For some reason, the Great Wall of Amerikkka™ needs a prototype to see how walls work. /r/SanDiego is not happy to be the guinea pig for the God Emperor's upcoming erection

37  2017-04-12 by Wraith_GraveSpell




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While Trump has continued to push for the wall’s construction, funding for the project has not been secured. The latest construction cost estimates are upward of $21 billion.

And he's having a hell of a time convincing congress to agree to pay for it.

mexico is gonna pay for it

what do you mean "that makes no fucking sense"?

The part where we're able to force a country to pay for what is essentially "our" property

He can foot the bill himself, and send an invoice to Mexico.


that invoice will be thrown out

Put a lien on them, and then foreclose on their country. Its genius!

Trump is gonna use his entertainment connects and hire those Operation Repo guys on Trutv.

They can't repo something that has actual value?

like the one he embarrassingly gave to Merkel

jfc trump is nothing if not the embarrassing drunk uncle who grabs your fiancees pussy at thanksgiving dinner

That was way too specific too deny the fact you're thinking of an actual uncle of yours that you resent.

Dear Penthouse Letters,

I never thought this would happen to me, but

The latest construction cost estimates are upward of $21 billion.

there's no fucking way the cost will be under 100 billion if the idiots in Washington actually fund this retarded wall mark my words

Government projects are usually run very efficiently and come in well under budget so I don't know why in the world you'd say that.

Haha it's funny cause it's the opposite!

shut the fuck up

No u

Yup. The electric speed choo choo in CA is almost done already! And at way less than legislature said that would be!

Government projects are usually run very efficiently and come in well under budget

your joke slayed me bro now im a ded skellingten

Here's the kicker: Trump wants to slash funding for infrastructure to help build the wall, so assuming this fucking eyesore ever gets built, there would be a severe lack funds to actually maintain it.

I expect 2 things from that wall

  1. It will not be anywhere near finished

  2. It will cost way more than 21 billon

Better off building a moat full of burning oil

21 billion is the conservative estimate.

whats the liberal estimate (yeah yeah ill go line up against the wall)

I've read that it could cost as much as $40 billion

it could be worse it couls be like texas roadway construction and you could live have 7 generations and each genration could die at 150 and it might still only be a quarter finished

You know who else isn't happy with the God Emperor's erections? Melania.

And his daughter

Yeah. Luckily they both have Barron.

/>11 years old but still 5'10

Manlets BTFO

this is what you want


Of course Californians are against the removal of illegal aliens. If they are removed who the fuck is gonna make their food, clean their house, pick up the trash, mow the lawn, and be the person looked down upon by lower middle class white people who think they're rich?

If only Lex Luther had been successful in Superman 3.

How does a wall remove illegals???

With posts like that you'll fit in perfectly here.

post bussy, mayocide now! DAE the truth is always in the middle?

am i doing it right?

Not really.

You need to put some thought into it. If you just want to spout random nonsense then you'll fit in better in /r/subredditdrama.

We take Mayocide seriously around here and will not abide triviality.

Superman 3

I ask you to kill superman and you can't even do that. One. Simple. Thing. literal mic drop

As someone from Europe, it's really sad how racist the US is. In my country (I'm European), anyone can stay here, and the idea that you'd need a visa is ridiculous. In Europe, we welcome all people (just not gypsies).

Frankly, I (a European from Europe) find your fascination with borders to be more than a bit racist. We Europeans would never build a wall nor a fence -- instead we would welcome all people -- we Europeans are not racist like the fatamericans.

You forgot your /s. All those people fleeing war in Syria weren't exactly welcomed with open arms by your continent.

There's no need for a /s if you're not autistic.

Look where you are

You forgot your /s

go back to SRD

/s is the worst meme except for "you forgot your /s"

/s is the worst except when it's not


3 "m"s you degenerate h1m3



I wonder if i can move to Europe? I always wanted to have sex with a swedish girl.

You have no chance if you're a cumskin. Otherwise you'll just be a rape statistic.

Would a transgender refugee raping him count as a Swedish girl?

this but unironically

big if tru

Too true, friend! We welcome everyone here in Europe.

Except gypsies. Those people are subhuman scum.

Europeans tend to go from 0 to 1488 when it comes to the Roma


Do you happen to be European?

ur a kuk lel XD

This but EuropeanUnionically

Its funny because Theresa May was on her podium calling Trump's wall "deeply divisive" and "offensive to the mexican people". Not 5 minutes later construction started on this.

Fucking lol, why the fuck would you need a prototype wall

Also where's the drama OP most of them in that thread seem to be agreeing with each other, call me back when someone firebombs one of the mac trucks carrying the supplies

they are going to have to guard that construction like hawks, because people are gonna blow that shit to smithereens every chance they get

it's gonna be like the environmentalist/animal rights resistance of the 60's-80's

What if they're building a fake wall for everyone to try and blow up while they build the real one. 🤔

4D chess 😎


1337D Nier Automata but he's too dumb to find a nude patch

"Externalities? Never heard Daddy use that word. Must be lieberal hogwash."