Drama erupts like a popped pimple when a user in a skincare sub disagrees with feminist narrative

38  2017-04-06 by [deleted]


Here's the thing. You said a "trilby is a fedora."


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Don't judge me for browsing, my brothers in autism. Alan has to moisturize his situation and preserve his sexy.

Not judging unless the number of bodies in your crawlspace is pathetic.

>tfw you would be a serial killer but you have too much social anxiety to approach anyone and entrap them in your home

I hope you get help for your social anxiety soon. We need more people like you out there.

Alan would never keep m'ladys in his crawlspace. I'm more of a catch and release kind of lover.

it's legal for fishing, I don't see any problems with doing that with humans.

Hahahaha, what fun. My girlfriend /u/GingerBizcuit knows all about what a feisty lover I am.

What's her favorite strap-on?

Post pristine, well-maintained bussy

Nice meme!!

U 2 pls

That sub is fucking bullshit. It's not about hot Asian chicks at all. It's about makeup products from Asia. To be more specific, it's about western women culturally appropriating makeup products from Asia.

So much internalized misogyny. All those women invalidating her experiences

Is u troll or is u real

Real. I learned all about these toxic micro-aggressions in my Embodiments of Patriarchy Theory class last semester. These are real issues facing and hindering real women every day

Since this happened in an Asian-themed sub, I suppose I only have one question left...

... will you ruv me rong time?

Holy shit. In what world are comments like this even remotely ok!? I can't even right now

Please don't even bother to enact the effort to educate these (((MALES))).

Does anyone say "I can't even" unironically anymore?

Embodiments of Patriarchy Theory

your good....too good....

I like how the personal experiences argument "don't invalidate other peoples experiences" goes out the window as soon as men talk about false rape accusations.

Thanks for stealing my content fuckface I just posted that 8 minutes a--...... Oh. Nm

I'm just going to use that exact argument the next time idiot Americans want to lecture me for not liking gypsies. I hope you don't mind, /u/fossil_sharksauce.

To be fair, my sister and I thought our mom was just a terrible racist against gypsies until we visited her family in Paris. I mean, she's still a terrible racist against gypsies, but now we know she's right.

I want to claw my eyes out jesus christ, I can't get past one post let alone the whole thread fucking kill me

I've done my deep dive. I considered myself a feminist for a very long time. I took many gender studies classes in college, read renowned feminist authors, and agree with the majority of the goals of feminism. I don't, however, agree with modern day feminists, nor can I get behind the actions of the movement as of late.

/u/filthycasual92 will u be my bae []y []n

I feel like I should be asking you that. The name of your submission is gold.

Okay so you sound like a sane person who also has a college education in a area I have a question in. I'm gonna set up a situation. Lets say I am the guy who is trying to to get people to take his survey. I see somebody walking towards me. The person looks male. Is it a microaggression to address and catch that persons attention with "sir"?

100000000% is microagression

This whole subreddit is really giving me some microaggressive vibes. I don't know if you folk are trying to sound as problematic as you sound, but yall sounds pretty problematic.





You're ok, /u/filthycasual92 - you should hang out here and shitpost with the rest of us. Believe you me, we're real nice and cuddly, just like a bunch of faggoty autistists should be.

Plus she can recommend the best lotions to use when we fap to our waifus!

/u/filthycasual92 don't do it don't you fucking waste your life, keep on knitting and living a normal life with wholesome hobbies and stay away from the spectrum

/u/RagingFuckalot This thread has "Asian" in the URL so I assume you're gonna wanna pop in here at some point and shoot your big mouth off

Cheers for notifying me! I know you can't go long without talking about me.

I love you.

Wow. There is a lot of patriarchy theory in this comment. I suspect you need to brush up on femminism. I can't the time to educate you personally but a deep dive on all topics relating to patriarchy theory and toxic masculinity would really help you out.

Hey /u/DeepDickedHillbilly what's it like living life as a big feminist parody bot

Wow. There is a lot of patriarchy theory in this comment.

I suspect you need to brush up on femminism. I can't the time to educate you personally but a deep dive on all topics relating to patriarchy theory and toxic masculinity would really help you out.

I do want to point out that just because something doesn't happen doesn't mean it can't happen and that by itself is enough to be angry about

This is some A+ work.

I know I'm angry about Hitler literally being resurrected by trump and declared God emporer mankind.

I mean, there's a possibility, so I'm angry about it.

Who the hell decided we should let women vote, cause that was a big mistake

This, but unironically.

rich white men

One need to be quite willfully ignorant to not see that part society's prized machoism requires one to denounce all things feminine (unless you are fcking one straight in the pssy). Good thing feminism had been steadily changing this toxic notion. -Or as the red pill will call it, "ruining our way of life."

