Remember the crazy chick who yelled at the couple at the restaurant? Well basically I hit her up to see if the stuff I heard was true. It is. It all is.

85  2017-04-07 by ieatlotsofthings


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Oh no

A couple of things I want to preface everything with:

  • I am an asshole and I'm going to hell. I know.

  • During the course of the conversation she sent several lewd photos which I will not publish due to California's Revenge Porn Laws (and because I'm not that much of a monster).

  • i initially introduced myself as Justin Beiber to get her attention. I am not Justin Beiber.

  • I later changed my story and said I was his assistant manager and she completely believed it for quite a while.

  • I went out of my way to be as ridiculous as possible because I was curious to see if she really was as crazy as I had heard.

From the material I am providing you can draw your own conclusions about this person. This is all the information I will release, everything else has been deleted.

what is this about

please tl:dr i have no idea who is that chick

If I take everything I've read about this chick at face value then her life is basically a Shakespearean tragedy. A long time ago there's evidence that she seemed very level headed and she had a promising future. Some things happened over several years and cut to her yelling at a couple in a restaurant in California for publicly displaying affection towards each other. Honestly it's no stretch for me to call this the saddest lolcow story. Do some research if you want to, it won't be hard to find info.

No thanks, I only appreciate political lolcows

I think the meat is way more tasty after years of political arguing on the internet and pure unadulterated rage

This person has literally accused every boyfriend she's had over the past several years of rape and several people have restraining orders against her from what I hear online.

well now, that is more interesting


This is a dr Phil episode i want to see. I get my dose of drama and comfort in knowing people who need help will usually recieve it with dr phil.

you're what's wrong with drama these days

Please delete this, linking straight to a doxx is no better then posting it yourself.

Delete your account.

I removed it. Don't link that for the same reason you don't link ED or Kiwifarms. I won't ban you this time because it felt kinda gray area-ish to me too, but let's just not take it there ITT.

Really? I found this in the comments of /r/trashy and it's still there. I posted it to /r/morbidreality and it's still there.

Yes, really. OP contacted her, making it more direct and personal. Context matters, so like I said, let's just not take it there ITT.

As I also said, it is kinda gray area-ish, but use your head and don't give the admins an excuse to fuck with us, yeah?

Oh wow so this subreddit might have different posting rules - weird!

Why can't we link ed and what is kf?

I'm retarded, I know.

Kiwifarms is a place where people talk about lolcows, especially Chris-Chan

Because both almost always have dox

Ah, well I understand. Thanks.

What is the difference between the purpose of the two places? One is a wiki and one a forum but both are devoted to lolcows?

Similar purposes, which is basically to gather all info available on the internet's most lolworthy cows and subject them to the most extreme ridicule in the hopes that their lives are ruined and they kill themselves.

Basically what we would be if the admins weren't such partypoopers.

Suicide is HILARIOUS, amirite?

yes kys

This woman saw a couple kissing in a restaurant and starting yelling about it. She ended up claiming that they were having sex and that she wanted to speak to the manger/police/anyone but a therapist. OP found out who she is and baited her.

To be fair it is really really easy to find out this person's life story through some basic googling.

Apparently you're the one who talked to that turtle sports website.

You are incorrect

Well then I shouldnt skim articles.

I regret doing that. It's just depressing to think about how cruel mental illness is.

Holy shit this made my night even harder than that baby-killing cunt getting weaponized freedom. God bless you.

that baby-killing cunt getting weaponized freedom

I feel like I've missed an important event.

Tune into the (((media))) fam.



How did you get her number?

She was dumb enough to post it on her Twitter.

How the fuck did you get her info?

nothing wrong with revenge porn

how do you think people on here have pics of my taint?

Liar, you don't even have an ED article.

California's Revenge Porn Laws

What a crazy shitty law I must say. (first time I heard about it)

r U gay though?

I'm clean, where you at?

