/r/FULLCOMMUNISM explicitly converts to a tankie sub and supports a dictator

46  2017-04-10 by [deleted]



No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Can't mossad the assad.

Wait, they wernt tankie before?

idk but it's funny that they pretend to be anarchists

Anarchism and Maoism are functionally indistinguishable anyway.

I am shocked that a fellow moderator of /r/PKDefenseForce could make such a claim.

Not that there's a lot of anarchists who personally would never support such a regime, but anti-authoritarianism can become quite authoritarian.

I heard a theory on this once.

But... was it the sort of the thing the Jedi would tell me?

Me too. I think it was Klein bottle theory.

Why the hell are there so many commies on reddit. U/spez get you're mayo ass to work banning these worthless scum this shit is way worse then coontown or fat people hate

physical removal

Your post quality has sharply risen for some reason.

It actually bothers me that I'm constantly agreeing with you.

if friedrich ebert had posessed helicopter technology in 1919 we'd be living in social democratic space colonies by now

What is this, Centrist Extremism?

alt-center bb

wtf i'm now an anarcho-centrist

I'm more anarcho-neutral.



I think Evanharper FINALLY realized that nobody was reading their 4,000 word essays.

Short answer:

Autists, NEETs, and the homeless dregs of society have access to the internet whether through their parents' basements or the local library.

Their interests are entirely self-serving. They cannot survive or thrive in modern society, so they latch onto ideologies that would conceivably empower them. It's roughly equivalent to such types of people buying tons of scratch/lottery tickets in hopes of escaping their miserable existence.

But that describes me and I'm not a faggy commie

It's not all-encompassing. Some of us NEETs understand that the system that the majority of people thrive under is a good system, despite its flaws. It's just the most selfish autists that think they need to overthrow the current system so as to be able to say 'fuck you, I got mine.'

Short answer and all. They also want to murder people and have dictatorial fantasies.

It's roughly equivalent to such types of people buying tons of scratch/lottery tickets in hopes of escaping their miserable existence.

Oh sweet sweet capitalist irony.


Can someone explain this phenomenon of commies supporting right-wing nationalist dictators as long as they're brown and anti-American?

This conflict is too complex for edgy teenagers

Quick rundown : like my hemorrhoids, they are different types of commies. Of course they will fight each other for bullshit and petty things, it's the far left, who are you kidding here.

-Trotskyst = the worst, looks moderate and probably the dumbest form of it, depend how you looking at. Known to be socials traitors when they get in power. Avoid at all costs. Probably wear an expensive watch.

-Marxist= student who just read the wiki of Marx

Lenninists = don't exist anymore

-Stalinists = the bottom of the barrel, ie tankies, deny crimes of communists against humanity, cult of personality lover, dumber than your average NK farmer. Probably a weeb too.

-Maoist = pretty based, don't fear by revealing this precious piece of information that you need a good old purge first of the 1% 20%. Love hiking in group.

-Antifas = technicaly not commies but worth a mention. Masked footsoldiers, usually financed, divided in 2 groups : the ones who support Palestine and the other one who support Netanyahu. Used to hunt pack of skinheads in Europe in the 80's. Now than skinheads are gone, hunt down for neo-liberals overlords blue collars workers who wrote a dumb comment on his wall about Islam or refugees.

Q : Dad, what can i do ?

R : Start the chopper, son.

You said they were supporting a dictator. I don't see a single Trump supporters in there.

Why lie to me, it is mean

They claimed I wasn't banned for being against Assad, but it's pretty clear i was.