"Its so easy when you can hide behind your computer and not be held accountable for being a complete asshole right?"

15  2017-04-07 by bonino


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What is your problem? So now you are going to just randomly attack and insult me in every thread just for the sake of ridiculing me ? Not even with the slightest intention to actually participate in the discussion but with the sole intent to just insult me ?

Congrats you are the definition of a bully. and its so easy when you can hide behind your computer and not be held accountable for being a complete asshole right ? Well consider yourself lucky. Because if you would come up to me in real life just to be a complete dick like this, I would break your fucking face like the bully you are. Go fuck yourself you inbred piece of shit.

Hey /u/Slade_Romanoff if you're such a tough guy, why are you so obsessed with a show on The CW, a channel that's basically just for teenage girls? Also post bussy

I've got to be missing something, right? Did that guy seriously just blow up out of nowhere?

Let's see if he'll do it again.

Hey /u/Slade_Romanoff how's the weather in your neck of the woods buddy?

You think your feigned ignorance is fooling anybody Sgt Dicksuck? It's obvious that you're part of this gross and incessant harassment campaign against u/Slade_Romanoff.

Guess what it ends here, I've reported you to the admins and you'll be IP-banned shortly. Have fun on the wrong side of history fucknugget.

Here's the IRC chatlogs I used as proof

Things that are made up 1. The Wage Gap 2. Fetus's are living things 3. Cyber Bullying

It is easy, thanks.