BENTLEY BTFO: Robert Bentley, Governor of Alabama and distinguished connoisseur of breasts, resigns amidst encroaching impeachment.

35  2017-04-10 by DannyLee90


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Words cannot describe how erect I am right now.

Check out the voicemail he left her.. Imagine the following in a dopey southern accent:

“You know what, when I stand behind you and I put my arms around you, and I put my hands on your breasts, and I put my hands on you [unintelligible] and pull you real close...”

Here's all the text messages to Rebekah that his wife turned over. So much cringe on both parts.

(((Rebekah))) Caldwell Mason

no shock there. another seductive jewess brings low a great aryan.

Jewish girls are the best lays until you marry them

That's when you gotta bury them


Rebekah Caldwell Mason.

im just surprised they're letting women get involved in menfolk's business like that down there. i thought they still had some sense of morals and decency. fucking globalists.

grandpappy's rolling in his grave