incomes," plus, after 4-8 years they finally leave the house

good meme

What is yob mean?

>working for the government

>a real job

pick only one

Really hope they keep asking Pence to post bussy

Just call him a jew and get it over with Bannon

I think he said something about not wanting his children around jews once, I know it must eat him up inside that trumps son in law is so close to him.

Well, he is. And one of the more committed ones, you know, the right-wing Zionist. And proud of it and willing and able to work for Israel.

That should be non-controversial for anyone even remotely familiar with this guy's story.

If you have a problem with him them blame Trump. Jared serves him after all.

Oh, me… I couldn’t give a fuck.

It’s all those useful idiots who got off on Bannon’s “hate” and voted for Trump despite all the evidence that he will be deeper in Israel pocket than any POTUS before him.

I'm with you but I know one of those Trump lovers you mention and he claimed Isreal is a false flag Jewish state when I told him he's backing them. He thinks the Jews control everything.. except Isreal.

Talk about playing 4D chess:

Dershowitz, a staunch Zionist—and a lifelong Democrat, who voted for Clinton—had taken to the airwaves to stick up for Bannon, sort of. “I don’t know whether he’s an anti-Semite or not,” he said, on MSNBC. “I just don’t think you should toss that phrase around casually.”

So they control everything except the one country they aren't a minority in?

Jared serves him

It's more the reverse apprently


probably meant to say "(((globalist)))"

Maybe he did air parentheses with his hands, you don't know.

this is the dumbest thing i've ever imagined for the sake of a reddit comment

i hate you

ur dumb rolf

this is the dumbest thing i've ever imagined

having this low of an imagination quotient

Get on my level pleb tier.

did you read the rest of the comment

you people

No I read half your comment, saw it was retarded and then assumed the other half was a personal attack against people like myself with 5.E3.402B levels of imagination. Get rekt. Start your fights elsewhere.

stop trying to force drama so hard it's unbecoming

not understanding reddit

no you penis i get exactly what you're doing i'm just saying that organic free range drama is better

it's like you don't even shop at whole foods

Yeah but outside of Shia la Bouf and some uber driver drama very little has happened recently and if I don't focus on drama i'll be forced to pay attention to my own meaningless existence of patheticness only to be distracted by shitposting, the very thing that wastes so much of a my time that I could have accomplished something by now.


dw fam if you're enjoying the shitposting that's enough

Have both of you considered killing yourselves yet?

rude tbqfhwyf

understanding reddit

I don't even know what the fuck that means

Three syllables, three parentheses. Just saying.

less jewish

My internal monologue said there doesn't seem to be anything here without even having to click

what are parenthesis for?

Steve Bannon is the worst president we've ever had.


Cannot believe a word as ridiculous as "cuck" has entered the popular American lexicon and is being used by some of the most powerful people on Earth. I want the Apocalypse to happen ASAP

Men are so emotional smh

It is very obvious that men are too emotional, unstable, and irrational to be trusted with any sort of global or national leadership. Bring on the matriarchy.

The Cold War should of escalated. It would of been better than this shit show of modern politics.

It's either would HAVE or would'VE, but never would OF.

See Grammar Errors for more information.

Shut the fuck off

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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They call us altrighters, aww that's sooooooooooo cute!

Nah, it was posted by one of our regulars being vvv ironic

lowercase x uppercase d

Rude fam

Learn English or go back to your country of origin.

I sometimes have wet dreams about shoveling bodies of burned GDR corpses into the Elbe tbh.

It's narrated by Alec Baldwin.

I'm waiting for the day where president Trump tells a western European politician to "go back to into your cuck shed!"

That would almost be worth disbanding NATO for.

Keep NATO around but use it to conscript Europeans to build monuments here.

Y'all thought the mayocide was just a "meme." Now it's already too late. We've fallen too far.

We won the memewar fam.

And we thought the intelligence communities were tearing this administration apart.

The calls are coming from *INSIDE** the house!*

TFW you find out Ivanka was behind the leaks this whole time

When /r/The_Donald leaks to the White House

I believe this is what we call cross contamination

Only solution is to throw the baby out with the bathwater

/r/The_Donald is just a bunch of normies LARPing. Bannon is straight /pol/ fam.

This makes me love Steve Bannon even more

When you /pol/ too hard

A jew and a Neo Nazi aren't getting along? Color me fucking shocked.

