The new battle between Shia LaBeouf and 4chan takes place in the Finnish Lapland - day 1 of 31

116  2017-04-12 by Raitapaita

Shia Labeouf is doing a new performance art project that takes place in Finland. He lives a month in a cabin in Lapland and communicates with museum visitors via text messages.

It's only day 1 and he rants angrily about /poltards.

the inside story on you young facists is a lot of you ended up in shock humour/lonely dude forums that nazi recruiters joined its not a fucking puzzle all the history is on the sites there you crossed ur nerdy hobbies with ur nerdy resentment Bunch fucking nerds with your dipshit teenage beefs probably started with a resentment of woman who won't speak to you and now you think you have become POl radicalized So how did it happen how did you become a fucking nazi? A bunch of real nazis whisper poison in your ears while becoming your only community - your only "friends" And they used multiples levels to make irony and bigotry more acceptable by drowning it in "oh were just joking" So you combine all this w/ capitalising on isolated nerd dude resentment & even deeper isolation bam nazi you can talk to any former "chan" boy & they can tell you how it went from "shitty shock humour" to "whites supremacist recruitment" The only "lol only norms care about hurting others attitude" + the general nerdy male resentment of these communities Its prime fertile ground for actual nazis to grow. People talk about pol, but you need to see the various communities converge R9k's "why won't woman fuck me" bs "anything goes & anyone who gets mad is just a normie" vs endless outbursts of anger at everything Pol here becomes less of an isolated phenomenon and more of a natural end point for all these circles crashing into one another & pol, also being its own thing menas it it rolled back into those communities amplifying your worst aspect then roll it back into pol So essentially you have an online pressure cooker to turn you typical teenage nerdy bullshit into honest to god facism

/pol thread about the new stream. Including speculations about the whereabouts of the cabin and the kind litteration of the pasta above. Shia was supposed to be isolated but apparently that rant was copied from Twitter, so it doesn't seem like much isolation. Also, some poster already went exploring some suspected cabins, but I did't catch that stream.

Some kids doing MAGA dance in the museum. They seem to be from the Finnish image board Ylilauta. /pol thread about the video.

What will happen? Will this be just a prelude to the real autism? Will the angle of setting sun reveal the coordinates of the "isolated cabins"? So many questions!

EDIT: The performance art project in question #alonetogether.




  1. This Post -,,,*

  2. He lives a month in a cabin in Lapl... -,*,*

  3. /pol thread about the new stream. -,*,*

  4. Some kids doing MAGA dance in the m... -,,*

  5. /pol thread about the video. -,*,*

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the inside story on you young facists is a lot of you ended up in /r/subredditdrama forums that nazi recruiters joined its not a fucking puzzle all the history is on the sites there you crossed ur nerdy hobbies with ur nerdy resentment Bunch fucking nerds with your dipshit teenage beefs probably started with a resentment of woman who won't speak to you and now you think you have become /r/drama radicalized So how did it happen how did you become a fucking nazi? A bunch of real nazis whisper poison in your ears while becoming your only community - your only "friends" And they used multiples levels to make irony and bigotry more acceptable by drowning it in "oh were just joking" So you combine all this w/ capitalising on isolated nerd dude resentment & even deeper isolation bam nazi you can talk to any former "dramanaut" boy & they can tell you how it went from "shitty shock humour" to "whites supremacist recruitment" The only "lol only norms care about hurting others attitude" + the general nerdy male resentment of these communities Its prime fertile ground for actual nazis to grow. People talk about /r/drama, but you need to see the various communities converge /r/incels "why won't woman fuck me" bs "anything goes & anyone who gets mad is just a normie" vs endless outbursts of anger at everything /r/drama here becomes less of an isolated phenomenon and more of a natural end point for all these circles crashing into one another & /r/drama, also being its own thing menas it it rolled back into those communities amplifying your worst aspect then roll it back into /r/drama So essentially you have an online pressure cooker to turn you typical teenage nerdy bullshit into honest to god facism

That's the most convincing argument for mayocide I've ever seen.

I'm gonna kill myself right now.

RIP in pepperonis broski

Does thi have to do with the weird capture the flag thing?

Yes but he is going about it all wrong. If he really wanted a good game of capture the flag he would put up the flag back up on livestream again, but this time have the audio coming from a different source.

