the_donald and (((Pol))) investigate the recent shoah in Syria

40  2017-04-06 by icefourthirtythree


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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You trust your fellow men [/pol/] beyond shady, elitist, Globalist-appointed organisations [FBI etc]. It's an exciting time to be alive.


Don't trust anyone. I provided bullet point notes and sources in hopes of furthering research into the matter. Read them and come to your own conclusion, and properly discuss what you've found so the entire picture can be painted.

Research can't properly be done inside an echo chamber like T_D. So I posted this in various outlets.

Trust the research, not the poster.

I'm still trying to figure out who really shot Kennedy. It might take me a few more years before I can give this one a go.

Actually, at the end of this year Trump will have the option to either declassify the CIA files on the Kennedy Assassination, or seal them for another 25 years.

"All remaining assassination-related records (approximately 5,000 pages) are scheduled to be released by October 2017, with the exception of documents certified for continued postponement by the President under the following conditions: (1) "continued postponement is made necessary by an identifiable harm to the military, defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or conduct of foreign relations" and (2) "the identifiable harm is of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in disclosure." There is some concern among researchers that significant records, particularly those of the CIA, may still remain classified after 2017.[147] Although these documents may include interesting historical information, all of the records were examined by the Review Board and were not determined to impact the facts of the Kennedy assassination.[148]"

Yeah, so get back to me in a few years dude. I need my space.

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RemindMe! 2 years "JFK"

Here's to hoping it was him and the people at r/conspiracy have a mental breakdown

I thought it was Mossad tho? Wasn't that the favoured theory?

I have no idea to be honest. I have never really done any research into the JFK theories.

It was the smoking man.

Fuck that shit. Looking over sourcea by some crazy retard on /pol/ takes hours. I ain't got time for lunacy.

The top comment above

Honestly I trust an orchestrated /pol/ investigation more than any of our 17 wtfbbq intelligence agencies.

gave me a genuine belly laugh.

Im still amazed at how many people /pol/ is being ironic with their racism.

What is that smug anime girl from thanks

It's Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen from strike witches

Cool beans

Syria never happened

I agree Syria doesn't exist.

It's part of Greater (((Israel))).

greater Israel


Sarin was originally made by the Germans, so i guess they got revenge on those refugees after all.

They had it coming

This sounds legit we all know pol is always right

Of all the sad words of tongue and pen,

The saddest are these: /pol/ was right again!

/pol/ is a fucking shithole who says theres flowers in a landfile and celebrate when they find seeds in excrement, after that they exclaim "pol was right again" like stupid deluded fucks they are.


This was legit hilarious when I read this, it's the online equivalent of one of those hobos yelling at you on the subway so you decide to get him to leave you alone by saying "wow sounds good, ok bye" and then he launches off with a new diatribe 😂😂

"And my contact with Mike Cernovich asking for assistance in bringing light to it:"

This is me reaching out for assistance into researching a very serious topic. I could be entirely wrong about the entire thing. Hence why I've reached out to professional journalists in attempts to have their team and contacts fact check me. Could be real, could be fake. Evidence is stacking up to claim "fake", but I'd like to hear from other sources and their research into the matter.

The more eyes the better. If Mike ignores it, then so be it, it probably didn't interest me. But there is no harm in reaching out to a professional so they can take the story and run with it in areas I will never be able to touch.

> Mike Cernovich

> Professional journalist

Oh I am laffin

Who was it again broke the Susan Rice story?

Mike Thernovich?

Don Lime?

I don't get it and I feel like I should.

Don Lemon, the CNN anchor. :P

haha yeah, sorry, EnglishFruitNames.exe failed me there. Amazing how he still has a job.

Not a fan of him but that's kinda hillarious

I like how he's crying fake news worse than the guy actually crying

ah fuck this building exploded! we have to save this man!

hang on quick mannequin challenge first

Great research by /u/Jayick there.

Hey, here's some evidence...

One hour later.... Oh nvm, that evidence turned out to be a mannequin challenge.