/u/PoroSashimi So you're pretty mad at your ex-boyfriend, huh

I'm sorry you feel prosecuted by other women, I feel like you are doing some massive projection here that have very little do to with the issue I am criticizing. Have a nice day yourself as well and hope your interactions with other women gets better.

/u/PoroSashimi do you mean "persecuted?" "Prosecuted" means to have legal action brought against you.

Ooops, you're right! Thanks!

np my dude

I only had one boyfriend - who I am still with currently for three years. If you read through my comment history you will see how much I converted him to skincare. Nice try though.

You're good with spelling, just not reading comprehension. :)

You're good with spelling, just not reading comprehension. :)

Going through your post history = "good reading comprehension?"

Oh, do please elaborate.

... uh... what?

Ohhhh, you weren’t trying to say that there are reading comprehension issues in my comment history – you just completely missed what I was referencing to.

In that case, to help your aging and wrinkly brain:

/u/PoroSashimi do you mean "persecuted?" "Prosecuted" means to have legal action brought against you.

You must be very busy, going around, trolling so many people that you can't even keep track. I think this sub reddit suits you perfectly. :)

Ohhhh, you weren’t trying to say that there are reading comprehension issues in my comment history – you just completely missed what I was referencing to. In that case, to help your aging and wrinkly brain

Do you need an adult?

Bitch having a wrinkly brain is a good thing. People with Alzheimer's lose the wrinkles in their brain due to cell death.

Wait, who said having wrinkly brain is a bad thing? Is the voices talking to you?

Oh no, your brain is dewrinkling and you're forgetting what you wrote :(

Do quote me. Or is just mentioning "wrinkly" is bad for you? Is there some internalized issues you are going through hon?

Do quote me.


lmao at the idea that shaving your underarms is a political issue

It's what happens when you don't have any real problems in life but still want to feel like a victim.

Funny story, I was friends with a sorta far left girl in college. Unbeknownst to me, she was romantically obsessed with me for about a year and a half. After I rejected her, she went REALLYY far left, got a pastel pixie cut, and stopped shaving her pits and legs. I even saw a Facebook comment where she talked about lecturing her 8-year-old sister for shaving her legs since it's oppression.

Anyway, we met up later while we were studying abroad, and in our hostel room, she made sure to mention that she had just shaved her legs even though she hadn't shaved them in like sooooo long, you guys. Joke's on her because I still didn't fuck her.

This isn't some casual pop feminist. We're talking about a highly intelligent and educated journalist who other SJWs respect, and who dedicates her life to defending transsexualism and other degeneracy.

This is just to give you some insight into how full of shit these bitches are and how clearly their sooper serious ideologies are all about them and their insecurities. They would drop their extremist views in an instant if they weren't so butthurt about decent looking men not fucking them. That's why SJWs are virtually never cute unless they had preexisting mental issues before joining the movement.

TL;DR I'm so Autistic I didn't have sex with a chick who was into me because of her political beliefs.

You're the autist if that's what you got from that

Literally everyone who visits this sub once and comes back for more is on the spectrum.

No it was because she was ugly. Pay attention retard.

You were in a hostel, you're both ugly.

Just on the inside in your blood because you are Europoors.

Post your butthole then if you're so fucking hot.

100% of all far left chicks are literal poo

" I don't like chicks with tattoos, colored hair and daddy issues"

"and 80% bodyfat"

You're ignoring how obese she probably was.

decent looking men

don't flatter yourself laddie

why is everything political these days? You can never escape this bs....

What I've learned from that thread is that if you're a women, everyone on earth hates you and your friends are just pretending to like you and it's just so super shitty and gross and -sobs openly-

"My hobby is putting ten different soaps and lotions on my face every day. My other hobby is buying lots of soaps and lotions. And talking about soaps and lotions, and how to put them on my face every day."

I mean, a lot of women (and men) want to take care of their skin, it makes you look younger and more attractive.

I have a small, half assed Asian beauty routine but the way some people talk about their skin is scary. Also they beat themselves up if they don't commit to their routine every day.

All drama aside, that comic is just fucking awful.

I had to see it to believe it.

Why on earth would you turn a makeup hobby into a persecution complex? If they wanted to do away with the perception that they're catty, they're not doing a good job of it.

Asians are basically just white people with better complexion and weird eyes, and therefore a mistake.

I doubt many people assumed being into skincare made guy a cunt. Now skincare "addicts" look like cunts.

There's a surprising amount of drama in places like /r/SkincareAddiction.

I won't lie, it's really entertaining to stumble across a random catfight when you're browsing reviews of moisturizer.

So many woman have had experiences like her No they didn't


What do you expect from a community who think putting snail mucus & horse fat on their face is going to cure their acne?