/r/gamegrumps/ user is very mad about the downvotes, follows totesmessenger to /r/downvotesreally to continue general lolcow activities

9  2017-04-07 by going_for_a_wank

The original /r/gamegrumps thread where it started

The /r/downvotesreally thread where /u/TIAHF continues to be very mad about the downvotes

Featuring such salty comments as:

"GoooooOOoooOd, let the anger consume you. Downvote me all you want, it is only a reflection of your true self."

"I am glad that your reflection is that of a faggot who cares about karma points."

"Edit: Boy the lovelies sure are tolerant around here huh?"

"Yet you felt the need to uncheck the "Hide Child Comments" just to see the comment, reply to it, and maybe downvote it?"

"But please, downvote me some more because you don't agree with me. its a throw away so what ever"


/u/TIAHF is too easily rustled to be a troll

Pantherchamp's first law is in full effect here. Pretending to be an idiot for an extended period of time is itself idiotic.

I'm still not sure who has no life - Me, or you sack of cucks that keep reposting the shit that I post.

Do Trolls imitate life, or is Life just one big Troll?

Get Raped.

Get Raped.

You can't get raped if you're looking to be raped, because then you're secretly wishing for it.

Ah, see I thought it was just dependent on what they are wearing. That's just asking for it at this point.

Oh oops. False alarm guys, he was just pretending.

I love how a majority of your comment history is nothing but r/drama and your own shit posting subreddit. Is this what you do all day, every day?

I mean shit I was bored for two days but you seem to have taken this autism spectrum to a whole new level bud.

Get Raped.

Oh god, please don't tell me you got this from /r/TheDickShow

You're making the rest of the Dickheads look bad.



y-you too.

I want to downvote this lolcow to trigger him but if I downvote him he won't be as easily milkable.

wat 2 do?

Downvote, obviously.

What do people find enjoyable about the Game Grumps?

Some people are masochists. Get over it.