Rage Quit, Rage Paladin

20  2017-04-07 by toynbeeidea16


Not even playing d&d but this the face of someone who has been fucked over all day by the smug referee then snapped.

This is pretty much it. The "leader" in yellow sounds like an asshole with his "well that's just your opinion" while the dumb DM sounds like he's enabling the asshole.

Don't get me wrong they are probably all assholes, they're d&d players, but small details show that everyone was fucking with him in an abusive collusive manner. You know that feel.

Everyone in the room is a loser.

Including us, since we watched them be losers.

Nah it-it's friday night, we're ok.

Reposted from /r/dnd

Hostile and condescending attitudes from literally everyone. DM generally acting high and mighty and tells the player how he should act. "He's the leader so shut up" mentality. DM not even trying to diffuse the obviously tense situation. The rest of the group immediately resort to insults and name calling when player boils over.

That has to be it, I don't know why people would play DND with people they clearly don't like, it's a social game.

Also smh mayocide now XDDDDDDDDDD

"that's what we're doing we're discussing"

If someone says that, time to punch tbh. Everytime.

I wonder what the average BMI in that room is like.




This is gold OP. Makes me eager to try D&D, yet infinitely happy I never did at the same time.

It's pretty fun!

If you still play D&D in your 30's you are probably not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Same goes for posting in meta forums.

That goes without saying... Especially for posting on /r/Drama

Does fucking autistics

Hey now its not /r/subredditdrama it could be worse

There but for the grace of God go I....

Guess who grew up with a single mother in that room :)

Are they green screening themselves into an office?