/r/FULLDISCOURSE, the /r/FULLCOMMUNISM discussion subreddit is not sure how to feel about the pro-Assad jerk. Some think the violent oppression of dissenters in Syria is just a propaganda meme while others think Assad is shit. Who is right?

58  2017-04-11 by [deleted]



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Such lengths to get to the conclusion : "fuck it i'm out, i'm a Citizen of The World" lalalalalala can't hear you

I have seen them write rhetoric very similar to /pol/'s "Six Garillion" meme

The famine likely killed 1.8 million to 3.5 million people, which is terrible but nowhere near the double digit stuff you need for this to be a planned genocide.

Obviously that means that the Turks are right and the Armenian genocide wasn't really a genocide since it wasn't in the double digits. I don't think there are even a double digit number of Americans. So even if the Turks killed every last one it still wouldn't have been a genocide.

I don't think there are even a double digit number of Americans. So even if the Turks killed every last one it still wouldn't have been a genocide.

agreed friendo

American numbers are all single digit because Americans have huuuge digits, the largest!

The Rwandans didn't even break a million. Sad!

If only hitler just focused on exterminating the Jews. 6 million dead wouldn't be a genocide and he would be fondly remembered for resisting the capitalist imperialist global order.

double digit

a million is actually seven digits, for the record. but i guess at least it wasn't eight digits, then it would be real bad

Does that mean the holocaust wasn't a planned genocide? Hitler dinndu nuffin.

tfw it's more important to be against the society that you're from than it is to be against a brutal civil war


Kill yourself tankie shitfuck. I hope your family gets gassed one day.

eat my ass, fascist insect

"If you're not a communist, you're a fascist."

  • Actual real life children on reddit

What if I want to distribute the wealth but only after killing all poor people and minorities?

If you kill all poor people wouldn't most of the 1% automatically become part of the 99%?

Yeah I'm actually a communist, so that's not going to work.

You ruined my joke quote.

I'm sorry. :(







dank ni🅱️🅱️a

That is amazing.

Are you a wizard?

Hitler was right, communism was a mistake


And mandatory

Before US intervention Iraq was fairly well off, aside of atrocities here ans there,

Apart from the torture, mass murder and chemical warfare, everything was fine and dandy!

Sounds like a dystopian paradise!

Just another day in Soviet Russia.

I may have committed some light ethnic cleansing.

studio laugh track

it's threads like that on there that fill my heart with joy that communism is a dead ideology only cared for by corrupt leaders, failed states, and skinny edgy losers who will never see their daydreams of starving to death come true

it's threads like that one there that fill my heart with joy that communism is a dead ideology only cared for by corrupt leaders, failed states, and skinny edgy losers who will never see their daydreams of starving to death come true

obama isnt a commie though?

He's more of an Islammie

Muzzie is the proper term.

That doesn't rhyme with commie.

Poor tankies, trying to figure out who is supported by the US Imperialism and then supporting their enemies leads to literal short circuits in their poor little brains.

we chose the Syrian self rule over US imperialism

And Assad is, like, Syrian self rule in action.

I root for the US to get the fuck out.

Their money and influence is what is funding ISIS and causing all of this.

Wait a second /u/l337kid, but ISIS fights against the Western Imperialism actually, committing many terrorist acts against the USA and its lackeys, why are you against ISIS comrade?

So we don't support Rojava? Because it's supported by the US coalition.


The US needs ISIS as a reason to still have a presence in the area. Let me know when ISIS attacks Israel and then we can talk about them being anti-western imperialism.

Go to an ISIS-controlled area and tell them that they are US pawns. Don't forget to record and upload that to liveleak, fuccboi.

You can be a pawn and not know it. In fact that would be the most effective way of controlling pawns - by making them think what they're doing is righteous and their leaders have no ulterior motive. All religious extremists are lead by people that don't give a shit about that religion but put up a good act so they can control the idiots below them.

by making them think what they're doing is righteous and their leaders have no ulterior motive

Have you considered the possibility that their leaders have no ulterior motive? Like, at least not "I'm actually ordering the suicide attacks on the Twin Towers to strengthen the US" sort of motives?