I was presented with evidence, and upon doing research it was proven false. I stated so last night. Unlike CNN, I believe in fact checking even myself.

So prior to fact checking you decided to send this to a "journalist"? You think the 2013 sarin gas attack in Syria was also a false flag?

Who do you believe is behind the attacks?

My claim is: A FSA weapons cache was bombed by the Syrian Airforce, and the aftermath was used to promote a narrative that Assad gassed his own people to propel a military response from the US Government and world forces.

Things we have to question and find out are:

  • Did the FSA weapons cache contain sarin gas that was destroyed or damaged in the air strike?

  • Did Assad use chemical weapons to attack his people? If so, where were these weapons stored during the 2013 inspection done by OPCW who confirmed he had NO chemical WMD's. If he bought them, who supplied him, and who else are they supplying?

  • Why is the chemical agent, sarin, being used to promote this attack, when video and picture evidence shows no proper safety measures taken by White Helmet aid workers, when its proven that they had the proper gear to tend to the crisis?

  • Why is a head doctor, who received money from stolen refugee donations, giving an interview instead of treating patients? And why should we trust this supposed Doctor over our own medical staff, when he is wanted by the UK government for kidnapping and torturing 2 UK journalists?

You're referencing a video that I debunked myself, and redacted from my research. I admitted it was entirely false, and stated the date and context to the video. Not really sure what you expect other then me being honest with my research and openly redacting a false claim. Should we just ignore every last thing, based on the fact that I got one thing wrong and it took me an hour to research and correct myself?

Not really sure what you're getting at here.

Can we go back to his question though?

Did you send something out to a journalist without having done any fact checking on it first?

My claim is: A FSA weapons cache was bombed by the Syrian Airforce

You say that, but isn't there a chance you mixed it up with a mannequin challenge?

Remember when all the Trumptards told us that Trump would de-escalate the situation in Syria?

Well, while Assad is in power the situation isn't going to de-escalate, so it's the first step at least.

Assad's the closest one to winning, so removing him and letting Al-Nusra and the SDF battle it out for the next decade is probably the worst option in a humanitarian perspective.

No I don't remember that.

I do remember Trump saying he would destroy ISIS with a quickness (something like 30 days) but that hasn't happened.

I wouldn't be surprised to find out Trump is continuing the Obama method of droning children though.

You mean enemy combatants.

My bad. I'm not super versed in the PC terminology for brown people.

They're also called microterrorists

I wouldn't be surprised to find out Trump is continuing the Obama policy of droning children though.

Oh well, enjoy your non-surprise.

And look who is calling him out for breaking that campaign promise. His own supporters. No one wants another decade long, multi trillion dollar proxy war that will only lead to further chaos and the death of the Syrian people.

But ya know, we're all racist Nazis, so I guess we shouldn't care about destabilizing a fucking nation and giving credence to the Islamic State movement.

we're all racist Nazis, so I guess we shouldn't care about destabilizing a fucking nation and giving credence to the Islamic State movement.

You heard it here first folks.

campaign promise.

Lamao, they thought that the guy who wouldn't put nukes off the table, was okay with attacking fighters' families, and wants to increase military spending while cutting social programs that keep his supporters alive is a pacifist

Imagine getting scammed this hard

I had no idea that people only voted on a single issue! This is surely news to me! Please, tell me more about this subject, as I'm dying to hear your completely valid opinion on other peoples wants and desires.

Fuck Drumpf, am I right comrade? Clinton should of won, it was HER TIME!!! Surely the situation in Syria would of been handled by 1/21/17 if she won!

I had no idea that people only voted on a single issue!

Yes, there are many issues on which Trump scammed voters. Must feel so humiliating to keep bending over backwards making excuses for him as he continues to screw his supporters. "Daddy didn't abandon us, he just went out to buy cigarettes! He'll be back any minute now!" :'(((((

haha, you do realize that the entire premise of my research is to directly oppose Trumps Administrations stance on Syria, right? Not all of us are blind followers here. I agree with a lot of what he does, but not launching us into a Bush3.0, multi trillion dollar, decade long shitshow using Syria as yet another proxy state. He needs to tell Rex Tillerson to shut the fuck up on Fox.

