Cuckquean Caelrie Crucifies Comments Condoning Cuck-shaming

24  2017-04-12 by boydrice




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Hello, /u/llamamall_ and /u/abstract_warrior, both of you, please hold it there and disengage. The discussion between you is not a healthy one anymore and should not be pursued. Calm down and take a break! Thank you!

WEW, /u/squirrelrampage, serious tone police work right there. Just calm down ladies and stop being hysterical.

Didn't you see the conversation?! They were literally verbally raping each other!

Sounds like they need to go into their corners for a timeout!

Can't argue with that logic fam.

quotations like "aw, whaaaaat, ok!" and "hush you! You're distracting me" and, of course, "Joe shut up and get the fuck out" are a little funnier than the creator intended, which kind of makes it hard to take seriously, which unfortunately will probably only allow it to serve as alt-right firewood.

Seriously, as informative as this comic is, every line in it is going to be a meme on T_D

Thanks for pointing that out /u/mrbaryonyx, I only skimmed the comic because I was sorta grossed out by it, but yeah, I'll try to make a point of using those quotes.

Violent videogames don't cause violence.

Surprised to see that in Ghazi since it goes against Anti-GG's beliefs.

Not surprised to see kink-shaming from a community that worships someone as sex negative as Queen Anita though,

Surprised to see that in Ghazi since it goes against Anti-GG's beliefs.

Meh. I wouldn't sort this statement anywhere around GG.
There are a few kooks (Hello McIntosh) that whine about this shit, but that's more around the "muh toxic masculinity" than the Jack Thompson "Vidya Gaems make you a terrurist"-angle.

I don't think they actually believed that, but it was necessary to give oxygen to that belief because they actually do believe that racist videogames cause racism, sexist videogames cause sexism, and a completely normal, healthy lifestyle causes transphobia.

nothing about gamergate is

1) necessary

2) not retarded


Not "cuck-crucifying"

It's one hyphenated word either way. Quit your cuck-crying.

The whole race-play is a thing and it's based strongly on racism. I've even read where guys are ok with it since they know their wife won't leave them for a black guy.

Interestingly its a thing more for older couples (50+) and the women of course are usually on the unattractive side.

I like to roll play as a pretty girl.

together, we're a cuckolding trio!

jfc the apocalypse cannot come quickly enough

Fuck my fat wife. Please.


/u/llamamall_, please explain this comment:

I am. It's incredibly gross, racist, and misogynistic.

Cuckoldry is based in ideas of male ownership of women. The kink is more than just watching a woman having sex with someone else. It derives its pleasure from the humiliation of seeing that take place. The humiliation comes from the idea that a man should have control over a woman's sexuality, and so seeing a woman acting outside of his control is seen as destroying his masculinity.

The racism comes from the fact that it is generally implied to be a black man having sex with a white man's white girlfriend. This in and of itself isn't racist, but what is racist is the fact that it reduces the act of interracial sex to the stereotypical narrative of black men stealing and raping white women, an idea that was used to justify lynching and Jim Crow laws & customs. Needless to say, turning the sentiments that lead to lynching into a fun, sexy game is not a good thing.

Ah, so it's basically what I thought - you took your own personal biases and applied them to cuckolding, generalized the group of people that engage in this activity, kinkshamed, and then made them the villain in your own little narrative. Sad.

1) How do you know that I'm applying my biases to this and not just making criticisms that I think make sense?

2) I'm not generalizing anyone, shaming them for having this kink, or making them the villain. I'm literally just saying that I think that it is based in some shitty things, but you projected some narrative that I was shaming people for having that kink. What was that about applying personal biases?

I'm not generalizing anyone, shaming them for having this kink, or making them the villain.


It's incredibly gross, racist, and misogynistic.

I was talking about the kink, not the people who enjoy it.