Can I run a quick test on you please? Imagine a girl, Annie, putting her favorite doll under her pillow and then going to school. Then her mother tidies up the room and moves the doll to the cupboard. When Annie returns from school, where would she look for her doll, in the cupboard or under her pillow, how do you think? Answer honestly, please.

Have you considered the possibility that their leaders have no ulterior motive?

Yes I have which is why I didn't say all religious leaders. Helps to learn how to read English.

Have you considered the possibility that their leaders have no ulterior motive?

Yes I have which is why I didn't say ALL religious leaders. Helps to learn how to read English.

Wait a second here.

Are you saying that "most religious extremist leaders" are in fact led by true believers, but you claimed the opposite because then you could say that not ALL of them are, and that would convince a literally retarded person who is not good with the difference between "most" and "not all"?

That's offensive, you know. That you think that I'm that retard that'd buy your retarded bullshit.

Keep Yourself Safe.

I give you a 1/10 for trolling. Try harder next time bud. Or maybe you're not trolling and just love using strawmen in which case maybe you shouldn't try debating quite yet kiddo.

I can't help but notice that you have not actually submitted your answer to the test, by the way.

Stopped reading when you started using a straw man. It's quite obvious you have nothing intelligent or of value to say. Just stop troll.

Dear god if you're over 15 you have no excuse

Cool so logical fallacies carry weight here? Can you be dumber?

Whoa, accuse me of using a logical fallacy then commit the blatant ad hominem of calling me dumb, thereby losing the argument. I think we're done here.

Dude seriously what happened to you, you're suddenly actually funny.

When Annie returns from school, where would she look for her doll, in the cupboard or under her pillow, how do you think?


Next question in the test for neural activity please?

The filthy Jew has manipulated the brave Arab via their jewish money magic. 1488 brother.

wtf i love jews now

ISIS does not attack Israel because they know the consequences would be swift and devastating.

Funny enough (okay not funny) they shot rockets at Israel a couple days ago. Or claim it was them who did it

"Reddit, what's the prevailing opinion about assad so I can be edgy and oppose it?"

If you go off my Facebook:

Assad was set up, Trump is Litterally hitler and Russia should bomb the US due to the flint water issuses.

Fucking amazing, one of the main arguments they seem to be able to muster against him is "Nazis like him too, guys!"

Also FC being a circlejerk sub we exagerate our desire of Syrians ruling themselves into an undying support for Assad even though we consider him problematic.



consider my almonds activated.

Assad is hella problematic, y'all.

mansplaining, chemical warfare

both just problematic things

The Holocaust was so gross.

icky tbh

R we talkin about the holocaust or ur willy

i wonder if anyone's ever made holocaust parody porn

like The Holocoxxx or something

might be an untapped market tbh

Ur bussy is an untapped market

actually it's well tapped ;)

W8 until we meet up bigboi

tap my bussy daddy

Moscow was likely unaware of the severity of the situation in Ukraine

How can you miss tens of millions of people starving to death? Like what short circuited in your brain to think that that is a justification, /u/Sonols?

You can tell me where you got the number 10.000.000 deaths from hunger in Ukraine in 1933 first. Here is a wikipedia article to get your research going, it has both the high spectrum numbers and the low ones, so you can pick and choose, and still not come close.


I used common sense. Not every single person who suffers in a famine dies, so it's not that hard to reach the assumption that for every person who actually died from Stalin's forced famine, there were 2-4 people who survived the hellish conditions. Given your articles more "reasonable" estimates of 2.5-5 million people, simple math tells us that the famine would have quickly affected tens of millions of people. Whether or not the forced starvation actually killed them doesn't change the moral algebra of "Was it an okay thing to not give entire countries food?" much.

You Holodomor denies really sound like Holocaust denies, with your fixation on a particular number as if only killing millions instead of tens of millions means your totalitarian dictator of choice was an okay guy, or your weird assertion that it's okay to torture human beings for years on end as long as they don't die in the end. Not to go all horseshoe on you but it's not a good look.