U r loars

Ur rapists

Fun fact, there are videos online of her twerking and humping pillows while naked

Aaaaand a lot more than that.

Ok what do i search

oh god dont go looking it's all horrible

why would you do that to yourself

Please don't. My eyes are still bleeding

I never knew I need this, but I really do. Got any links?

I don't want this thread nuked nor do I want this sub to get into any trouble so be careful asking for stuff here. Just look up "crazy lady yelling at couple" or something.

Just knowing that makes me feel sexually assaulted


How do you search them?

That would be doxxing

Fat, insane white trash women are exactly my cup of tea. Tell her to hmu

Ask if she is a Trump supporter I have to settle a bet😂

Considering half the country voted for him that was a retarded bet. Why not just bet on flipping coins?

Half the country didn't vote for him. There's a huge portion of the country who doesn't vote along with the fact trump lost with the actual voting population by 3 million people, so whatever your flipping needs to have more than 1 to 2 odds of her being a trump supporter with multiple uneven sides.

Tl;dr higher odds she's not a trump voter/supporter except for her behavior indicating she probably is.

her behavior indicating she probably is

and her race and gender

Half of voters voted for him. She's mentally ill, I highly doubt she has any political affiliation.

Why would mental illness prevent political affiliation? If anything, I'd bet they're more political than average.

Her twitter feed is the word "Jeff" everyday for 3 months straight.

I meant mentally ill people in general, not her especially.

Youre right. I should have rephrased that. I think she's out of touch with reality and isn't able to identify with a political leaning.

"lost with the actual voting population"?

You mean the popular vote which has never been used to determine the president and is a footnote for everyone but sour Hillary supporters?

The claim made in this thread is that trump got 50 percent of the popular vote.

Approximately half the country supports the President in any election.

You can pull up the numbers and read them yourself. Neither Trump or Hillary broke 50 percent.

That is very common. Did you do any work for the Clinton campaign back in '92, by any chance?

Link to video place for science

For science? Are you a whalewatcher?

Yup. Video. Now.

dude stop fucking with this women you will get your dick cut off

The images are now gone. Come on OP, where are the goods

What images? I just checked imgur and everything still works.

I didn't know anything about the video so i looked it up. The people that posted it are just as stupid and immature as the lady. She sounded severely mentally ill and here they are arguing about what is and isnt a private establishment, calling her heinous, and when she leaves telling her to "not go" with someone who's clearly not all there mentally. They escalated the situation just as much as she did. I dont have any sympathy.

The lady seems very mentally disturbed. I felt bad watching it. And it was drawn out for so long, I kept wondering why the workers or managers didn't immediately remove her for causing a scene and making the other customers uncomfortable.

I agree the way this was handled was terribly. It seems like she doesnt have many family or friends, if the police were called she may have involuntarily been commited but she needs some help before she self sabotages any more.

It's my understanding that this person has literally burned every bridge there is to burn. She has zero support.

How many chinups can you do?

You know, after watching the video of her freak out at that couple and finding out she's a cam girl, I truly think she's mentally disturbed in some way. I hope she can get the help that she needs.

Even I didn't know she was a cam girl.

/u/Paradox this might be a girl for you.

Who took the picture of her?

Wouldn't that be funny if she showed up and showed you a picture of her taking a picture of herself with a laptop?

I really feel bad for this woman and worry that the internet has her details. She is gullible, has big tits, and it only takes a few clicks to google her and find a way to contact her. Bad stuff is coming her way.

Charge your god damn phone, you savage!

this is unusually sad, even for r/drama

I hate the term "PoC" because it implies a false shared history between black Americans and other, inferior brown-skinned people.

OP is a loar. Don't believe him.

You have time to ask me over and over again but you don't have enough time to do literally 5 minutes of googling?

You're the worst kind of person.

What caused her to turn mayo?

She was gorgeous, worked for a few really good institutions, and clearly had a bright future ahead of her. It's crazy what mental illness can do to someone like her.