More /r/canada Islam drama because why the hell not.

32  2017-04-08 by zahlman


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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Pretty sure extremist Christianity and extremist Judaism is the same

Nah /u/wulfnuts, they're not

So you skipped a day.

Big deal!



They're not forced to wear a hijab, they just tend to fall down the stairs a lot when they decide not to.

I dated a muslim girl for a few years in the States. A lot of the pressure to wear the Hijab comes from other women. My gf and most of her sisters would cover around family. A few of her sisters did not. Her mother would express dismay over this, but accepted that she could not make them do something they didn't want to do. She was a stay-at-home mother, so hadn't assimilated or even learned English. Her motives were less about religious orthodoxy than concern over others in the community gossiping about her wayward daughters.

Her father had assimilated, having been forced by economic necessity to hold down two jobs to support the family. Like any other hard-working American dad, he was tired after work and didn't want to be hassled with trivial matters, so he deferred to their mother on issues such as this. The only time he ever overrode his wife on the matter was in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, when he reasserted his authority as head of an indisputably patriarchal household and declared that his daughters would not be wearing the Hijab to school because he didn't want his daughters to be targets of bullying and harassment.

OK, I'll admit I'm a retard, can someone explain #gt to me?

What the fuck does that mean?

It greentexts on desktop, mobile might display it as a link.

Oh, I'm on mobile, that explains it.

Seriousposting on a zahlman shithread? How uncouth.

What country was she from if I may ask? I find the Turkic and Persian speaking communities are way more lenient on this issue, at least it's not enforced under threat of violence by the men, mostly.

North African moderate muslim country. I don't want to be any more specific, but you're right. It varies a lot geographically, and I'm sure there are many muslim women who do fear physical reprisals. I just wanted to point out that it's a complicated issue that often involves much more than just the demands of controlling men.

I just wanted to point out that it's a complicated issue that often involves much more than just the demands of controlling men.

That's true and it's such a shame that the people who criticizing it the loudest are idiots and therefore dismissed as redneck racists. But when people like /u/fundayz are seriously asking 'where people are forced to wear burka' the discussion has been skewed to an insane degree.

'Huh, honor related violence? Never heard of it.' 'Islam a patriarchal religion? Prove it.' 'Most Muslim women actually enjoy not having the same liberties as western women.'

What are you trying to accomplish with that attitude?

Your reading comprehension is really bad.

I was asking where in Canada are women forced to wear a burka?

Your reading comprehension is really bad.

Yeah oops, I apologize sincerely, my fuck up. I'm on that shit. I have proven to be one of the idiots myself. You actually said hijab and not burka, which is a big difference.

where in Canada?

Anyway... In some, not all, Muslim homes. If you want a study I can't help you, I don't even know if there exists any credible research. I don't feel like spending loads of time looking either. So let's try this angle instead;

What are your thoughts on the Westboro Baptist Church? Would you say those kids are forced to hold those signs? Even if they look happy or unfazed doing it?

How would you feel about a situation where someone close to you decided to raise their girls to always wear nun-outfits? Would that be a cause for concern according to you?

This is true. People always think it's the father or husband being a control freak, but sometimes it's women shaming other women.

The hijab is gonna get appropriated as a motherfucker by American culture once this whole anti islamist wave passes. I already see some islamist girls in college with tigh ass pants and tongs while wearing the hijab. Not that im complaining mind you, a fine ass on a women is a fine ass on a women.

Look, until Muslim chicks start putting out as hard as real American babes do, Islam can fuck off.

Most North African chicks in Europe are sluts tbh.