Can someone explain this meme where commies will defend and support right-wing nationalist dictators as long as they're brown and anti-American?

In Assad's case, how can they justify to themselves supporting a guy that's constantly praised by far-right leaders in the west (David Duke, Nick Griffin, etc), a guy that's been been recruiting and arming foreign neo-nazi volunteers that have fought for him against ISIS and socialist Kurds, that he's fighting against and is the main adversary of actual socialist and communist groups in Syria, that leads the "Social Nationalist Party" (really makes you think).

I'd go there and try ask them but I'd just get banned, I just literally cannot understand the thought process they are going through to think Assad is on their side.

They are hateful people. If you look at their posts its not just about supporting them. They are resentful because they want to feel victimised and so they demonise their own society far more than brutal dictators. They feel hatred. They are a hate group.

They even appropriate the word "hate" to mean the actions of people that disagree with them whether or not those people feel hate. They have genuine mental health issues.

They are resentful because they want to feel victimised

Bingo bango: the older ones feel as if they've been held back by "The System", that it's to blame for their shortcomings. The younger ones are just preemptively making excuses in preparation for that.


Is America involved? If yes take the furthest possible stance from amerikkkkkka

If not find a way to make it about America

Also Fuck white people and throw away your convictions at the drop of a hat if it gives you a chance to suck off a brown person

Ba'athism isn't really right wing at all.

Can someone explain this meme where commies will defend and support right-wing nationalist dictators as long as they're brown and anti-American?

Well, you see, they are brown and anti-American

I think a lot of people who define themselves as anti-imperialists are generally dumbfucks and borderline fascists themselves - fascism in the arab world doesn't magically become a national liberation struggle just because the US opposes it.

However, the rebellion against Assad at this point in the war consists mostly of al-Qaeda and its ideological fellow travelers, and Assad probably is the lesser evil in that context. Between the rebels' sectarian atrocities and America's blatant regime change agenda I understand how people would draw the obvious conclusions. Besides, Assad at least calls himself a socialist.

For some people it's as simple as "if the US is for it, I'm against it" and given the history of US foreign policy it's an understandable choice, even if the people backing Assad over Rojava for that reason are out of their fucking minds. (Yeah, Rojava takes US aid during an existential struggle against Daesh - but so did the USSR!)

but so did the USSR

We must defend Nazi Germany against the imperialist western powers and their soviet puppets.

"enemy of my enemy" and they dont think any further

this is also why american leftists love islam now and trump fans like russia

Obviously if Russia backs Assad against the west, we should agree... But if Russia likes Trump, then we need to REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Split the difference. Let's agREEEEEEEEEEEEE!

"Cruel leaders are replaced, only to have new leaders turn cruel."

When daddy Che unintentionally denounces communism.

/u/l337kid why are you talking about Assad as if there isnt a giant nasty Syrian civil war over his rule? He is not the leader of a "self-determined" Syrian populace, there is literally a huge nasty civil war RIGHT NOW.

P.s. in case you were unaware, "civil war" means war within a state, not from outside powers.

There is no civil war in Syria. There are terrorists attacking Syria.

Are you sure that your participants in this "civil war" aren't just Salafists and ISIS?

How can you be sure?

Also this

That is awesome. You've finally contributed something of value to the sub.

You know shit has gone off the deep end when people are okay with North Korea having nukes and think Assad is a nice guy.


They consider Bashar al-Assad "problematic."

Like calling someone "a transgender" instead of "transgendered."


It's really bad when you and I agree on something.

You: Bashar is a murderous dictator executing a campaign of mass repression against his opponents

Me, an intellectual: His opponents were armed with knives and within 21 feet. It was a legitimate shooting. The videos you've seen in the mainstream media were edited and don't show all the facts

Like calling someone "a transgender" instead of "transgendered."

It's the other way around, they get upset when you say "transgendered" :^)

social-justice-as-elite-manners was such a mistake

That's why I avoid accidentally offending anyone and use the word "tranny."

I prefer offending people on purpose, you know.