Mod of /r/globaloffensive is a cheat developer

18  2017-04-14 by geraldo42

The admins have been hitting this one super hard because it's doxxy as fuck so you'll have to take my word on it to some extent. Here's a screenshot of the original post with all the interesting bits edited out. The tl;dr is that one of the CS:GO mods works on a cheat called aimtux. It appears to be some kind of neckbeard linux aim hack. He made 0 effort to hide his real name or separate his reddit account from his other accounts but since people started noticing he's been crying to the admins and getting them to remove everything from reddit. He's also deleted a lot of information from his personal site. We'll see what happens when the /r/GlobalOffensive community actually figures it out.


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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  3. /r/GlobalOffensive -,*,*

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who cares, csgo and all other "esports" are utter garbage (cept maybe traditional fighting games)

who cares

The CS:GO subreddit for one. it's going to be a shitstorm if any posts ever make it through.

i hope they find out. everyone jn that sub goes supersperg at any mention of cheats

But eSports drama is fun.

Mod of /r/globaloffensive has the same name as a cheat developer. The CS:GO's equivalent of /r/conspiracy tries to connect the accounts but come up with nothing.


"They just have the same name, live in the same place, play the same game and code in the same languages!"

Occam's razor.

Different parts of the same country. Play the same game and code in the same languages because the OP of that thread found the two accounts on GitHub while browsing for CS:GO related accounts, neither the coding language or names are uncommon in either. None of it is enough to conclusively say, beyond a reasonable doubt that they are the same person. There is nothing else to connect the two accounts, all the information such as his blog that was being shared contained nothing connecting the accounts. These are very weak accusations.

That community has had a conspiracy theory that we are 'bought' out by cheat developers for a long time now just because we do not allow cheat accusations on /r/GlobalOffensive (discussion about cheating and the issue of cheating is allowed, as long as users or players aren't accused directly). If they spent as much time and effort actually analysing any cheat content and presenting it to the relevant organisations rather than spinning conspiracies about our subreddit and complaining about how nobody does anything about the information they don't send to anybody (they never approached us with the information about the moderator first but decided to start a witchhunt based on very little information), then maybe they would have some credibility.

The irony is that OP of that thread admitting to being a cheater and having contributed to the development of a cheat, yet all anybody cared about was proving a ridiculous theory so they could all feel avenged from having their witch hunts removed from our subreddit and feel like they had actually confirmed something for once.


terrorists win

The part that sealed it for me was the fact that they both use i3 and run Arch. How many talented 20 year old australian c++ devs can there actually be who have the same name and use the same neckbeard windows manager?

It seems pretty damning to me. I'm usually skeptical but I just don't see a way that this could be two separate people unless the cheat developer was purposefully trying to make himself look like the cs:go mod. If it were the US I'd creep them and look up public records to see if there really are two people but I don't know how to do that in their country.