Bush ran on similar messaging.

I think what we need to do is convince people who live in the lands they live in to build the nations. Maybe I'm missing something here. I mean, we're going to have kind of a nation building core from America? Absolutely not. Our military is meant to fight and win war. That's what it's meant to do. And when it gets overextended, morale drops. I strongly believe we need to have a military presence in the Korean peninsula, not only to keep the peace in the peninsula, but to keep regional stability. And I strongly believe we need to keep a presence in NATO, but I'm going to be judicious as to how to use the military. It needs to be in our vital interest, the mission needs to be clear, and the extra strategy obvious.

Sure sounded good, didn't it?

I know you said you aren't a single issue voter, but you really can't trust Republican candidates who say they want to avoid a "bad war", because, when the Republicans own the legislature, the military option is always the solution pushed for by both the Congress and the base.

at least clinton didnt pretend she wasnt an imperialist

Clinton should of won, it was HER TIME!!!

Actual uncensored picture of Hillary Clinton's agenda for America.

I'm not gay (I am) but that picture is hot

He wanted safe zones in Syria. Aka no fly zone

But ya know, we're all racist Nazis

At least you admit it, ill give you that.

not propping up the rebels is deescalating

I swear I fucking hate this "le false flag" mentality that is big on reddit and the internet as a whole.

what you should do is believe everything your betters tell you is true

surely they have your best interests in mind

You're making it sound like the people I'm talking about are super logical critical thinkers who analyze everything and take info with a grain of salt, but thats not true.

Take for example, you're average t_d autist. To them everything that comes out of Daddy's mouth is golden and pure, and anything wrong with him is just le fake nooz and liberulz. But now that a powerhungry dictator with a history of using chemical weapons is using them again, it must be some convoluted master plan false flag attack. why? because it fits their narrative and takes the blame of the side they support.

Take for example, you're average t_d autist. To them everything that comes out of Daddy's mouth is golden and pure, and anything wrong with him is just le fake nooz and liberulz.

doing the exact same thing with american mainstream media is equally dumb though

But now that a powerhungry dictator with a history of using chemical weapons is using them again, it must be some convoluted master plan false flag attack.

lol thats not why people know syria shit is fake

its because theyve done it for years trying to fuck assad just like they did with saddam and gaddafi

gullible people believed "omg wmds!" then and they believe "omg sarin gas and barrel bombs!" now because theyre gullible

best believe its going to be equally laughable a suggestion in a few years, americans will pretend they knew all along once its exposed as fake though

doing the exact same thing with american mainstream media is equally dumb though

Le mayne stream meteor. But i never said you should take everything you're told as fact.

lol thats not why people know syria shit is fake its because theyve done it for years trying to fuck assad just like they did with saddam and gaddafi

Yes please tell me more about how my country of origin runs. Not like the region is known for brutal dictators or anything, no clearly this was the CIA's doing. Maybe I should sue the CIA for fucking over my family members and forcing them to leave the country.

gullible people believed "omg wmds!" then and they believe "omg sarin gas and barrel bombs!" now because theyre gullible

Just because there weren't any in Iraq, doesn't mean that WMDs don't exist and will never be used again ever. Assad himself admitted to having a chemical arsenal, and a lot of it got destroyed too a few years back. You'd probably know this if you'd listen to anything besides Alex Jones and Daddy.

americans will pretend they knew all along once its exposed as fake though


Le mayne stream meteor.

lol what is that, what are you even doing there

Yes please tell me more about how my country of origin runs.

americans are some of the least informed people about their own country

Not like the region is known for brutal dictators or anything, no clearly this was the CIA's doing.


i swear like 90% of americans have no idea why like 3/4 of the world hates them

must be all those freedoms amirite

Maybe I should sue the CIA for fucking over my family members and forcing them to leave the country.

you jest but you cant anyway, theyre above the law

Just because there weren't any in Iraq, doesn't mean that WMDs don't exist


yeah your government lied a couple times in order to start a war that didnt need to happen, but im sure this time its different!