The best possible outcome would be to have a livestream of the flag, but only have a shitty looking brick wall in the background instead of the sky. The twist is that the audio is coming from another webcam in a Brazilian favela that's facing a Brazilian flag. So when /pol/ analyses the audio and finds people speaking Portugese, they end up "tracking" it down to a super shitty favela and spending all their time snooping around cartel territory with obvious consequences.

This would bring the score to 3:1 in /pol/'s favour sure, but it would finally be a decent win for Shia.

Shia is but one man, the 300lb hacker 4chan has many faces.

I'd love to see him try this. I think there's a chance someone would catch on, but maybe he'd win.

This is going to end with someone's death.

On a long enough timeline everyone's survival rate drops to zero.

This is going to end with someone's death Shia's suicide.


Hopefully sooner rather than later.

I wish I had as much ambition as these tendie flippers.

I've never cared about anything as much as they care about fucking with this guy.

Weaponized autism gets shit done

Shia pill is pretty spot on, i wonder how much time he passed browsing /pol/.

what if shia stares into the pol, and the pol stares back into him?

what if shia becomes redpilled?

People like (((Shia))) are what people get redpilled to fight against. He's just afraid that the goyim know.

By redpilled you mean brainshwash yourself voluntarely in the other way by watching a 6 hours long video made by neo-nazis about WW2 ?

Nah Shia won't fall for it.

I dunno, Shia is a bit unstable, and /pol/ stormfags are almost entirely made up of unstable people. He might just fit right in.

He knows an awful lot about /pol/ despite pretending to not be a nazi.

Researching isn't hard

But knowing your enemy taints you with forbidden knowledge, making you a heretic.

stfu eat ur butt

"research" as in stealing info from some furries tweets


The rant is copied from a tweet by some furry

I'm pretty sure pol is driving this guy to suicide

From your lips to God's ears!

Will be the first Jew anyone on /Pol/ ever killed.

Why resort to suicide, when you can resort to mayocide? I can't wait til the Shia murder charges happen.

He's literally going to the arctic circle to escape /pol/

Will they follow him?

I hope operation kekdrop goes through

I'm laughing so hard im crying. Which is an achievement in Indian traffic

They're actually going to drive him crazy. Weaponized autism is no joke.

I'm expecting a murder trial in the future. They're going to push Shia until he finally snaps into a murderous rage.

Actual Cannibal Shia LaBoeuf?

The grim prophecy will come to pass.

Truly kek wills it

I don't really understand it at this point, besides perhaps because the past adventures have been so fun.

Shia was doing his damnedest to keep the country divided with his HWNDU project, and I can understand the pushback from that. But this one? This one strikes me as a I'm14andThisIsDeep art crap.

If Shia wants to livestream being an arctic basement dweller, I say leave him be.

Have you seen the previous pieces of performance art by LaBeouf, Rönkkö & Turner? It's all that quality.

Just the 4 versions of HWNDU.

Dear God...concentrated autism like that should be banned by the Geneva Convention in the same way biological and chemical weapons are.

he isolates himself and only communicates via text message? Well shit, I guess I've been a performance artist for years

He's gonna rage quit (suicide) in that cabin y'all

I honestly think Shia is somewhat correct. I just wouldn't say it like an angry sperg.

Sure he's correct, but so what?



half your posts are unironically edgy

Yeah but my point still stands goy

Yeah, that description is surprisingly spot-on considering almost everybody connected to the media hasn't the inkling of what 4chan is about.

The image of a celebrity pouring over 4chan posts to learn how to defeat them is oddly hilarious to me.

He'll either try to murder one of them or end up joining /pol/.

For when you gaze long into 4chan, 4chan gazes back into you.

Happened to me tbh

Who would have guessed that driving out social outcasts and further isolate them from geekdom when it became mainstream would be a bad idea?

It would be surprisingly succinct if he took it down about 10 notches.

He actually copied thie hole sperg out from a furry's twitter:

He's right but that's how any ideology typically recruits. Same with Marxism, Liberalism, Conservatism, etc.

  1. Find group with similarity
  2. Find problem of said group
  3. Scapegoat something for said problem
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 with shitty evidence.
  5. Ta-Da. Indoctrination

I still can't believe how quickly they found the flag out in the open.

