r/fitness users invade SRD.

46  2017-04-10 by bunch_of_sticks


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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There's drama all over the entire thread, this one's just the juiciest.

Why is it that so many people on Reddit like to smugly slap down the Rage Out card any time someone uses harsh words? The human emotional spectrum covers a lot more ground than just "saccharine" and "devolved into anger".

After whiteys, this is the thing that annoys me most about Reddit.

Whoa chill out dude, no need to go all psycho here

I hate it when people fly off the handle like that.

Only person who said "psycho" here is you. :-D

You posted a smiley face so I know you're not seething with rage behind your keyboard

Control your emotions, women


but /r/fitness is still supposed to be an open community.

No, it isn't.

it's a moderators job to take the high ground.

No, it isn't.

If you believe what you've just written, you ought to resign as a mod. Do the honorable thing.

The sheer amount of self-righteous smug

I can see where the mods are coming from. There are so many people coming into hobby related subs and then asking extremely low effort questions that could be answered by checking the subs sidebar or even just googling.

There is this weird attitude among some users that newbies should be coddled and treated like small children. God forbid anyone ever calls users out for genuinely stupid questions or expects them to do at least SOME research on the topic beforehand. That's usually when somebody comes along and smugly calls you an elitist.

You have no idea how much of that shit we have to deal with on a daily basis. It's the equivalent of "I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas"

You also have the hilarious type of person that will tell us that the wiki only applies to everyone else, but they need personalized advice as they are such a special little snowflake.

Covered in hope and vaseline

Well, you're not wrong

Covered in hope and vaseline

Well, you're not wrong

Aren't we all, though?

Keep it greasy so it'll go down easy.

i asked a question about whether anyone did a combined low-rep+heavy weight routine and high-rep+light weight routine and they were falling over themselves trying to get me to post my routine, just so they could shit on it. it's a pretty worthless sub imo

Honestly that sounds like every post-intermediate powerlifting routine I've seen, as they all combine some heavy weight - low rep work on the main lifts and their variations and then a lot of lower weight, high rep assistance work.

You might be interested in checking out stuff like Sheiko, Westside, GZCL's templates and the Norwegian powerlifting templates that are publicly available as they all incorporate what you are talking about. I think Layne Nortons new program also does this based on some of my lifting friends that use it.

The book "practical programming for strength training" is also a great resource.

Nah dude you just gotta do your Rippetoe SS program and go on the GOMAD diet. It's the perfect combination, anyone telling you otherwise doesn't know what they're doing.

i actually do SS, in keeping with being a nazi

Do you even Mensur, bro?

Yeah, what's up with those freaks who don't obssess over fitness and are just casually looking for advice from self professed experts who are too busy wanking over their expertise to actually help out a curious beginner.

Hi! Welcome to Fittit! You're going to love it here. We saw you coming and have collected answers to your questions right here. Welcome!

Told you this place is better

The hilariously outraged neckbeards in SRD are much more entertaining though

I won't disagree. But, interacting with them would suck away any will left to live.

Fittitors already did that long ago.

Thats why God invented scotch

If moderating a quorum is so gosh darn soul suckingly hard, why don't you stop, and give the job to one of the many people who would gladly take over?

He never said the modding did it. It's interacting with the other communities like srd you fuckin illiterate.

Then he wouldn't have a good reason to drink scotch

You don't need a reason at all.

But, it helps

But... That's who I was responding to... And, you typed it wrong

Did you know that your "sick gainz" wont save you from the gas chamber?

Now that's just a dirty fucking lie. There is nothing my sick gainz can't save me from.

Except maybe my extremely overinflated ego.

If dudes like you knew (or even cared) how much time and effort we (the mods) put into making our resources and community high quality and accessible to even the most inexperienced, non-athletic people who come to r/Fitness, you would understand how fucking stupid this sentiment is.

>he's a moderator on the internet

>he does it for free

If dudes like you knew (or even cared)

It's option B.





did I do it right

I created this recently to keep an archive of the best ones:


Your own sub spengler! Your own fuckin' sub!

Given the avalanche of downvotes all your posts received from the members of your own sub

And then there's /u/nankerjphelge who thinks upvotes make someone right.

I've been a regular poster in the new section of /r/fitness for like 4 years on and off at this point. You see literally the same dozen questions that are answered in our wiki over and over and over. But if you tell someone to just use the resources that are already provided to them, they call you an asshole for not spoonfeeding them a perfectly customized answer. It's a drain on resources and attention that could be applied to other posts with unique or interesting questions. The guy asking for help fixing a specific issue with his deadlift sometimes gets lost between the 15 people asking how to get abs for spring break next week.

There's a very good rule to follow when it comes to mod drama:

  • First, assume the mod is in the right.
  • Wait a while.
  • If this isn't the first piece of drama involving that mod, look for proof.
  • If the proof is convincing, the mod is possibly in the wrong. Or possibly just tired.

Given the massively imbalanced user-to-mod ratio, it is no surprise at all that some users really are shit.

That's not to say there aren't some piece-of-shit mods, too. Or that there's not a quality difference between non-piece-of-shit mods. But user drama will necessarily far outnumber mod drama.

A moderator's job is essentially to paint over a wall of graffiti until it sort of looks vaguely okay.

/u/twisted-teaspoon isn't wrong.

I thought SRD mods were the ones all about calling out people for using reports as superdownvotes.


Bash away. They're all terrible people except /u/dramamod


Ahh the fat soft SRDines won't pass up an opportunity to bash the evil fit chads I see. I bet most of them are regulars in the likes of circlebroke and latestagecapitalism with far worse moderation, and they aren't even default subs!

What do you think you're showing me in that screenshot that I can't see already? 75 downvotes is not "an avalanche". I caught more flack for saying that curling in the squat rack isn't a cardinal sin than I have here.

At first I thought SRD was just being their normal cunty selves, but it turns out this r/fitness mod is a monster.

Or maybe you could try focusing on the fact that all the responses by the other members of your own sub were criticizing you for your bad mod behavior

LOL. /u/nankerjphelge thinks that the subscribers of a default subreddit have any idea what the fuck they're talking about.

That thread got SRD's heart pumping harder than a half-flight of stairs.

Why did a private report of a comment have to be publicly displayed and insulted, when it could have just as easily been ignored?

SRD is the worst.

A sub built around borderline personality disorder is having a problem being accommodating?

Whats next?

T_D having a problem accommodating common sense?


The fallout of being called out, mocked on SRD



While we were laughing at retards, Mexicans, and worst of all, Whites, /u/gummy_venus studied the art of the mock.