Assad himself admitted to having a chemical arsenal, and a lot of it got destroyed too a few years back. You'd probably know this if you'd listen to anything besides Alex Jones and Daddy.

i love how if you dont believe low effort american propaganda youre automatically a trump fan that likes alex jones

people who think like you are legitimately as sheltered and misled as they are


they will just like they pretended to know iraq was made up for war or that the nsa spies on you

americans love pretending desperately not to look ignorant

but im sure this time its different!

Just for the record, are you now confirming Trump is literally no different?

I think at this point, people are not sure how different things will be. I'm certainly hoping, and who do we even turn to if we get burned? The only other candidate that cared about corruption was a geriatric communist retard.

> He doesn't know about the true anti-war, anti-corruption candidate

Well he's not, except for of course being more incompetent than usual.

Give the man some credit, he built a cult of personality and is currently fucking up so hard it's making them question him

are you one of those guys that thinks i like trump because i say the american left is retarded lol

i just like his opposition to bad things, i dont really care what his reasoning is

hes just as vulnerable to bullshit as anyone else

are you one of those guys that thinks i like trump because i say the american left is retarded lol

Well you came in here spilling tendies everywhere at us for criticizing TD so you can't blame me for thinking you're a Trumpet.

It's a telltale sign of radicalism. Everything that confirms their belief system = truth. Everything that doesn't = lie crafted by The Enemy to mislead the public and/or give grounds for an evil policy change. That way the true believers can always be correct and everyone else can always be incorrect, thus preventing them from having to challenge their beliefs.

Can't see the situation improving any time soon tbqh. Though ending net neutrality might help because it directly affects people in a way that they can't ignore.

That way the true believers can always be correct and everyone else can always be incorrect, thus preventing them from having to challenge their beliefs.

That's why I think they actually start conspiracy theories in self-defense. Send out a few actors to create a movement, to act like the seed in a supersaturation crystallization, watch it go viral and suck the attention away from the few who see the real truth.

That's right, we're facing false flag false flaggers. God help us.

Oh, it's totally defensive. The Sandy Hook conspiracy took shape because people were afraid that it made gun control policies look good, leftists screamed "false flag!" at the GOP firebombing because it made them look violent even though it's a typical antifa tactic...a lot of people right now are completely unwilling to challenge or change their beliefs or admit that they're wrong to the point where they just flat-out create an alternative reality to live in. That's not to say that false flags don't occasionally happen, but if you think that EVERYTHING that doesn't confirm your belief system is a false flag, no matter how ridiculous that is or how little evidence there is, then there's something seriously wrong with you.

Your effortposting is harshing my mellow. Not saying you're wrong.

sorry mane

Well with conspiracy theorist you can't prove them wrong because all evidence against a conspiracy is just more proof thay a conspiracy or a coverup exist. It happens all the time in shithole like /pol/.

It's a telltale sign of radicalism.

Anyone that is against the war in Iraq is a radical, TIL

people will now pretend they knew there was no wmds all along so as not to look stupid

but he would have said the same shit in 03

That's not to say that false flags don't occasionally happen, but if you think that EVERYTHING that doesn't confirm your belief system is a false flag, no matter how ridiculous that is or how little evidence there is, then there's something seriously wrong with you.

