Maximum butthurt over in /r/CringeAnarchy after user makes fun of antifa getting punched in the face by Nathan Damigo.

31  2017-04-16 by -Terriermon-

Tbh though, the entire comment section is one giant shit show.


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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lol i watched that shit live. at one point he took a break from losing his shit and people were chanting 'dance off.' i can't find a video of it :(

who is nathan damigo?

Better known of all the useful idiots who thought Donald Trump would bring about 180 degrees in everything America does including getting rid of Saudis and Israelis and everything that conspired a mayocide.

Then, it turns out, for all his efforts to get Trump elected, he gets to punch a girl on the street.

Fly glue trap is all Trump is for these guys.

He's a huge white separatist/nationalist and founder of identity evropa.

Def on the shorter side of reality.

Lol they made him taller in the edit

account suspended :(

White supremacy isn't the same thing as white nationalism. You have a really americanized and dumbed down understanding of right wing politics.

I'm sorry, /u/everycommieshoulddie is there some nuance that anyone should care about ever? One advocates for a white ethno-state because mayos and the other says whites are superior because mayos.

The really confusing part is that their whole plan depends on white unity, but I'm white and I think they're retarded. Even if they got rid of all the ethnics, then they would have to get rid of all the gays, the lefties, the fatties, the clever people, the vegetarians, the people from Shelbyville, basically everyone that isn't directly related to them.

Only then will they realize that they could have been fucking their cousins this whole time.

Its okay, both of you mayos will be dealt with on the dotr

Will they also get rid of the manlets? I somehow doubt that Nathan Damigo would advocate for that.


Very intimidating!

I think we're in midget territory there tbh.

Is there such thing as a manletlet? If not, that term needs to exist.

Being a cunt just makes you seem like a cunt.

holy fuck he's short. Got a mean underbite/Hapsburg jaw too

Doesn't really require white 'unity'. It just requires them to make people afraid of blacks. Those people can still hate the White Nationalists, but then they'll have no choice but to go along with it.

You may hate Trump, but if Canada invaded tomorrow, you'd end up supporting him very quickly.

Strawman! Strawman!

So, preface this by saying that I'm neither a white nationalist nor a white supremacist (as a Jew I don't think they'd like me anyway...), but there's a clear difference. Nationalism is just the belief that (a) there are distinct and significant 'nations' or 'peoples' (usually but not always associated with a certain ethnic identity), and (b) these nations or peoples have a right to political self-determination in a state. So Polish nationalists want Poland to be governed by Poles (instead of Russia, Austria, and Prussia), Vietnamese nationalists want Vietnam to be governed by Vietnamese instead of French, etc. etc. Similarly, white nationalists think that X (in this case, the United States) should be governed by whites.

White nationalists are frequently (probably most of the time) also white supremacists, but there isn't a necessary connection between the two commitments. A lot of white nationalists who are fixated on genetics and IQ, for instance, will admit that Jews (whom they usually don't consider white) and Asians have higher average IQs than northwest Europeans.

Of all the useful idiots who thought Donald Trump would bring about 180 degrees in everything America does including getting rid of Saudis and Israelis and everything that conspired a mayocide - this guys must be their top low IQ dude.

He had such high hopes, but then, it turns out, for all his efforts to get Trump elected, he gets to punch a girl on the street.

Fly glue trap is all Trump is for these guys.

they absolutely have the right to spout their nazi shit, and I will defend their legal right to do so, but they also have to deal with the fact that, like speeding, many people will break the rules and punch nazi cunts in the face, and I thoroughly give those people my thumbs up for taking the risk of incarceration to attack people who think the genocide is cool

/u/rivermandan with the next-level doublethink. did you get lobotomized at some point or something? that's the only explanation for this amount of boiled-down autism in one comment.

what an excellent argument

Not everything is an argument you silly bitch

you're an argument