Totes natty bodybuilder's Insta gets posted on /r/BodyBuilding. They ain't buying it, and he shows up to defend himself.

50  2017-04-12 by [deleted]


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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Doesn't have the massive traps typical of a juicer but did lose a bit of hair over 5 years.

a lot of people who want to appear natty just dont train traps anymore since they and capped delts are the most known culprints. but this dude is definitly on tren - nobody can keep this amount of mass while being this lean

My cousin took tren and threw his tv out out his 2 floor window onto the street below.

yeah tren is pretty hard on your psyche

It also makes jacking off to tranny/ladyboy porn seem like a reasonable use (according to my friends).

(according to my friends).


Nah dude, I'm too fat for test right now, at my ~15% bf, it would aromatize into estrogen like no other. I don't want gyno. Plus the progesterone gyno from tren.

Then you can't run tren w/o a test base, so natty life for me.

👌 a'ight

Don't want bitch tits, YFM, fam?

I gotcha 🙌💪👈

PCT doesn't work for you or something?



To get estrogen (female hormone) from testosterone (male hormone), you basically lose one methyl group (CH3), lose a double bond to an oxygen (add a hydrogen), and aromatize the cycloalkane group that the hydroxyl group is now attached to.

Example of how close the two are.

This process happens in human fat deposits.

Damn, that's bad and wasting money. Did he just go form 0 to psycho instantly or did he gradually go insane?

I knew a guy in high school who had crazy huge traps. Like he could barely turn his head. I figured he was juiced up.

Natty or juice is shithole for dumbasses who want to pin their own failure on everyone who's successful.

Lol pin

I c wut u did thar

Nattyorjuice somehow manages to have more retarded beliefs about fitness and give worse advice than /r/shittyaskfitness, while being totally serious.

NatyOrJuice is for lazy kids that want excuses for their mediocrity. They don't know shit.

For the love of Christ, please do not link people to that cesspool of mediocre garbage.

just linking to that triggered all the juicers on reddit, gj mate

The subs hilarious cuz everyone posted there gets stamped as juicy. But hey at least someone is talking about it, too many fitness models out there lieing through their teeth.

people who get pissypants when others point out obvious steroid use remind me a lot of the people who get all up in arms when you point out fake tits on models or whatever

it's like, they're nice and all, but they aren't real - but holy balls you would not even believe how upsetting that is to a lot of people (or maybe you would, since it is an evergreen subreddit drama topic)

The problem isn't that they point out obvious steroid use, the problem is that the sub is full of rank beginners with no real lifting experience taking everything above "untrained" physiques as unquestionable signs of steroid use. They are essentially the /r/conspiracy of the lifting world, where for every case they get right they have accused 20 natural lifters of being "obvious roiders" based on nothing but a heavily filtered instagram picture in overhead lighting and a complete lack of understanding of human physiology, while furiously patting themselves on the back.

who cares if someone is using PEDs or not? what is the point of "calling out fake natties" ?

I never got some people's dreams about looking like balloon animal.

I like the part where he claims he's gone 2 months without a rest day, which is something only a juicer would do.

Or someone very stubborn and very body dismorphic. I mean I've worked out once 3 months without a break, every day, but I had an eating disorder back then so...

glad you're getting better :)

Thank you! It was a long, long while ago and I'm in a much better place now!

This is horseshit you can go 2 months no rest if programmed correctly you don't need to be dysmorphic or juicing. Sorry you had an eating disorder though shit is rough

Praise gabem

Praise me?

Wait... Is this your new account?

I'm confused this is my only account but my name is Gabe so maybe thats why I am lost.

Aw Gabe Malone. Squatseveryday and neverworkslegs. 182lbs squats over 600 used to post in the jerk a lot

Oh no you think I'm potentially scrong sadly I am not.

He makes me proud to share name


Eh, I go every day when I'm not sick or something. Definitely not on juice, just a part of my daily routine.

Same here. Mostly because I have no life.

I still look like shit though. Maybe I should do something at the gym besides walk around the locker room naked.