I have a "friend" who always pulls up some fucking youtube video that ""debunks"" whatever happend after every terrorist attack and its so fucking annoying

So liberals, how can Trump be a Russian spy if he is threatening their allies?

the white helmets arent a real humanitarian organisation, they never have been

and of course the "sarin attack" is fake, they constantly fake everything

does anyone remember that "little girl" that tweeted from the war zone in perfect english imploring the west to invade

or that random black dude

people are so gullible about this shit

i bet multiple people in here believe its real though lol

I hear the reused the crisis actors from Sandy Hook in the "sarin" attack

lol see i knew someone would be dumb enough to think its real

you cant really call me the conspiracy theorist when youre the one that believes in a sarin attack that didnt happen and that theres no evidence of

in 03 youd be saying the same thing if i told you saddam didnt have wmds

im just happy with being right i dont really need the validation of gullible people

fucking lol at believing anything turkey says


Also saying "they constantly fake everything" def makes you the conspiritard lmao

not really buddy its all pretty documented

you being sheltered doesnt actually change what information is available

Lmao conspiritard tbh u/snallygaster said it better than I could so I'm just gonna link it. Good luck insisting anyone who doesn't live in your everything is a conspiracy safespace is sheltered lmao

lol you believe turkey press statements

remember when they faked a coup so erdogan could consolidate power and kick everyone out the country that he didnt like

lets take their word for it though

Lmao conspiritard

most people who get angry at conspiracies are pretty dumb tbh

you actually get emotional because someone told you to believe something lol

Good luck insisting anyone who doesn't live in your everything is a conspiracy safespace is sheltered lmao

lol cringe at misusing safe space

said it better than I could

yeah thats not really speaking to the quality of your argument dude

You seem really made rn maybe you should pull a u/zaspears and edit out the first two pages of your post history so people wouldn't laugh at how retarded you are. Until then tho lmao @ literally your whole existence 😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥👌👌👌💯💯

You seem really mad rn

lol projection

people wouldn't laugh at how retarded you are.

the only people that think im wrong are retarded anyway, thats always been the case

im pretty much always right and it pisses the hell out of low iq americans, youll figure this out eventually

Dude you're all over this thread being mad AF and seriousposting/smugposting like crazy. Take that shit to SRD or SRC or something. I've never seen you make an even partially funny comment in /r/drama, you're basically the new Ferenix.

Dude you're all over this thread being mad AF and seriousposting/smugposting like crazy.

its smug fyi, because im right

Take that shit to SRD or SRC or something.

lol who are you

I've never seen you make an even partially funny comment in /r/drama, you're basically the new Ferenix.

ive never seen you full stop

you should learn that only stupid butthurt people complain about stuff i say and they all give up eventually because of how right i am

pisses the hell out of low iq americans

lmao europoor confirmed

im australian, that country thats better than both and is full of chill dudes that are the best

So europoor criminal exiled to the irrelevant hemisphere? lmao like that's better

lol at americans trying the country insults when soundly beaten and desperate to get one up

ill just wipe away my tears with my free health care and social systems that work

lol at americans trying the country insults when soundly beaten and desperate to get one up

lol yeah i started the country insults... oh wait no that was you

that wasnt a country insult i meant only the dumb portion of americans

like theres smart americans and dumb americans like every other country, and only the dumb ones over there get angry when i shitpost politics

it is what it is, you dont have to take it personally

maybe get a new shtick? this isnt really working for you, even if it is in the spirit of drama

i dunno g you should see my inbox

Eh i guess if quantity > quality than knock yourself out bud

i spend less effort here than in politics nowadays, i swear trump has a lot of you guys fucked up

the in jokes and srd cliquey shit is gay af so i like to change it up

theres no evidence of

So all the photos and video are.. what?

crisis actors ofc

literally unironically

do some cursory research into white helmets before doing this faggy shit dude

Can you give us some links? Maybe a few pizzagate ones too while we're talking about stupid shit that only fucking idiots believe.

lol google the words you lazy faggot

its pretty clear youll ignore information so you can pretend you know what youre talking about anyway

jesus christ, ok ill google it for you

absurd claims


Oh so the RT articles demonizing them are the ones I should listen to? Because it seems like the general consensus everywhere else is that your views are wrong. Lmao just admit you're 14 and think this is "researching facts for yourself and not believing MSM" because at least you can grow out of that kind of retardation. If you're actually an adult it's just plain sad tbqhwyf.