It probably would have been considerably more difficult if they hadn't spotted him at a nearby dinner.

It's kind of funny how shia set out to take on a president and ended up locked in a war with /pol/ which by every appearance he seems to be losing.

oh shit, is shia the same guy who keeps playing board games against the fascists and losing?

Have you ever seen the hacker Anonymous and Shia in the same room? Wait for it. Boom. Mind blown yet? Shia is both 4chan and the party van.

Can't spell Chess without SS

He's right though, unfortunately.


Bunch fucking nerds with your dipshit teenage beefs probably started with a resentment of woman who won't speak to you and now you think you have become POl radicalized So how did it happen how did you become a fucking nazi? A bunch of real nazis whisper poison in your ears while becoming your only community - your only "friends" And they used multiples levels to make irony and bigotry more acceptable by drowning it in "oh were just joking" So you combine all this w/ capitalising on isolated nerd dude resentment & even deeper isolation bam nazi you can talk to any former "chan" boy & they can tell you how it went from "shitty shock humour" to "whites supremacist recruitment" The only "lol only norms care about hurting others attitude" + the general nerdy male resentment of these communities Its prime fertile ground for actual nazis to grow.

...I mean, he's not wrong.

He's also not the first person to notice isolated people are easy to recruit.

I know there have been quite a few articles recently about recruiters for ISIS targeting people who are isolated. If you go back a bit, you can certainly find similar articles about cults focusing on people who are isolated or vulnerable. I believe Scott Alexander has mentioned similar ideas in some of his articles. I think even /u/takeittorcirclejerk has posts about how isolated men end up in pick up artist or red pill communities.

I mean... is this a surprise to anyone? Isolated people are generally who cults go for. Being isolated makes you vulnerable in ways having a strong community would protect you from.

Yep, isolated and they feel like they have no path are the pool a lot of these groups pull through. The Donald bitches about Isis being an Islam thing when it's something like this Isis: brown people, gangs: the hood, cults: mayos

isolated people are easy to recruit.

Its a banal observation, though. Anyone posting shit on the internet is doing it because they are isolated from people that they can talk about those things with in person.

Oh, it certainly is. My intention was along the lines of Shia's not wrong, but he isn't saying anything revolutionary.

Oh, of course it's been observed for a while, and luckily it's becoming more well-known. I've been complaining about it for 3-4 years now.

complaining to who?

well as of now, us

His cat

Snally is a grill FYI

What's to complain about?

Like how NEETs end up as socialists.

NEETs are prime fuel for any type of radicalization, really.

This is shockingly perceptive from Shia /pol/ and /r9k/ just got exposed something rotten.

it's copypasta from a furry who posted that on twitter

Shia moves in some strange circles, is he the most famous furry I wonder.

shia is spitting the truth from the arctic circle too real

fairly accurate

He is absolutely right


Some kids doing MAGA dance in the museum.

Once again white inbreeding leads to terrible dancing. This is basically the blonde backseat girl dance from the Friday music video, but several minutes long instead of 2 seconds.

This is even more cringey. The same guy is praisin Kek as normies are walking by.

Black inbreeding leads to terrible.

You're meant to be crazy when you get out of the cabin, not when you go in.

I hate to say it but he's pretty spot on actually

People's whose views are verboten from public discussion under liberalism turn to non-liberal perspectives?

Who would have guessed!

Freedom of speech is one of the main ideas of liberalism. People discuss different and even abhorent views all the time, and /pol/ can exist because of this great liberal principle.

Anyway, congratulations on accepting who you are. I support your transition from /u/YourGayOpinion to /u/AGayOpinion

Yeah, I know. Nobody respects American "liberals" anymore partly because they have abandoned liberal principles like free speech. Now it is only abhorrent Nazis* who care about freezes peaches.

Your opinion is awesome despite is faggotude.

Furry twitter account

completely invalidates absolutely everything said

For some reason imagining him angrily reading 4chan and calling people idiots in pol/r9k is so surreal. And hilarious.

Shia got BTFO so hard he had to move to the arctic circle haha!

Soon Shia will be more famous as a pol LOLcow than as an actor.