How is alt-right hating on Jews newsworthy? Knowing Bannon's problem, I was actually surprised that he did not lash out to Kushner in public.

TIL, people actually believe things written on the Daily Beast. it really that unbelievable?

Meh, not 100% unbelievable, but I'd be willing to bet it's over dramatized.

Well I'll be! How horrible if that is indeed the case!

if the media is happy to report something about trump its usually fake or blown out of proportion tbh

kind of want this one to be true

Of course you have all the hot scoops on what's realllllly going on. Link me to your youtube videos man, I'm sick of all these shills

fucking lol i didnt realise we had so many retardedly gullible people in here

watch me be right again just like i was with the russia stuff

You are so wise! Especially seeing as though Russia is an ongoing investigation.

What's your take on pizzagate? How far up does it go?

You are so wise! Especially seeing as though Russia is an ongoing investigation.

want me to predict the future? nothing will come of it, theres no russian connection

like ive said repeatedly

What's your take on pizzagate? How far up does it go?

epstein and buddies are pedos, rich people go to their eyes wide shut parties

anything further than that who knows, thats why its worth a look

pretty much everyone who gets weird about it is just scared, but you dont have to worry

epstein and buddies are pedos, rich people go to their eyes wide shut parties

"I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine for a 2002 profile of Epstein. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

so are you saying its real but you think trump is involved?

havent heard that take before

Apostrophes are literally tools of the Control-Left

Fuck, have I not been typing properly this entire time?

epstein shit is real, but the fuck does that have to do with a random pizza parlor? there's much, much more hard evidence of an epstein and trump connection than there is of epstein and a pizza parlor. maybe it's worth a look!

wow its almost like smugly dismissing everything leaves you confused and unable to tell whats going on

there's much, much more hard evidence of an epstein and trump connection than there is of epstein and a pizza parlor.


im all for investigating but im pretty sure you wouldnt like the outcome

lmfao you're all for investigating a sitting President's involvement in a child sex club? you conspiratards are something else.

im up for making sure all the people that fraternize with convicted pedos and go to their secret pedo islands for holidays arent pedos tbh

really not sure why theres so much angry opposition to the idea, except that a lot of americans are influenced by their news

oh yeah, let's just bring in the president for questioning just because he's friends with Epstein. or let's investigate a random pizza parlor which has no connection with Epstein. jesus christ you're retarded.

i love how hung up people are on that one store because they heard the term pizzagate once

oh yeah, let's just bring in the president for questioning just because he's friends with Epstein.

ok lets exclude the president and just get all the actors and politicians that epstein also took to his island

im sure none of them fucked kids there or anything so whats the big deal, better safe than sorry

i love how hung up people are on that one store

i love it too, well aside from a retard like you shooting up the store, that was unfortunate.

better safe than sorry

somebody doesn't understand the concept of probable cause

probable cause

fucking lol hes a convicted pedo with a secret island

that might sound cool to you but it rings alarm bells to most

shooting up the store

kinda weird that the guy who did it is an actor and his father owns some weird company called forever young productions

also weird that he shot one shot that managed to destroy comets records

all above board

yup, love it when retards get hung up about the store

that might sound cool to you but it rings alarm bells to most

your mom's a dirty whore, doesn't mean it's ringing any alarm bells about your status as a criminal

yup, love it when retards get hung up about the store

you have a weird angry way of showing love

your mom's a dirty whore, doesn't mean it's ringing any alarm bells about your status as a criminal

havent done this much before have you

i can guide you if you like

only retards think using the word "retard" means you're angry.

your mom's a dirty whore, doesn't mean it's ringing any alarm bells about your status as a criminal

im thinking more of this, its just cringey

like you typed that out and thought thatll get him

It's an analogy, if it didn't get you it simply means you're too dense to see the point.

no russian connection

Dude, his first National Security advisor literally stepped down due to inappropriate Russian connections. Or was that made up too?

There was nothing inappropriate at all, he had to step down because he'd lied to Electric Pence about having the meeting in the first place.

So an advisor of a not-yet-elected official in a contentious race meeting with a foreign diplomat and making promises as to how their candidate would treat the diplomat's country if elected seems just a-ok to you? Particularly when it was reversing the previous actually elected administrations policies? Girrrrlllll

Your issue is that Pence had him take the fall by not protesting about "lying" abou the meetings? Next youre gonna tell me Hilary organized the meetings to begin with

It was after the election, and Flynn was basically urging the Russians not to retaliate for the outgoing Obama administration's latest round of sanctions. That's absolutely a-ok, and totally normal. This wasn't some Nixon and Diem stuff, and there was no quid pro quo, just letting them know of the incoming administration's approach.