Oh so the RT articles demonizing them are the ones I should listen to?

lol yeah thats exactly what i said

Because it seems like the general consensus everywhere else is that your views are wrong.

what on reddit? lol who gives a fuck most people here think the russia hilarity is real too

Lmao just admit you're 14 and think this is "researching facts for yourself and not believing MSM" because at least you can grow out of that kind of retardation. If you're actually an adult it's just plain sad tbqhwyf.

ah the old tried and tested "youre so dumb youre a kid but if im wrong that just means im right"

internet 101 amirite

i look forward to the future where youll be too embarrassed to admit you were wrong and probably stop posting about it

haha snopes he says

so is the missile strike confirming its a false flag for you?

ill wait until all the news agencies stop contradicting each other to make judgement personally

incidentally how confident do you feel trump is in russias pocket now considering he fired at a base with them in it

also i maintain my "lol snopes" position, you might as well quote politifact

burden of proof fam

lol its not really that high a priority to prove anything to anyone in here dude

id rather just make fun of people for being this bad at knowing stuff

its pretty clear youll ignore information so you can pretend you know what youre talking about anyway

what a coincidence!


shut the fuck up Gobot.

haha i thought you were just a random shitposter but you actual post in /r/marchagainsttrump and /r/esist


You post on /r/drama about trump shit all day. Not sure you have the high ground buddy.

trump is the best thats why, hes going to deport all the illegals

fuck yeah

on the real people get so spazzy about trump its great fun to fuck with them, dont take things so seriously

your country is going to be exactly the same after his 8 years

on the real people get so spazzy about trump its great fun to fuck with them, dont take things so seriously

Is that why you keep ranting about pizzagate? Oh, you fooled me, I thought you were actually mentally disabled.

when did i rant about pizzagate though

pretty sure i just said its real

So you are mentally disabled then?

nah just means im better informed than you are

i bet you believe russia hacked the election too right

yeah you seem like youd fit in there considering its some cb srs style faggotry

again, why don't you go preach the gospel of pizzagate to the masses. I'm sure someone else gives a shit about your opinions.

you sure seem to have some feelings one way or the other

people that get angry at the idea of pg are so dumb lol

No, I just assume that anyone who believes in it must have some sort of brain damage or learning disability.

thats just because youre largely ignorant of reality

youd love to believe that everything is cool because it makes you feel secure, you dont want to challenge that and so you lash out when you cant explain something

theres no strength in that lol i dont know why youre boasting about it

lol, what was that about people getting angry over pizzagate?

which ones, the sad ones of the man holding his child?


its fake

"Just google it bro", isn't that what you say when anyone asks you for actual evidence?

"it's not my job to educate you!"

its usually what i say when stupid people question really really obvious stuff and im not invested enough to prove anything to them

You are the absolute worst

at losing arguments amirite

You get more retarded by the day man

i take it as a compliment when uninformed people tell me im dumb tbh

I don't think anyone at t_d calls you dumb tbbqh.

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i swear if srd is harder to bait than you guys im going to be so dissapointed

Oh shit, just six hours later and it turns out that you only pretended to be retarded! Great bait, mate, you bamboozled everyone!

bait isnt acting retarded its just saying shit you guys get all pissy about

even if its true which it is

Goddamn, you would easily be the worst poster here if reimann stopped posting.

thx 4 recognizing the hustle fam

youre just jealous you dont get this much attention

i didnt say anything retarded though

you dont have to say stuff thats false to bait people

But you did say false stuff tho.

and of course the "sarin attack" is fake, they constantly fake everything

No, seriously, dude, you should submit yourself to Science Researchers maybe, to the kind that think that consciousness must arise from Quantum Mechanical shit in microtubules in the brain.

Because this stuff, the way you were sure that it was a false flag fake news back then, and totally joking back then all along several hours later, that's some delayed choice quantum eraser shit, that could be observed in a human subject for the first time!