Be /pol/ Autisticly screech at the "regressive left" and left leaning extremists Shia creates a camera that people can vent in front of because believe it or not liberals aren't heartless nutjobs and may actually be genuinely concerned about the future of their country /pol/acks, instead of shitting on extremists, decide to shit up Shia's rather peaceful anti-Trump gathering Literally driving a liberal's actions further into extremism Completely lack self-awareness

Mission failed, we'll get 'em next time.

Tldr: "It's their fault I'm retarded!"

Shia is a pretentious dickhead. He starts these public demonstrations then get a butt hurt the people he is speaking down to fight back. Fuck him.

Fuck him.

You sound butthurt about someone else's opinions, bussy.

The irony....

You first

I think that annoying social justice purists drove some portion of people into 'alt right' places like /pol/ and Breitbart, but now they are so popular and such unironic assholes with no way of correcting or even (self-examination) because of the strength of the circlejerk that they are driving people away from them just like the social justice people.

I think this is mirrored by the Trump basically adopting the republican platform and the Republicans doing nothing for that strata of working class white people that won Trump the election in a few states. So their voter enthusiasm and support for him is dropping off a cliff since the healthcare act, so much so that a democrat nearly won in Kansas.

Videos in this thread: Watch Playlist ▶

(1) The Triggering of Shia He Will Not Divide Us (2) Capture the Flag He Will Not Divide Us (3) Liverpool's Closed He Will Not Divide Us +7 - For those who haven't done their Shia homework:
(1) He Will Not Divide Us - Finland Cuckshed - Shadilay Edition (2) Shia LaBeouf #ALONETOGETHER @Kiasma Helsinki +4 - The pasta was sourced from a furry twitter account: Anyway, here's Shadilay: finanons fucking with him for 40 mins:
Praise Kek at #ALONETOGETHER (Shia Labeouf's new project) +1 - This is even more cringey. The same guy is praisin Kek as normies are walking by.

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A bunch of real nazis whisper poison in your ears while becoming your only community - your only "friends"

Are you guys my friends?

No, we are basically the DMZ between commies and nazis.

We had a lot of Finns on European... I mean a lot. Finns are usually armed, and he's ranting about Nazis on /Pol/. Dude is really digging his own grave.

Really? I wouldn't think Finnish people to be particularly racist

There's certainly never been any racism towards Russians. As for the refugees... even the Iraqis would rather go home than stay here.

Good for Finland! If only the rest if the world followed suite.

It's not rascism you dolt, it's realism.

tfw you don't know if a comment on drama is serious and someone actually thinks this or not serious and is joking but you feel bad either way

Tfw you see my other comments:

: .. (

It's kind of weird to say that Finns would be usually armed... Many people have hunting rifles but they don't carry them just like that, only when hunting. There are some actual violent nazis in Finland, but I think that they don't care much about Shia.

Well, you should be carrying a rifle all the time if you're in Lapland and venturing out into the wilds so to speak. I'm not sure if it's still the case, but it was a fineable offence to go out without being armed, for your own good. Unless you really want to be killed by wolves or something.

Shia is in this part of Finland so if they did find him, they'd be armed anyway to travel there. You are right about the hunting rifle but that's precisely what you'd use anyway.

:D No, you don't need to carry a rifle to travel in Lapland. I have never heard even the trekkers or cross country skiers to carry a rifle. And I think that wolves have not killed anyone in Finland for 100+ years.

And no, it's not fineable offence to go out without firearms!

So let me get this right. Wilds full of bears, wolves and Santa Claus are safer than Chicago?

Definately safer. The last time a bear killed a person in Finland was in 1998. The last snake bite death was also in 1998. Animals tend to avoid people. The actual danger in the forest would be getting lost and freezing to death. A moose is dangerous if it runs to a road and crashes with a car, as they sometimes do. Rifle doesn't help in that situation...

Northern Norway could really learn a lot then. Though if you're in a car it doesn't matter, it's just for those venturing into the wilderness, though it could be if they're venturing into parts where it's known there are polar bears.

I'd feel sorry for him if he didn't have such a retarded sense of self-importance. Performance art is garbage and a blight on what art is.

even deeper isolation bam nazi

cabin in Lapland

1 more season of HWNDU and he's going to be so nuts he'll be trying to drop redpills on /pol/

I predict eventually Shia's end will mirror Hitler's.

X DD FUG! !1-