Alec Baldwin and a producer argue over which one is a pedophile.

13  2017-04-07 by shitpost953

Baldwin claimed in his book that he totally didn't know she was underage and blamed the producers for feeling up a 16-year-old.


I know now I'll never have any flair again and I've come to terms with that.


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pretty much every celeb that jumped on the anti trump train wanted to restart their careers and make people forget about the skeletons in their closets

Alec Baldwin was on 30 Rock for years during the Obama administration. What the fuck are you talking about?

Alec Baldwin was on 30 Rock for years during the Obama administration. What the fuck are you talking about?

Don't bring your revisionist history bullshit in here.

i mean that theres a lot of people willing to forget that he abuses his kids or fucks underage women because he dressed up as trump and made a funny face

Can you see your dick when peeing while standing up?

thats an odd tangent

and i dont mean the angle of my penis!

seriously though what

you guys dont do humour or trolly shit well when you have real feelings

You guys?

people that are ultra serious about trump and td

like everything in the world is fun and games until trumps name comes up then apparently its no laughing matter

its hypocritical

lol its not the sub theres just a bunch of cb refugees that get angry at hilarious typical reddit stuff

theres people here that get legit angry at trump like its /r/politics, how do people not abuse that

Yeah he really came off as butthurt about that random dick joke by making his own joke about his dick. You got him nailed there.

Shall I pretend that broken link is funny?

View it on a computer, ya' dip.

It's a broken link, I am on a computer.

Then turn on CSS.

Someone tie this into pizzagate please.

Just check r/conspiracy