You're a phenomenon, lol.

wow you sure typed a lot of nothing there

Because this stuff, the way you were sure that it was a false flag fake news back then, but totally joking and baiting back then all along several hours later

so youre a bit slow right

there was no sarin gas, it was fake and an excuse to get assad like it always is and like theyve done multiple times before

but tbh the reaction i got to the first one was great and you guys eat up bait and like to think youre smart for doing it

so how could i not oblige

You're a phenomenon, lol.

you guys think youre clever trolls but you just get shit on lol you dont even understand whats happening

Do you think that you're cleverer than Donald J. Trump? If Donald J. Trump thinks that it was not fake, then who are you to disagree, a liberal?

see now this is what i meant when i said its funny to me when people pretend to know what i think

like youre trying to be snarky or something, but it falls flat because you dont understand the source material

all ill say here is that you dont treat people that have been sarin gassed with bare hands, but if you want to be completely fooled by third world low quality propaganda then thats your prerogative m8

just dont expect to be able to pretend youre informed later on

a liquid used in chemical attacks due to its volatility and how quickly it dissipates afterwards makes a person dangerous to handle with your bare hands

Guide me through your thought process, buddy.

"the first thing you notice about sarin gas is the smell" lol


sarin gas has no smell, and thats a quote from the recent "attacks"

it also absorbs through the skin

if people were sarin gassed the first responders would be dead

what looks most likely to have happened now is that a warehouse that assad bombed incidentally contained ammonia

it also absorbs through the skin

It does! But, it's also an extremely volatile substance, hence why it's used in chemical attacks. As well, it's known to dissipate--once it reaches a gaseous form--in minutes.

Do you know what "volatile" means, in a chemical context?

and that's a quote

One that I can't find, surprisingly. I did find a quote from a nurse talking about the smell of rotting flesh.

dont pretend to be knowledgeable dude

once it reaches a gaseous form--in minutes.

better put on your paper mask to stop the fumes!

One that I can't find, surprisingly.

you might have to actually look at what syrians are saying rather than some hack journalist in ny

every time some asshole wants to kill assad they claim hes gassing his own civs

because theres totally a point to doing it that benefits him, when hes in the middle of winning a war

incidentally i noticed you completely ignored the last part of my post

have you seen now americans are saying russia is responsible LOL

this drastic mischaracterization of what I just said about gas

Lemme break down the grammar of that sentence for you, bud.

[The substance] is known to dissipate--[clause modifying the first part of the sentence]--in minutes.

It does not reach a gaseous form in minutes; it reaches a gaseous form pretty much immediately. It dissipates in minutes.

blah blah le mainstream media or something I can't really tell your rhetorical structure is so fucking bad

I literally googled the quote and found nothing. If you have a link, I'd be glad to take a look, but the ammonia part of your post is pretty much worthless if the quote doesn't exist. Ammonia doesn't smell like rotting flesh.

because there's totally a point

...I'm sorry, is there a point to bombing a warehouse with ammonia when there are clearly civilians close enough to be potentially hit by the blast? You're contradicting yourself, here.

It does not reach a gaseous form in minutes; it reaches a gaseous form pretty much immediately. It dissipates in minutes.

what do you imagine youre informing me of

Ammonia doesn't smell like rotting flesh.

lets take that random "rotting flesh" quote at face value though

...I'm sorry, is there a point to bombing a warehouse with ammonia when there are clearly civilians close enough to be potentially hit by the blast?

stopping them using it the way they want and killing the people in the warehouse

they probably had their suspicions and took the risk like a military force does

You're contradicting yourself, here.

lol no im not, any misunderstanding is on your part

what do you imagine you're informing me of

That there wouldn't be any sarin left in the scene by the time medical personnel arrived, dingus.

stopping them using it the way they want and killing hte people in the warehouse

they probably had their suspicions and took the risk like a military force does

...At this point, we have some pretty fucking strong suspicions that Assad used sarin gas, but okay.

are... are you implying that Donald J. Trump IS A CUCK? Fuck off.

imagine being this retarded

u/zaspears you know you sound like the "you messed with gamers" GG copypasta rn don't you? That's not a good look bruh, maybe delete that comment so you don't kill yourself from embarrassment 5 years down the line.