Dude, his first National Security advisor literally stepped down due to inappropriate Russian connections. Or was that made up too?

literally nothing will ever come of it because its nothing

you see "omg russian communication!" on cnn and think its out of the ordinary or criminal lol

he stood down for transparencys sake

is this your first election by any chance

Why do you think Trump refuses to release his tax returns?


  • its a non issue to anyone who already supports him

  • it pisses people like you off refusing to do it, and lowers your ability to reason and by extension the amount youre able to resonate with the average person

  • it keeps hacks occupied ranting and raving instead of doing stuff that actually hinders him

  • its funny to make you angry

hope this helps, its not really very complicated

lmao wtf

No wonder you love Trump.

lol at people dumb enough to think im a trump fan still

You fucking retard bogan conspiracy theorist

i feed on your weird misplaced anger

I think you feed on tacos and sprite

tacos are delicious why is that bad

But epstein is buddies with Trump, is Trump a pedo?

lets have a look and find out instead of getting really angry and denying anything exists right

i love how many people think thats somehow a gotcha

The media are so deep into roleplaying Woodward and Bernstein right now that they're willing to report anything that sounds juicy, even if it's anonymous and unconfirmable. We don't know if stuff like this is true or not, just the default position should be skepticism because the press have switched off their bullshit detectors when it comes to anything anti-Trump. Unless they have actual sources that they're willing to name.

Do you know how the press in the US came to be a thing? Literally selling the equivalent of reality tv to plebs willing to part with a penny for some entertainment. This goes back to before Woodward and Bernstein my dude. If it bleeds it leads!

But also I no longer have a lower limit of believability when it comes to Trump. He has surpasses my lowest expectations, so Ill wait and see how accurate all this shit is. I'm putting my money on pretty (((accurate)))

It was better than that for a while, but we're definitely regressing back to James Callender times. And I'm willing to believe a lot... but there's limits. Especially after the golden shower dossier.

some press was better than that, and yes it still is. It is incredibly hard for any media org to cover anything now, with the internet. It is now possible for anyone to make anything look "legit" because of the accessibility of news and media.

The fact we still have respected news organizations (no thanks to the majority of consumers in the US) is impressive. There will probably be a resurgence of hardcore journalism now that those with money are realizing how goddamn important it is. Little too late, but eh

The problem is there is no respect for actual credentials and ethos, not to mention verifibale truth, anymore. That is not the fault of the press, that is a consumer issue (though with no one in particular actually "at fault").

The problem is there is no respect for actual credentials and ethos, not to mention verifibale truth, anymore. That is not the fault of the press, that is a consumer issue (though with no one in particular actually "at fault").

It's almost like we have a commander-in-chief that dismisses actual journalists with a hand-wave and supports tabloids and conspiracy theorists.

He's just salty because he knows Jared from Subway is tapping that sweet Ivankass

What kind of grown man says "cuck" in real life?

I have incorporated "cuck" into several of my passwords. Not sure what that says about me.

How? I can too.

Cuck fetishists???

uhh what kind of grown man doesn't have the word cuck in his arsenal

Redpilled high test alpha dogs that take their super male vitality.

Bill Clinton is a rapist

It's sad these Trump cult members think those words are insults.

You're right, letting other men bang your girl is the epitome of modern cosmopolitan culture.

You don't own women you sexist small handed "man". They are people too and can do whatever they want. If she wants to enjoy another man I have no right to tell her no. I always trust her to do the right thing and I'm secure and mature enough not to care what she does on her own time.

probably calls him worse than that behind his back lol isnt he jewish

also i love how people end up roleplaying and making up fake relationships and shit to justify how they feel about political figures

"how will bannon deal with not being the guy i kept saying he was??!?"

It's impressive, there's not a day that goes by where this administration hasn't made me feel embarrassed

So a nazi, a jew, and an oragatang walk into a white house,what happens next?

Steve Bannon got rich in global finance, how is he going around using globalist as an insult?

Objectively. Best. Timeline.

The daily beast. Owned by IAC. Where Chelsea Clinton is on the board of directors?

Why on earth would they publish such a thing?

Shit doesn't get to Panama by bitcoin bro.