Rest time is essential for normal muscle hypertrophy, so yeah, reduce it to 5 or 6 per week

Can I still furiously jerk off on the the rest day

Dick hypertrophy, bruh

o no

You can also program everything in way that still leaves more than enough time for rest for each muscle group, especially when you add in things like mobility and speed work. Many people successfully train everyday.

I always feel like you can tell most of all in their faces, not their bodies - they always look sort of swollen and puffy and, I dunno, just STEROIDAL, and also kind of weirdly effeminate, like any pudgy receptionist who is on steroids for her bunions or whatever

it's gross and weird the way that male hormones somehow make your face look like someone's russian babushka

You can't. You're an absurd person, and this is beyond stupid.

advice: lay off the juice, friendo, it makes you mean <3

People talking out their ass like they're pulling anything from there besides shit makes me mean.

it's ok you can have as much of my shit as you want

plate or bowl and spoon or fork?

Being condescending isn't going to help your cause, you just sound like an asshole. An asshole that doesn't know what they're talking about.

I bet you would totes lay me out irl huh brah

Spike in testosterone causes a spike in estrogen, that's where the gyno and puffy face come from. Called moon face, look it up.

Thats why most sane users have estrogen blockers, although that still isnt entirely effective

It's not a guaranteed side and depends on the compound.

You can recognize steroid users based on how they look? I'm sure you could make quite a penny working for WADA, they'll be glad to know their expensive tests aren't necessary anymore now that a random boob on the internet came up with an unbetable method.

You have no idea what you're talking about do you?
I am not a steroid user, I just happen to know that you're wrong. And if you're right, if you have a unfaillible method, get a job at WADA, prove me that they believe you and you have no false positives or false negatives, I will gild you a hundred times.


Ok man, now you just sound retarded. We're done here, come back when you have something resembling anything intelligent to say.

lol, as though I engaged you in the first place

you're like one of those skanks who comes up in a bar, sits on some guy's lap, and then slaps him and shrieks I HAVE A BOYFRIEND ALREADY!

you're like one of those skanks who comes up in a bar, sits on some guy's lap, and then slaps him and shrieks I HAVE A BOYFRIEND ALREADY!

lmao when has this ever happened?

oh right, never.

please stop replying to me, I'm engaged

i'm shocked tbh

you wouldn't know her, she lives in Canada

Moonface/gyno typically only occurs when people don't take an estrogen blocker while on steroids.

No, it isn't.

There's a very popular routine called PPL that demands 6 days a week. Tons of natties like myself do it.

Rest days are for the feeble.

That is a rest day

Can you count? A week 7 days, you do 6.

Man I almost forgot about that but it just came into my mind. Guy just wasn't getting the concept.

I've done that for several periods in the past, but that was just my regular 5 training days with an extra two days of some light speedwork, core and mobility thrown in. Definitely don't need PEDs to train every day.

You sound like someone who hasn't even gone one day without a rest day.

If you're on a 5 or 6 day split programme it's not that hard to go in every day. Some days you might need to go lighter than others, some days you'll need more rest than others, but going to the gym every day is definitely not 'something only a juicer would do'.

What I see there is just massive amount of gays in denial.

I think that the no homo thing started in /fit/

Just like in /r/drama but you are wrong in the denial part. We are very aware.

welcome to any bodybuilding forum, may I take your order

Can I order a bussy?

yeah but it's 99 cents extra

you want a straw with that

And a little umbrella.

Thank you for understanding

/r/bb isn't even really in denial about it

Your link leads to nowhere. #404

lol think and you'll figure it out

Oh, got it

I hope that dude isn't a native English speaker.

Just like how Zyzz totes was clean and it was totally a coincidence that his heart exploded in a sauna.

He had a preexisting heart condition and was using copious amounts of other drugs...

Well the steroids made it worse. It's a shame, he was so hot. Zyzz should have done gay porn before he died.

I think Zyzz was pretty open about his use

Eh, Zyzz was very open about steroids.

I'm surprised at r/drama users for knowing anything about fitness. And most bodybuilders seem to be closet gays.

i don't hate the steroid accusations because at least people are acknowledging the gains and paying attention to my physique.

I don't know why, but this just sounded really sad. Like I felt like I saw into the part of his psyche going "please give me validation and praise! I seem confident but I'm actually very insecure so please tell me I'm man- pretty"