Little guy tucked his tail and edited it away. What did he say? I need to know.

Something to the extent of "one day they will come for pol, but what they don't know is that same day pol will be coming for them". P much a bitch move u/zaspears, your trumpettes upvoted that bold proclaimation, why backtrack?

Update! u/zaspears turns out i had a tab with your comment open so now your comment is preserved forever despite your valiant attempt to wipe two whole pages of your post history lmao

you drama users are brave souls i would not kick this hornets nest but good on you for doing it for everyone else who does not want to be caught in the blast

I'm scared of hornets tbh but retarded hornets that can't fly or sting or do any other shit that hornets do properly are more funny than scary tbqhwyf

huh never thought about it that way

the_donald never came across as dangerous don't remember who said it i think it was SFdebris but to borrow a phrase "they are like a bull with a rope tied from its horns to its balls more sad then anything and the only danger they are are to themselves"

/pol/ is working around the clock

Can sleeping until sun goes down before spending the night making MS Paint infographics, masturbating to dickgirls and eating tendies be considered work if it your every day routine?

its genuinely cringeworthy how badly informed some of you guys are lol

Here's a pro tip: watching ""documentaries"" on youtube, and reading greentext on 4chan, does not actually make you informed. You understand this right?

lol what are you even talking about

its not actually a black and white choice between cnn and pol, you do get that right

i swear some of you guys

Yeah there's also shades of grey like Breitbart and Fox News right?

upvoted on /r/drama in 2017

what happened

>complaining about shitposts/snark being upvoted in drama

no i mean the whole "ugh! fox news" thing was played out in like 04

nobody who consumes american media has any leg to stand on criticising

I'm not American and so I'm not up to date on the most popular right wing sources for the lunatic fringe, sorry.

Honestly I trust an orchestrated /pol/ investigation more than any of our 17 wtfbbq intelligence agencies.... What a timeline

/u/truezume this fucking guy

And what do you stand for, sir? What oath have you taken?

This fucking guy

Lol how you feel now

The same.

I trust /pol/ more than I trust the mainstream media, but then again I drink lighter fluid to pass the time.

Honestly I trust an orchestrated /pol/ investigation more than any of our 17 wtfbbq intelligence agencies.... What a timeline

/u/True_Zume, genuine question. what is it like being mentally disabled? like, do you live independently? do you have a job? i'm sure it must be very challenging going through life with such a disability, i want to know how you manage it.

Your not saying anything...Just insults.. I'm sure I pay more in taxes each year than you earn in 5.

so you do have a job? what about my other questions? if they were confusing or too complicated i'd be happy to try to make them easier to understand

To be honest you don't deserve much besides insults with your stupidity.

Insults mean nothing, when you can attack my beliefs with facts and reason then I will be injured.


Yes the name calling... Absolutely nothing to say.





I gotta be honest, I feel bad for your father.. Fuck man that's terrible.

C u C k

Have you ever apologized to him?

c U c K

He had to come to grips with the fact that his contribution to the human race was you.....I mean I couldn't imagine that... I just hope you apologize some day and let him know it's not ALL his fault.


Honestly I trust an orchestrated /pol/ investigation more than any of our 17 wtfbbq intelligence agencies

This is so close to the original 'top minds' comment it's hard to believe it was accidental.

The Jews did this

So why is it that a Syrian child can't tweet in good english? Most of the world speaks more than one language, English being one of them? The only people who don't are Americans.

google "bana alabed"

little girls dont tweet about the west invading when theyre in mortal danger, they certainly dont get their mothers to transcribe

there were tens of twitter propaganda accounts pretending to be little girls and doctors, its so clumsy but apparently america eats that shit up

there was a few pics of "doctors" "rescuing" "wounded" people that turned out to be literal al qaeda guys that drugged a kid and cut his head off in the street